Ch.4 The Move

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It's the day of the move. Where all ready and full of energy and prey from last night, (we went south)Alpha leads the way with swift long strides, Followed by Breeze and me and are other pack mates. We pass many unusual scents  and weave through a long plains field of long amber grass. The suns half way across the sky, high pitch chirps come from birds gliding above our heads.
"Not much longer until we rest" Alpha calls out "Hunt team, when we get there you must go bring us some prey" he adds
"Yes Alpha!" The entire hunt team reply
Still using long powerful strides we arrive to a large fresh water lake.
"Dive in everyone, You deserve a swim!" Barks Beta
Me and Breeze catapult ourselves into the freezing yet refreshing lake. Gently I skim my paw on the of the water, sending a mini wave of fresh cold water. By now many of the others have sprinted in
"Alright alright hunters we have a job to do" Explains Breeze
We shake the cool water of and head into the forest. Already the scent of rabbits are surrounding us
"There still in there burrows" whispers Breeze
"Oh, I can dig them out"I whisper back
Quietly digging the roof of of the burrows three skinny rabbits bolt out of there now destroyed home. Bolt dashes after one Breeze and Flick still behind me. I dig another one, one jumps right into my jaws and falls dead at my feet. Another two burrows later we have three skinny rabbits and two plump ones.
"Nice catch team!" I comment as we sprint back to our pack
"Five rabbits Alpha"Breeze reports
"Well Done Breeze"he compliments
"Raven played a strong part too." Breeze said as she glances at me happily
I wag my tail in appreciation
"Then thank you Raven" he added
I sit next to Breeze who's sitting next to Flick her mate
"I have some news" Breeze reveals "I will notify everyone after the prey circle." She added
This must be big news if she hasn't told me... I wonder, as I nibble on my share of a plump rabbit she announces
"Me and Flick are going to have pups" She proudly reported
"Breeze I'm so happy for you!"I cried
"So in awhile she will have to step down from top hunter"Alpha added
"And to not much surprise Raven is going to be top prey hunter"Alpha mentioned
"Thank you Alpha" I agreed as I munched on a bone

The sun has been down for awhile. I'm so excited for my best friend and to be top hunt dog while she has her pups. Breeze comes and lays down beside me
"Names.." She muttered
"Ha.. Yea"I mutter back
We both lay on out backs and watch the stars
"I will never know what to call them until they arrive" she whispers
"True" I admit
I lay back down and fall fast asleep with Breeze behind me for heat and comfort.
I wake up to hear the boarder dogs growling and alpha rushing to the scene
"What makes you think----Spot?" He gasped
"Tackle!, boy it's been too long" The Great Dane barked
"Do u know this stranger?" barked Flick as he stood in front of this pregnant mate
"Spot my name is Alpha now..., this is my pack your welcome to join us"Alpha asked
"Sure I can tag along!" Spot said as he pranced around meeting everyone
"Hey, I'm Spot what's your name?" Spot questioned
"Hi Spot, I'm Raven. Are u any good at hunting?" I answer
"Good?..I'm great I'll show you tonight!" He exclaimed

(Later in the forest)
"Spot you may not know this but don't run of if you smell anything you must report it to me"informed Breeze
"Sure"he answered as I catch a strong scent of deer
"Deer, North east " me and Spot report at the same time
We all take long quiet strides down wind I catch a glimpse of Spot staring at me with soft eyes while I stalk the deer. Breeze gave the signal for Flick to head up wind to drive the deer towards our jaws. The deer came at twice the speed of the one that kicked me many nights ago, a flash of grey shot in front of me. Spot had flung his jaw at the deer and is now bringing it down Breeze holds the flank and Buzz takes the front paws that were about to kick Spot away. One deer down more prey to go. Flick came back with a rabbit in his jaws and on the way back I got a plump mole.
"Excellent catch team!"Congratulates Alpha
"Spot basically took down the deer himself!" I report
"Well done to all of the hunters" He barks "Well done indeed" He repeats
Spot ate after me that night he had a rabbit and me Breeze and Flick nibbled of the flank of the deer.
Once again, I saw Spot glancing at me but then he swiftly looked at someone else. Breeze was steering at me to but in a friend way as usual me and Breeze lay down beside each other this time accompanied by Flick and Spot.
"That deer was so tender"Breeze explained
"Now I wish I had some!"Barked Spot.
*We all laughed*
"I'm going to sleep soon" I said as i unleashed a yawn.
"You and me both Ravie" confessed Breeze
"Ravie?" I answered
"Yea it could be your nickname!" Muttered Flick.
"I need to talk to Ravie" Barked Breeze
"We'll leave you to lady's alone" Chuckled Spot
Spot walks over to Alpha and Flick sits by the lake
"Spots into you!" Breeze whispers "I think he wants you to be his mate but wait until asks!"She added
"! I don't think so.."I Truthfully say
"Give it time" she advised
She walked away to join Flick. Then I rolled over and fell asleep but with a special someone watching me with soft kind eyes.

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