{Chapter 4}

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Almost falling asleep.

They cuddled so close making sure no one left to do anything alone.


"Mitch! Don't run away from me!! Come back, Kirstie and I want to show you something." He grabbed the small boy's wrist to pull him around the couch.

A small toy microphone sat on the table.

"That's so nice of you two! I will be sure to keep this in my room at all times." He smiled at his new best friend.

Mitch scanned the detailing on the toy microphone, he ran his fingers over the small buttons. He pressed the record button and spoke into the microphone, "I love you guys!" and then played it back to Kirstin and Scott. They broke into a fit of giggles.

Flashbacks and memories of Mitch weaved in and out of Scott's imagination like a needle piercing through cloth and back around. Leaving holes that filled up with happiness as he slept. His subconscious oblivious of the events partaking in reality.



"Can you sing like the others?" Mitch asked.

"Not really. I just started to learn how to play the cello and I enjoy beatboxing. My dad always finds it annoying." Kevin answered with a frown. He felt shame as he realized that he might not fit in.

"That's so cool! You can make the beat if Kirstin, Scott and I ever sing together."

His face shifted into a grin. 'Maybe not,' he thought.


The door slammed open disturbing the wolf pile of friends. Their bodies shot up as an instant reflex. A silhouette of two feathered guards stood at the door with an object in their hands.

"Inject the two on the right. I'll take the left." A low, hoarse voice gawked out.

Before they could react the guards' bodies covered the light from the hallway and a sting went right through their necks. Paralyzing them as their minds focused in and out. The room got darker, a new shade of black. And in an instance, they were out.

Kirstin and Avi dropped their shoulders as the guards closed the door to leave and Kevin fell back down on his side.

Scott sat up straighter looking around at all of his friends. He put a hand over his neck to feel the sting that had just left his skin. His vision was blurred as he tried to get on his feet. When he failed to do so, he reached for the water bottle on the small dingy wooden table. Before he could take a sip to wash over his dried throat, the door knob wiggled.

Three pair of feet materialized under the door and he immediately dropped to the ground. The door opened and he peeked through his eyelids to see three figures walking towards him. He quickly shut his eyes again and swallowed. Massive hands roughly grabbed his and slowly sunk them down what felt like a bucket of ice.

His blurry eyesight and foggy mind came back to reality when he realized the injection caused him to think slower and decreased his vision.

A hand was put over his mouth. "Don't speak. Don't scream. Follow orders."

His blue eyes widened with fear as he was dragged over his friends and out of the room.


"Mr. Hoying, we've been noticing some strange behavior going on in Avriel Benjamin Kaplan's room. What were you guys doing near the vent?" The guard sat in front of him staring straight through his body. He did not fiddle with his hands or moved. Just sat still.

Shivers ran down Scott's body as he felt this was the hardest decision of his life. Should he lie or tell them the truth? This could be their only chance in finding Mitch again.

He could blow it all.

"Um, we dropped something in it and tried to get it out." Scott gulped. 'Was it a good idea to lie? Would they even believe this stupid reason?' he thought.

"Hmm. Alright, if you say so. At this point, you already know we have cameras set in every single room." The guard told him. It was shocking that they showed trust towards Scott. "If we catch you doing anything abnormal, prepare for further questions and possible punishments." He stood up and motioned Scott to leave the room with them.

When Scott got back to Avi's room, his jaw dropped at the sight. The room was empty.

They were gone. His friends are gone. They took them. The only thing that remained to ever showcase that they'd been there once was the tousled blankets. He felt immense hatred for them, all of them. Even for himself for trusting the school for so long, for being blinded by the lies he was told.

He turned back to the guards and searched their faces for answers. "Now, we're not sorry for that." The guard spoke bluntly, no pity ridden across his face. Scott wondered, how did they not care? How could they not feel for the students.

The guard paused and spoke again. "Mr. Hoying, we'd like for you to join the Ayrton guards."


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