Ch.6 Coyotes And Ready For Winter

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"Spot.." I softly bark. All this time I thought I didn't like him but last night showed me different"l'ld too be your m..mate" I nervously admit.
He sits beside me.
"I've loved you the minute I saw you" He whines "just been afraid that you would say no.."
We slowly walk back, together talking about how we would tell the others. We arrive at the top of the rocky mountain. 
"We're deeply sorry Alph for our return with no prey" I apologise "but I have good news I wish to share after prey share" I add
as Spot stands beside me giving Alpha a clue as to what we're going to announce.
"Attention everyone" Spot barks as he sits down with his share of prey "Me and Raven and now mates" he declares
I stand up beside him as everyone yips with congratulations. Breeze walks up to me
"I new it I newt it!" She yipped her belly even more swollen than last time.
"Yea, I fell for him.."I admit as I rest my head on my new mates shoulder.
I walk of to get water lapping as I lap it up I hear something russell among the long grass and bushes I sniff the air..
"Coyotes!" I scream
I rush to my mate and my pregnant friend,
"Prepare to fight if it gets out of hand..." Alpha orders
we line in our battle positions, weaker dogs in the middle but this time just Breeze and Stride in the centre we bare our teeth being as aggressive as we can to scare away the predators. They are all around
we are  out numbered nine to around seventeen.
"I've still got your back Breeze" I bark like the battle we had many many suns before but this time "I've got yours too Spot" I add.
A foolish coyote springs towards me quickly Spot takes it down followed by another that springs for my flank. It didn't get along with my kick. I flung myself at a coyote sneaking up to pregnant Breeze now dead at my paws. To my horror mighty Shadow was getting drowned by six coyotes I attempt to rush to his aid but I'm blocked by fighting dogs and coyotes. Bumped by another dog I roll across the lime grass quickly I bounce up and pin a coyote down
"Don't mess with our pack... coyote" I angrily bark in its face then let it go
It bolts of in shock horror and fear. All of the foxes have either been killed or ran of with there tail between there legs. Yet not all of out pack mates made it out alive. Shadow is dead. And Flick and Shine are injured.
"All this time I though we were invincible" I gasped as I glance at dead Shadow
Flick is getting pampered by Breeze, and Shine is with Stride. I lay by my mate we talk about what we did in the heated battle.

Waking up I head into the forest with Spot to chat and prey hunt.

"Hey Breeze!" I bark as I pad up the rocky hill with Spot
"Hey Ravie." She mumbles with a plump rabbit in her jaw
"Nice catch!" I explain
"Thanks" She mutters
I sit down beside her
"Attention, as you know we have had a valuable member die" he mentioned "say what you wanna say as we lower him into this final resting place."
There was a dirt patch at the side of the hill Buzz his best friend and Beta lowered him into his grave. I rest my head on Spots shoulder.
"Thank you for protecting us" I say
"Yea thanks" muttered Spot.
I hear Buzz whimper as alpha tilted his head and started to howell saying his thanks I started to join in with the harmony of voices, when he stops it leads to everyone else straitening there head and quitting the beautiful melody only Buzz was felt still singing the many thank you he never had the time to say.
"I will take everyone that wants to come to the lake quarter of a sun lap away tomorrow to get your mind of the passing of Shadow"he announced
"That didn't make me feel any better" I admit
"C'mon cheer up Ravie" Kindly said Spot
That night I feel asleep with Breeze, Spot and injured Flick.

In the morning Breeze leads her last uniting trip and the last one for the season
"Hunt like its the only food your eating until new leaf!" She orders "I want at least three creatures from each of you!"
Me and Breeze set of together to capture rabbits, ferrets,moles, squirrels or deer for are now nine pack mates.
"I smell rabbits many of them" I report to Breeze
"So do I"she reports back
As we get closer the scent increases only a few paw strides away. So I take two quick quiet strides forward to see five rabbits nibbling on flowers. We pounce I attach my claws to the scruff of two plump rabbits so does Breeze then we snap the neck of our later feeds. Still wanting more prey we set of again, no scent we must have scared it way. Hoping not to ruin others prey catches we quietly sprint off into a deeper part of the forest. No scent.. Even deeper no scent apart from a skinny squirrel...even deeper
"Yum! Ferrets" I mutter to Breeze, she nods
We rush to the gathering of ferrets and snap three necks of unwary ferrets.
"Four rabbits and three ferrets Alphas going to be pretty impressed..." Breeze mentions
"Yeah! I wonder what the others got.." I question
"Hopefully as much as us!" She answers
It took us till the end of the day to get all the prey to the back of the den
"Well caught Breeze and Raven!" Congratulated Alpha
That night Alpha announced the amount of prey caught for winter.
"Nine plump rabbits, eleven moles two deers and dive ferrets!"he explained
Everyone yipped with happiness and we all fell asleep happy and ready for the harsh winter ahead, or were we?

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