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Mitch ran around in his room looking for his graphing calculator. "DAMN it!!" He put his hands over his head wishing this didn't happen.

His heart was beating when a knock was heard at the door and walked over to slightly open it. "Scott?"

Kirstin looked up and gave him a stare. "Am I as tall as that dude?"

"Oh!! I am so sorry I just.. Need to borrow someone's calculator." Mitch felt weird asking for help because it was never his thing.

Kirstin looked down and back up to his face. "I thought you had it right when we left."

"Well yeah but when I got back to my room, it kinda left my backpack?" Mitch lifted his tone and his body filled with worries.

"Umm. Okay how about I call the others over. We'll help you. I mean, Kevin is a human calculator."

Mitch thought for a while and said, "Well yeah, but I still need that calculator to enter class tomorrow. Remember I showed you the syllabus?... I would love to bring a Kevin though, not gonna lie."

Kirstin sighed and told him, "Don't worry we'll figure something out. I'll call the others."

She left the room and walked across the hall where Scott and Avi are working on their project.

"Hey guys?" Kirstin lightly knocked on the door.

Avi stood up and peeked through the door before opening it. "Hey Kirstie, what do you need?"

Scott was kneeling over a poster drawing and didn't pay attention to the conversation. He never showed a lot of effort but it looked like that project was his will to live.

"Well I don't need anything but Mitch does. He lost his calculator and needs help." Kirstin tried to explain to her bearded friend.

"Oh.. Kevin's in the bathroom. If that's what you needed to know." he said unsure of how to react.

"Yeah sure, that works. I'll wait for him."

Avi returned to his project with Scott checking what he has done.

The bathroom door opened and the sink turned off. Kevin peeked out to look at Kirstin. "I thought I heard someone entering. What's up?"

She looked up from her phone and turned it off. "Mitch lost his calculator and I figured he needs your help."

"Oh, not a problem. I'll come over."

Scott finally spoke. "You'll still help Avi and I right?" he asked pointing to the poster.

"Of course. A promise is a promise." Kevin smiled.

Kirstin then lead Kevin to Mitch's room.

They found the door wide open when they arrived.

"Mitch?" Kirstin asked looking around.

No reply was heard.

She glanced up at Kevin. "Check the bathroom."

He walked over to the bathroom and knocked but the door was pushed back from his fist. Mitch wasn't there.

"Uh oh... His stuff is gone too, Kevin." Kirstin said loudly while looking at Mitch's bed.


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