{Chapter 6}

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Scott, Rachel, and Todrick returned to the large room and took their seat. Mr. Yael walked over to the podium with a packet of papers. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"You guys will be having different assigned hallways to patrol. My helpers, Miranda and Liza, will be giving each of you your new hallway letter." He stood at the podium and watched has Miranda and Liza quickly pass out small squared sheets of paper.

Liza reached Scott's row and gave him his paper. It said 'Section P'. She continued to give out papers to the other guards.

Section P is the hallway where Mitch and Avi's room are located. 'Oh shoot.'


There are a few more minutes until school starts for the Ayrton students. Scott decided to return to his guard designed bedroom. He was still unfamiliar to the place considering he has lived in the student room for his entire childhood.

Scott entered the living room and sat down trying to process everything that happened in the morning. His head then felt heavy and and his biceps turned numb. It stayed like that for a minute until Scott realized it was the injection and that's how far it's going to go since none of the liquids have a strong effect on him.

He strolled over to the big kitchen and opened the freezer to get ice cubes. He turned on the sink and pulled out a bowl to fill it up. Scott ran his fingers under the ice cube holder and popped out the cubes one by one into the bowl. He waited for a while and then sunk his hand into the cold water.

The headache and numbness Scott was feeling slowly disappeared. He then confirmed the reason why the guards used a bucket of ice last night. It was like he figured out the secret weapon. The weapon that can turn the guards back to normal.

Because none of them actually have control over their bodies.

It was obvious at this point seeing all of them moving the same way and listened to ridiculous orders. They never took the time to see that. They were too focused on schoolwork and oblivious to the fact that the school was strange.


*Bell rings*

Students started to fill the hallways and entered to the connected building of classrooms. Their voices rang in Scott's ears as he left his room to go patrol one of the classroom hallways.

He saw Rachel in the distance going in the same direction as he was.

Suddenly, a boy who was her height tapped on her shoulder. "Rachel! You became a guard?!" He said loudly.

She eyed him back in disgust. "Ew, Matt what are you doing? Don't touch a guard. And don't act so friendly." Rachel scowled and continued walking before Matt could speak.

He then strolled to his classroom with his head down in confusion. Rachel wasn't that kind of person.

The bell rang again indicating that class had started. Scott slowly walked back and forth in the empty hallway to see if any commotion would happen. 'Being a guard can be very boring if this was it.' he thought to himself.


He was wrong.

A yell was heard from one of the classes and Scott quickly jogged to where he heard it.

"You reported her to them! I knew all along you stupid teachers visited the office after school everyday single day just to report students that gave you a bad day. But do you guys even have good days? I don't think so. Y'all have no tolerance for simple mistakes," The girl ranted. Everyone craned their necks to stare at her.

"GUARDS!!" The teacher yelled out facing the hallway.

Scott was standing outside trying to peek at the scene and flinched when the teacher snapped his head towards the door. He saw Rachel running his direction and knew she was going to take the girl. He wasn't going to let that happen.

Scott slammed the door open pretending to be super strong and quickly walked over to the standing girl. She struggled to get out of his arms but he gripped her tight and through her over his right shoulder.

Rachel had left the area when he got out of the classroom door. It was like if one player occupied an enemy, the rest leaves them to find more.

Scott remembered during the info session, they told him exactly where the confinement room was. He debated whether he should defy the school right now or play along and use her to find his friends.

The girl didn't scream the entire time or else the punishment would've been worse. The students were trapped if they get taken.

Scott could relate to the teenage girl and what she said since Mitch was taken for a simple mistake as well. He decided to let her go because there will be plenty of opportunities to confine another student. He remembered he overheard the guard saying many kids had been taken recently.

When Scott got to the staircase leading to the confinement, he knew there were no cameras around. The confinement room cannot be broken for anyone to escape so cameras weren't needed.

He set the girl down and put a finger to his mouth to shush her so she won't say anything. "Listen to me. I know you hate us all but please listen. I am going to let you out. Help you escape this school along with your taken friend. Well... Without getting caught myself, of course."

She glared at him telling herself to not believe the guard who had just put her in so much fear.


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