Ch.11 Travel

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(Later that day)
Three lumps of fur lay beside me one grey female, one grey male with black patches, and a black and white female. We named the grey female Mist. The grey patched male Thistle. And the black and white female Rose.
"Their so beautiful, can my pups meet them?" Questioned Breeze
"Sure" replied Spot
Flower and Shadow gently sniffed the pups that mindlessly wandered around sniffing me out.
"Your let of from prey duties for the next three cycles of the sun so are you Spot" Breeze announces
"I have something else to announce" Spot declared
Everyone gathered around.
"I challenge Shine for a higher rank" he announced
Few dogs gasped. Shine drew her lips back unleashing a viscous snarl.
"The challenge will be after prey circle" Beta Barked
"Is on" Shine snarled
Spot laid down and licked his pups. As some crawled over for milk, Breeze laid beside us with her pups playing paw steps away. Sometime after I closed my eyes I fell asleep and woke up to Spot nudging. I got to my feet, I nearly fell over from the feeling of the lack of weight. My pups huddled together asleep it's safe around here right?. I got to my feet and followed him to the prey circle, there were five rabbits. Me and Spot and Stride shared one I got most of it because apparently I need it for my pups.

After prey circle I licked Spot good luck before he walked into the middle of the circle and bared his sharp K9s at Shine who did the same but more aggressively. She launched at him but with a swift slide to the side he dodged it then he pounced on her successfully he pinned her front paws down but was kicked off by her back paws he landed on the ground. but quickly got to his feet and hocked is jaw on her shoulder then let go she let out a loud painful howell and sat on the ground she looked defeated yet she got up and pounced at Spot he yelped but threw her of he was still unharmed blood spots fell close to me. I pushed my pups behind my front paws with a swift overprotective push. He gave her one last viscous slap with his sharp claws, she got up dazed and dizzy and tucked her tail between her legs and whimpered in a sign of her admitting defeat.
"Spot you will now eat fourth and second in command when you go on boarder watch" Beta declares
Spot trots over to me and lays beside me and our pups, I take a breath of relief, lay down and allow my pups to feed. I nibbled on my bone as Bolt lays down beside Spot and Breeze.
"Weldone Spot" Congratulates Bolt
"Thanks" replies Spot
They talked for awhile but I zoned out while Bolt and Breeze were talking. Somewhere in between I fell asleep.

I woke up. Refreshed and ready for anything that's when I heard Alpha talking in the distance. I left sleeping Spot and the pups and went to see what all the fuss was about.
"So get ready because we leave soon" I heard Alpha announced
"Huh?" I mumble
"We're traveling to new territory... Keep up" aggressively mumbles Buzz
I gasp "excuse me?" I growl "I over rank you. Don't talk to me like that" I add
"Sorry Raven" he barks
I walk away and decide to range how we will carry the pups with Spot
"Spot wake up" I yip as I nudge him with my paw "the whole packs moving to new territory, how will we carry the pups there's three of them and two of us" I add
"I can carry one" Breeze barks as she trots up to us
"Oh thank you Br-Beta"I bark in a friendly tone
"Anytime" she happily mutters
I lay down beside my pups for a second before Alpha barks for us to leave. I hold Thistles scruff firmly yet gently in my jaws then follow Breeze and her energetic pups into the forest. The sky started to lightly rain we kept marching through the forest. Spot, Rose and Buzz behind me and Breeze her pups and Mist ahead of me. The sun shimmered in a the middle of the sky we had been walking scene the sun rose.
"Breeze my pups need to be feed" I mutter
"I'm tried mother." Her not so energetic pups whined
She nodded
"Alpha we need to stop pups need to rest and feed"Breeze barked after she placed Mist on the ground
Alpha stopped and sat down showing that he understood. I laid down and let my pups feed and nap but it wasn't long scene we stopped that Alpha got up and started walking again. This time I carried Rose, we walked through the forest the rain had stopped but it showed that it had been raining from the damp soil and drips of water from the leaves above us. Soon the suns going to go down all my pups are whining and calling out for me. I scented a scent of deer so did Breeze and Alpha, he just pasted it. All of his pack are getting hungry including two young pups but he refused to stop for food. Finally the sun had gone down and Alpha slowed down, only then when I sat down I felt so unfit. Breeze lead the hunting party out and the tired patrol dogs set of to guard our temporary territory I let my pups feed when they had finished they fell asleep on top of each other almost immediately then I fell asleep.
Ravens Dream
*Pitch Black, Paw Steps*
"Mother, W-what's happening" yipped a pups voice
*Wake Up*
"Ravie I got you some food" barked a familiar voice it was still night
It was Spot and he had part of a rabbit
"There was barley any food" Spot added
I bit into the meat
"I had a dream, it must have been one for our pups in the future" I barked
"How do you know that?" Spot questioned
"He or she said mother what's happening" I replied as I kept nibbling the meat.
We kept quietly talking for awhile before I fell back asleep.

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