Ch.9 Forced To Move

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It was close to mid afternoon. I felt refreshed and calm, yet my stomach hurt I just ignored it and set of to gather more bed materials. I sweep together a large pile of soft dead leaves and lush lime grass blades. Slowly I got all of the leaves and lime blades together in a pile under me and Spots tree. I really miss our old home all the hunters huddled in a small cave it was so warm.
"I just talked to Nala, turns out that a giant fur is a bear" He barked still looking a bit confused.
I tilt my head then nod. Stone trots up to us.
"Can you fetch the pack some prey?" He requests
"Sure Stone" Spot replies
As we prance into the damp forest I catch a scent... Deer?, Rabbits?
"Do you smell that?" Questioned Spot
"What is it-" I try reply but I'm cut off by a loud bang only metres away followed by a loud howl. There's only one thing that could be...
"Humans.." I whine
"Let's follow the tree line so they don't see us and follow the pack.." He suggests
"I guess my only answers ok" I bark
"Good choice" he yips
We trot along the tree line. I'm unable to run. Another loud bang rings through the valley
"Breeze and her pups!" I cry
I was about to bolt into camp.
"There's only two pups I'm sure Breeze and Flick are able to carry them to safety." He barks in a calm tone
We keep on trotting through the trees. I start to sweat not from all the trotting but from panic and fear, another bang, then another I hear a loud yowl from Beta, only one outcome from that. I stop and peer  between two tall trees. I small lump of fur lays on the ground, Breezes pup... I take a sniff poor little Shadow... Without a word to Spot I trot across the plain field gently snatch up Shadow and scurry towards the tree line
"Why did you!- Shadow?" Spot barks
"He was all alone in the grass" I remark
We keep on trotting through the trees now with Shadow in my jaws. I sniff the air Fear, death and humans was all I could scent.

The sun has been down for awhile, when the humans attacked it was mid afternoon.  We all gather around unsurprisingly Beta is no longer here but.. Neither is Flick. I trot into the circle.
"Alpha I am going back my little Shadow is--MY PUP!" She yips
I place the pup at her feet, she soaks him in affection
"Raven thank you! Thank you thank thank you" she barks
"Breeze.. Bestie, forgetting someone?" I whisper
"No?" She supiously  whines
"I'll sit here until it hits you" I softly bark as I affectionately nuzzle her
She sits there for a moment. Then she starts crying, her head falls on my chest.
"F..F..Flick.." She mumbles
She stares at her pups
"They will never re..m..m.m.member their father" she whines

Later that night everyone huddled together, we had no shelter since the humans drives us out of our territory. I laid next to Spot and Breeze as usual Breezes pups huddled around her paws. We woke up to Alpha, he had called everyone together.
"From what happen last night, We lost three valued members."
I looked around Stone was missing.
"So I want a new Beta and someone to be third In charge " he barked
He walked around glancing at everyone
"Beta shall be..Breeze and second in charge... Raven" he added
I was a bit shocked but I contained my excitement it wasn't hard because Shine was sitting beside be abut ashamed
"And I'm putting everyone into groups"he announced "Even me and Beta are going to assist you. In rank for prey dogs Breeze, Raven, Bolt and Nala. And for boarder dogs me Shine, Spot Buzz and Stride" he announced
Spot tilted his head
"Spot you are swift and have a great scence of smell. I though you would suit this job. And in prey sharing order. Me, Beta and her pups when they get older Raven and her future pups, Shine, Spot, Bolt, Buzz, Nala and then Stride. Make sure Stride gets enough food please" he added
Stride gave a short yip of joy. So me Breeze, Bolt and Nala set of to find prey in our new area. Soon after we set foot into the forest we puck up the scent of deer, a lot of deer. Breeze and newbie Nala went towards one of the scents and me and Bolt went for another. We sneaked downwind towards the strong fresh scent of deer, already we had it in our sights three meters away seamed like three feet away. I gave the signal for my lower ranking parter to get ready but before we could pounce it heard Breezes and Nalas attack the foolish deer bolted unwarily at Bolt I pounced and took it down before it struck him. I had the neck and he pined it down soon it was a silent quick death. a little rustle came from the bushes just before a small foolish rabbit came hopping straight towards Bolts jaws thinking it was getting away from Breezes attack. We meet up with Breeze and Nala they had a deer it was quite large one, one of the biggest I've seen we all proudly pranced back to our camp Alpha was quite shocked with our catch he praised Breeze and me before gathering everyone around for our first prey circle in our temporary territory. With my new rank I got a rather large chunk of meat and Stride got the whole rabbit to hisself. After I curled up with spot we talked about our unborn pups and the humans then we feel asleep in each others warm soft paws.

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