Ch.3 News

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It's been a lap of the moon since the incident my wound has nearly healed and I'm about to head out for a hunt with our new bigger, better and swifter prey team but this time we have Alpha.

Heading into the forest we split up Flick heads up wind with Buzz to drive prey down to Alpha, Breeze and me.  A huge male deer comes sprinting at me Alpha only looks at it but before he has the chance to pounce. It springs over me and kicks me in the flank sending me flying a short distance. Angry at the deer I try to get up and chase it but I can't, just noticing the blood trickling down my leg I start to panic as Alpha bolts after the deer I tell Breeze to not worry about me and chase something. She sprints after rabbits as I lay there helpless and stunned.

"Raven c'mon get up I'll help" Mutters Breeze in a worried tone.
The rest of the hunting group drag the male deer that alpha caught and the mole that Breeze caught but Breeze was far to worried to care much about her catch she was more worried about me and my leg.
"Alpha please tell me what happened" questioned Beta as Stone came and licked her on the ear.
"She got kicked by a deer" Replied Alpha as he trotted towards his den.
I lay down feeling embarrassed that night, the air felt colder and my wound stung like it just happened finally I drifted of to sleep only to wake up to the sun half way through its lap across the sky. I turn to find a small fish laying beside me I nibble it until it's gone like I hadn't eaten for days. And limped down to the small pond beside Alphas den and swiftly lapped up the water like it was going to be taken away from me any second
"Raven! Your ok! did you get the fish?"Asks Breeze
"Yea.. My leg still hurts but not that bad can you ask Alpha if we can go for a walk around the territory boarder?"I mutter
"No, no Raven! You need to rest! Well take a small walk tomorrow and they'll become bigger each day" replies Breeze
As understanding as I was, I was starving for adventure and the feel of wind gushing in my face oh that was the most epic feeling of all time.

(Fourteen days later)Padding across the plain field I'm so excited for my first hunt in many days as we sneak into the forest, through the long grass and into are lucky spot were we caught a good catch last time this time flick heads up wind as me Buzz and Breeze wait to snap the neck of any prey. Two rabbits hop towards me I bolt after the plumpest rabbit and Buzz races after the other. The rabbit was half way down the hole I dig a wider entrance and hock my claw on the scruff of the rabbits neck and pull it out to face its doom. I walk back to find Breeze with a squirrel in her jaw
"A deer got away.." She mumbled with the squirrel in her jaw
"it's ok everyone makes mistakes, I got a rabbit let's continue to hunt and track down that deer" Bolt says Flick trots towards us with a ferret and a tiny squirrel in his jaws
"Maybe we don't have to track down that deer after all"Bolt admits
We all happily stroll back to came and drop the fresh prey in a pile and trot of to join the others
"After the prey sharing circle we have life changing news to announce" blurted out Beta
We all gather around and share food I got part or the tender ferret. As I munched on my food Alpha announced the new news.
"As you know, we have been here for far too many laps of the sun and moon since we have been hereso we thought it's time for a change..."He declared
" and at dawn in two laps of the moon we will set North out of the valley and into some were that may protect us better from the harsh cold nights that are coming up."announced Beta
Few excited yips came from the small crowd some but nervous looks came from others.
"I will lead the way followed by Breeze, Raven, Buzz, Shine, Flick, Shadow, Strider, Stone then Beta. But you may be with our mates.."He barked

He was right it is getting cold I feel sorry for Breeze such a short coat. I feel asleep worried
Ravens Dream
*Marching through the forest*
"We have to put it behind us.. The death of one of loyal dogs.."muttered Alpha
Fear and panic make me wake up
"Huh" I mumble to myself  "Only a dream..or a vision?"I ponder
Getting up I walk over thorough the grass and towards the little pond of fresh water. Lapping it up, I lick  my lips and go to find Breeze.
"Had a dream or a vision that one of our pack mates died." I admit to Breeze.
"Oh..that's not good" she replies "we're going to catch twice as much prey today to full or pack" she declares
"Sure bestie." I say as I bolt of to the lake to continuously catch fish
Leaping down to the sand there are no fish in sight. I wonder down the sandy beach until I find fish. One, three, five, six Fish are caught throughout the day. And a added three rabbits and three ferrets from Breezes prey hunt team.
We ate like Alphas that night, I got a whole juicy ferret and a tender small fish!
I went to sleep full and ready to run like the wind, that's maybe what we're doing tomorrow?

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