Chapter Eleven

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I’d made a mess of things again. I just couldn’t ever get things right. I couldn’t just have a perfect day without something ruining it, or worse still, ruining it myself. Just like now. Now I’d managed to get my best friend mad at me and run away from me.

Well then Louis, since you don’t fucking trust me at all. I’ll leave now.

But I had just been angry. I couldn’t believe Niall would, or could, say such a thing. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know if I should believe him. Harry was following him?! That was just absurd. I don’t know, I don’t think it was possible. But yet I had seen that person who had looked so much like Harry. I couldn’t really see him because he had on sunglasses and a beanie, so I wouldn’t have been able to recognize him as Harry. It was just the way he walked, though. I don’t understand how I know how he walks and behaves, it just felt like him.

But I couldn’t bring myself to believe Niall. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him; it just seemed so uncharacteristic of Harry, that cheeky, kind, sometimes funny guy to do such a thing. But now the question is: did I trust my best friend? Or maybe I didn’t…

It was impossible that I didn’t. But yet…if I had I wouldn’t have done what I did and gotten mad and defensive and acted the way I did.

I’d watched Niall walk away from me so blatantly, that disappointed look on his face. Disappointment, coupled with anger and hurt. I watched his quickly retreating figure and tears started to prickle at the back of my eyes.

“Niall!” Come back, please…

I’d tried to say that, but I only managed his name. And he didn’t turn. He kept walking on even faster. It hurt when he hadn’t turned. He always turned, and we would hug and make up again. It told me something: that this time the damage was different. This time he had expected me to believe him. He expected that I would trust him enough. So should I have believed him…?

He turned the corner, and then he was gone.

The tears were spilling out now, and I couldn’t stop them. I tried to, but they wouldn’t, they just kept pooling and overflowing again and again, warm liquid slipping down my cheeks. I ran a hand across my cheeks, trying to stem the flow of tears and clear my head.

As much as I didn’t want to let anyone see me like that, I knew that I deserved to wallow in my self-misery. I didn’t know who to trust, who to believe. I knew Harry wouldn’t do what Niall said, and I knew Niall wouldn’t lie, but that person was just so…Harry-like. Then things didn’t add up. So either Niall was lying and there was someone following him, and that someone had stopped halfway to be coincidentally replaced by Harry-act-alike or Harry was more than I thought he was. Or more than he let me think he was.

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