Ch.13 Life Not So Normal

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I woke up but kept my eyes shut. I fell asleep in Alphas den its ok science I'm third in charge my pups still near me. I heard Alpha and Beta talking
"The new dog Fang told me that were the largest pack they have even scene"Breeze mumbled
"So there are more packs out there"he replied
She nodded, I opened my eyes and stood up
"Morning Raven"Alpha barked
"Morning Alpha, Morning Beta" I mumbled still half asleep
"Did you listen to our whole conversation?"Alpha questioned
I had to tell the truth he was my Alpha...
"Every thing from were the biggest pack"I truthfully answered "is there something I should know?" I added
"Not yet"Beta yipped
"Actually I think we can tell her" he barked looking a bit ashamed "since we are the biggest pack or think we are I can't kept up with all the fights, I'm stepping down from Alpha to be a prey dog. Call me Tackle" he added
I was I bit shocked...I'm n-now Beta...
"Who's forth in charge?" Breeze barked
"There is no forth in charge we have to choose someone" I replied
"Our options. Spot, Shine or Bolt" Tackle yipped
"I vote for Spot not only because he's my mate but he's honest, a great fighter and would be a good leader" I suggest
"I have known Spot for a very long time, and all those things you just pointed out are what we are looking for but I think it should be up to the new Alpha" Tackle barked
"Oh I've already made my decision, Tackle. Would you like to be third in charge" Breeze barked
He dipped his head to say yes
A small yip came from Mist in her sleep, I laid down beside her slightly disappointed but I didn't show it.
"After tonight's lap of the moon you Breeze are Alpha and you Raven are Beta" Alpha Barked
I got up and headed to the lake. It still night. I past many sleeping bodies some running in their dreams. As I drunk the cold fresh water Breeze trotted up to me
"One day I'm top prey dog, one day I'm Beta then the next I'm Alpha..tell me Raven will I be a good alpha?" She questioned
"With help from me and the rest of our pack I think you'll be great"I replied
She relaxes her head on my shoulder

(One month later) i jump into a calm part of the river
"How is this possible even that waters warm" I mumble as I desperately try to find a cool spot. I use my front paws to pull myself forward
"Ahh..."I bark as I roll around in a shaded part of the water, soaking my black and white fur in cool water. I stand up and retrieve my pups I carry Mist who isn't wanting to get in and Rose and Thistle keenly follow me into the water. Even before we get to the chosen spot they are already holding there head up high trying not to get their face wet. I put Mist in a shallow part of the water
"Stay there don't climb out"I firmly bark
Rose and Thistle are already swimming around in the water. Me and Spot get on our stomachs and play with them another small figure climbs on me its Mist she preaches herself on my head. A smirk plasters itself on my face then I lower my head under the water the tiny figure jumped of my head she swam around fora minute then got our onto the shore
"We're getting out soon"Spot barks
I climb out and sit in the shallows in front of Mist
"Why am I so little..."Mist whimpered
"You will grow sweetie, in your own time"I answer
She got up to sit in the water but were interrupted by a distant cry
"Foxes!"we heard Max cry from distance
My pups came jumping out of the water to me, I stood up they huddled under me. At the other side of camp I saw twelve foxes
"Pups roll in the dirt, descent yourselves and hide in the bushes together stay silent" I barked as me and Spot charged towards the fighting group.

I launch myself at a fox it falls down with ease. Three foxes swap Bolt I run to save him but something catches my eye, Shadow and Flower two foxes are closing in on them I sprint to the scene as soon as I get there I close my jaws around the largest fox by the time I released the dead fox the other had run of to fight again. The mini war was nearly over but the remaining five foxes didn't run way into the woods they started to sprint towards me and Breezes defenceless pups
"Run pups!" I panicky barked as I launched myself at the foxes, they bite at my flank before being flung of by another dog, none of the foxes reached my neck I always reached theirs first. The last fox fell to the ground dead I breathed a sigh of relief before running to my pup, Spot followed me and Breeze ran after her own.
"Rose, Mist, Thistle come out, the foxes are gone" Spot barked
Three small bodies came running to us wagging their tail.
"Ok pups wash of"I yipped as I plopped Mist in the cool water
They rolled around for a bit before, we all walked back to camp. The sun was in the middle of the sky I now lead every hunt and Breeze leads the boarder dogs.
"Pups just play or sleep around here until me or your father get back" I yip to my pups "Hunt time!" I bark as I march into the forest today Flower came with us to see how hunting works, Tackle was explaining what to do to the young pup
"Deer, south east" Nala reported
I lead the other dogs towards the deer
"Nala drive it down"I whisper
Flower tilts her head
"You'll see in time"I whisper to Flower
We heard leaves crumbling in front of us the deer was coming I pounced from the bushes at the neck bring it down with ease
"Bite it Flower!" Bolt barks
She sinks her teeth into the flank helping Dig hold it down, soon the deer was dead.
"I don't think there will be anything else around, it wasn't a silent death" I whine "Tackle take Fang, Whisper and Nala North and I'll take Dig, Flower and Bolt further south east, be back at camp by sundown"I add
I start walking further into the forest until we came across a gathering of rabbits. I snap my jaws in a signal to pounce somehow Flower knows the signal and springs for a rabbit half her size I hook my claw around the stuff of one and snap the neck of another before doing the same to the one attached to my claw, Digs rabbit got away but Bolt and Flower got a rabbit
"Not bad for a beginner" I bark in congratulations for Flower

(Back at camp at sundown)
We drop our prey at the prey circle, sit down and wait for everyone to gather around. Everyone comes drooling this is the biggest catch in over a month, Tackles group got two ferrets so that makes two ferrets four rabbits and a large deer all in one afternoon! Br--Alpha takes the plumpest rabbit and I take a large chunk of deer the rest is shared among the pack everyone including Stride fell asleep full that night

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