Ch.12 New Terriotry

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I woke up to a crowed of dogs all gathering around someone, a dead someone. I get up from my pups and go to see what had happened. It was Buzz
"He isn't even hurt" I heard someone yip
"No claw marks no bite marks, wait why is he bleeding?" Breeze barked as she stared at two small bleeding marks on his soft dead fur
"A slither-fang" I gasp
"No! Ugh it's called a snake" Nala corrects
"What ever it was it must have been a quick death I didn't hear him howell in pain or anything" Spot barked now standing next to me
I walk way from the death scene to my pups still fast asleep until Alpha declares that were leaving this territory. Beta scoops up Thistle I grab Mist and Spot walks after Alpha with Rose. I moan as my stomach growls it's like what ever I eat it's taken away, but for the best cause. We walk for hours until the Suns over half way across the clear blue sky until we stop at a wide river it's fresh I place the pups on the grass and lay down to let them feed. I lick my lips and stare at the water finally they finish there feed and I run to the water and quickly lap up water then return to the pups. I heard the patrol dogs in the distance or that's what I though it was I rest my head and gaze at Mist she's asleep must be having a dream, her little legs run in the air. Rose and Thistle lay together beside my arms and Flower and Shadow lay asleep against my back. Spots out on boarder watch early with the others and the other prey dogs are out getting meat for the pack.
"I'm hungry" Whines Flower
I spin my head around to see she's up with her ears back
"The prey patrol will be back soon" I assure
She snuggles up to me and whimpers as I hear someone in the bushes. I jump up and sniff the air it wasn't anyone from our pack. A lone coyote
"Flower wake up your brother and take my pups to Alpha den"I whine
Her face full with shock and she did as I said
The coyote sprung from the bushes it was covered in fresh scratches and bites it looked horrified to see me, I snapped my jaws it ran away out of sight. I sprinted over to the pups and stood guard until the hunters came back.
"Flower and Shadow badly need food" I bark as I rush over to the hunt team
The hunt team had two moles and five rabbits and a wild boar I got a plump rabbit and a mole to share with Flower and Shadow, They cleaned every bone till it was bare. By then Breeze had sat down by us
"I caught three rabbits and helped kill the pig" she bragged
"Nice" I replied
"Raven scared away a coyote!" Shadow barked
"We fought of coyotes, I didn't know one escaped" she gasped
"Thank you for saving them...again" she yipped
"It was covered in scratches" I whined "it was scared" Flower added
"Teach it a lesson" Breeze barked as she finished her share of prey
"So is this our new home even though there were coyotes" Shadow questions
"There's always going to be bad things when we come to new territory pups and Alphas going to announce if we're going to stay here, tonight before the great howell" Breeze answers
I gazed at the sky. It was a full moon, it basically lit up the night. As the moon reflected of parts of the river, I let my pups feed until Alpha barked representing for us to come to him. I leave my pups with Shadow and Flower then trot of to listen to Alpha
"We are staying, for two cycles of the moon not including tonight" Alpha declared
Then he raised his head unleashing a howell we all followed along barking our thanks then went to bed.I woke up to a loud howell ringing out from the forest surrounding us it was a boarder dog, requesting backup. I lifted my head and sniffed the night air it was another pack of dogs. Bolt, Stride and Nala help guard the entrance to the den(small cave) were the frightened pups were. We heard distant chatter then they all came closer. I breathed a sigh of relief but still stood my ground, there were six dogs as far as I could scent some stared past me at the pups or that's what I think they were looking at. They all identified themselves. A tan male GreatDane called himself Dig. A female beagle said her name was Rain a male corgi with a strong scent of human called himself Max, a male Australian cattle dog called himself Fang. A male spaniel called Whisper and a female mastiff called Flower. Alpha accepted there request to merge with ours Dig, Fang and Whisper are going to accompany us on our next hunt and Rain, Max and Flower will go on boarder watch.

(Later that day)
"Prey patrol!" I chant "hunt time" I add
Breeze is having the day of to take care of the five pups, Dig follows me and Fang and Whisper looks confused but tag along
"All you should know for now is to listen to me and not take of at anything you scent you must tell me" I quietly bark.
They nod, imedetly Nala scents deer not one but two
"Dig, Bolt and Nala take the east deer, Me Whisper and Fang will take down the big one" I whisper
We sneak along the tree line the deer are we're we crossed the other day.
"Go" I bark
All of us go after our targeted deer I pounce for the neck and Whisper and Fang hold it down. Nala and Dig hold the flank and front haunches for Bolt to finnish the kill at the neck. The deer weren't expecting us so they go down no problem it was a quick silent death
"Good but lucky this kill was quiet, I bet we can catch fish swimming down the river" I quietly bark
"Yes, I'ld love fish" Dig whispers
I wag my tail and lead the others down through the forest and down to the rushing river
"Now no one fall in" I joke
I show how it's done by scanning the water then slapping my paw in, went it came back out there was a fish attached to my claws the newbies tried it out only Fang could retrieve a fish.
"I have a way with water" he barked
The sun was down we had been hunting all day. We ran back to camp with two large deers and three fish.
"Well done prey team, tell me Raven who caught what?" Alpha questioned
"Me whisper and fang took down one deer, Nala Dig and Bolt took down the other I got one fish Fang got one and Nala got the other" I reported
"Ah.. I see" he barked then turns to Nala "climbing the ranks young one, third hunt dog but you still eat went you normally would" he added
She dipped her head in gratitude

That night I had a large chunk of deer then fell asleep beside my pups and Spot

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