{Chapter 7}

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"Would you mind telling me your name?" Scott tried to earn her trust but maybe that wasn't the smartest approach.

She pulled out her ID from her back pocket and raised it up for him to see.

'Lilly Singh'

Scott sighed in relief and looked around to see if anyone was watching. "Okay, we'll leave this area like I never brought you here."

"And then what would happen?" Lilly tilted her head at him curiously.

"Pretend that you're passed out or something and I'll hand you over to another guard and asked them to carry you to the confinement room. When we get to this exact same spot, I'll tell them, 'Hey actually, she looks pretty swole. I wanna see if she meets the requirements to become a guard.' If I explain everything it will take days. You'll see where this goes." Scott tried to explain worrying what would happen if he fails to do what he says.

He then carried her bridal style with her head on his arm. While Scott walked through the halls to look for another guard, he paid attention to the patterns of the cameras and where they were placed. The info session taught him a lot already but every new fact can help ease the anxiety.

It was surprising Lilly already trusted him but it seems like students would do anything just to get through a day in Ayrton. They always expected the worst but had lots of faith in stopping the school from making their rules so harsh although every time that try to defy, guards would be right behind their backs.

"What's your friend's name by the way?" Scott whispered shaking Lilly to get her attention.



Scott finally caught another guard around the corner and approached him. "Hey, sorry to bother. Would you mind helping me out? My arms kind of hurt."

"A Taken?" The guard questioned picking up the girl.

"Yep." It felt weird adjusting to addressing the guard as an equal since they were always represented as strong and controlling but now, it was crystal clear that they were being controlled.

Scott followed behind the guard with butterflies in his stomach planning out his every move. When they got close to the staircase he tapped on the guard's shoulder. "Um, don't ya think she's kinda fit to be a guard? Do you want to bring her outside to the parkour to see?"

The figure turned around and nodded as he agreed.

"Hold on, there's someone else that I'd like to bring. Wait for me." Scott patted on his back.

Lilly couldn't resist letting out a tiny smile knowing all might go well. Scott opened the confinement room hoping he can find Hannah's name sign along with one of his friends. Which it was the main reason why he was doing all of this.

Hannah's sign appeared before anyone else's. Scott told the guard patrolling the room that he would take the girl for a little test and she might have an early release. He opened the door and pulled her out. Hannah didn't say a word, afraid for her life. When Scott walked her up the stairs, her eyes lit up as she saw her friend, Lilly.

Both of the feathered guards then came near the entrance of the school when Scott had another light bulb. "Want me to carry her now?" He smirked.

Lilly once again got passed over to Scott still pretending to be passed out. He knew the guard would be forced to use his own ID to unlock the door since his arms weren't occupied. He were to be the one to blame if anything happens.


This was the first time Scott had been outside using the front door ever since the day he arrived. They walked over to the parkour and Lilly was set down on the ground.

The bell rang for lunch time when Scott's heart jumped in excitement. This was it.

"You know what, I didn't keep track of time. You can go in, I'll stay outside with them until she wakes up." He smiled knowing it would do nothing because guards can't tell feeling.

After Scott was alone with Lilly and Hannah, he tugged on Lilly's shirt. "You can stop now." He explained everything that happened to Hannah and they were set to go. There are no cameras outside so they knew they were safe. Scott gave them a couple of dollars to grab a taxi and notice their parents about everything since they have lost contact.

"Thank you honestly. I didn't think this would happen so quick and easy." Lilly hugged him knowing she might not see him again and he basically saved her life.

"Please, don't get caught." Hannah reminded Scott as they both ran into another street.

He returned to the entrance when he saw a few guards leaving the building and decided to push through his way in. Class was dismissed and the halls filled up again with students. He tried to walk with the crowds hoping no one guarded the tech room like usual if school was in session.


This was sort of a filler but we will be back to PTX next chapter!!

And thank you for over 100 reads!!! <333

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