Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter 25! I am dying trying to write the last chapter. (Yes it means chapter 26 is already written >:D) My writing sucks today. :(

But anyway, enjoy 25! (I hope?)



The sound of the door slamming was the only thing that could be heard through the house for a while, and when it finally faded, the silence was filled with so much tension and anger and vented feelings that it was almost palpable.

I didn’t know what to do. Honestly, right at that moment I didn’t know how Harry felt about me. I felt so in the wrong, like I didn’t even deserve to speak to Harry to comfort him, or try to calm him. I was the cause of his anger, his frustration, confusion, sadness; I felt like I was solely responsible for that deathly mix of emotions, that for me to do anything to make it better would just have been contradictory.

I watched him sitting there, face buried in his hands, shoulders hunched, and not saying a word. If I knew him well enough, then I knew he wasn’t the sort to cry like that. He would but he would try not to.

Louis had definitely hurt him. He was a really sensitive person, he had always been, and he always got hurt by remarks from people he didn’t even know. Let alone someone he loved as much as Louis, I just didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t like I had ever been caught I a similar situation, as much as I tried to I didn’t know how he felt, or how or when it would ever get better.

“Harry?” I asked slowly, tentatively reaching out to touch his shoulder.

He flinched at the touch, and I jumped. “I’m really sorry, Harry…”

“It’s not your fault, Zayn, you don’t have to apologize for anything.” Harry looked up from his hands, and he looked so broken, so upset, like he was going to cry, fighting back tears.

But I do have to apologize. For everything. Nothing I say will ever make it better, I could spend my whole life apologizing to you and Louis and everyone I’ve ever did wrong too and it would never make everything right again. It would only make things better, not right.

And all I want is for it to be right. I just wish I wasn’t so stupid. And all I wish is for time to turn back then maybe I wouldn’t be so blinded by my emotions.

I wanted to say all of that. I wanted so many things, I wanted to do so many things, but they were all impossible.

“Thanks,” that was what I said instead, because it was almost a dream come true for Harry to be alright with it all. I shouldn’t want too much, especially when I know it’s not possible, right?

“You know you really need Louis here for this all to work out, don’t you? He needs to cooperate, to understand…” I approached the topic of Louis carefully, scared that the mere mention of his name might just cause Harry to fall into a sobbing wreck or something.

“So what?” He asked, shaking his head with a sad smile. “I made him leave.”

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