{Chapter 11}

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Mr. Yael's eyes searched around the large auditorium looking for someone. "Scott Hoying and Liza Koshy, please see me after."

Everyone dismissed to continue their daily routine of the weekend while Scott and Liza followed the principal.

"What were you guys doing with the iced water? Aren't you scared of it?" He asked them both. Liza gave Scott a worried look and back to Mr. Yael.

"No ans--"

Scott interrupted him immediately. "We craved it. I don't know, it was confusing."

Mr. Yael hummed and believed them. "Aright then. You will be needing new injections. And freezers will be removed from your rooms. Your hands cannot be in iced water. It's bad for you."

Liza quietly sighed and slid down her chair. They will have to go through it once more. This time it would be worse and they won't be able to stop the side effects.

The injection permeated throughout their bodies once again. They left the room to the Section P hallway to guard. Scott rubbed his hands on his thighs constantly, afraid that the headache and numbness might stay forever.



Everything seems to be back to normal ever since confinement. I'm still terrified but I'll be in my best behavior. We can't communicate that well from now on considering Scott won't be seeing us as much.

I just want all of this to pass.


Liza paced back and forth in the hallway glancing up at Scott once in a while making sure they are both okay.

Scott suddenly frozed in place and positioned his head straight at Liza. He shook his head and gave her a worried look. "I don't feel good." He mouthed.

Liza nodded understanding and continued pacing. Scott thought to himself some more of how to get the guard who's in charge of the surveillance room to be on their side. Everything would be easier.



Cameras are everywhere and they are constantly watching or replaying clips. I know it. Scott had mentioned about releasing two girls out of the school easily. I believe they are just hiding from us that they've found out about it. There must be some sort of control outside of the building.

Not only do we want to escape ourselves, but also bring others along. No one deserves to be in this place and families deserve to know.


Liza dropped to her knees and palms staring at the ground. She has been fighting the headache ever since it started happening but it kept getting worse. Scott however, was still fighting with his last thoughts.

What if the school sees this?

Just a few moments later he collapsed as well. Hopeless. Not being able to get rid of the effect after their freezers were taken away. Cold tap water just wasn't enough.

They laid on the cold hard ground wishing to be in a better place when they wake up.



I saw nothing but black and my mind wasn't thinking straight. It felt like I took a nap, but a very uncomfortable, bad nap.

My hands were suddenly cold and wet. The next thing I saw was something I wished I never knew of.

The principal.

He gave me a smile that looked so fake. I was being used. He helped me sit up and turned over to another figure on the bed.

It was Scott. A few nurses stood by the edge of the bed trying to wake him up. When he finally did, his eyes widen when he saw Mr. Yael.

Same, to be honest.

Scott sat up immediately determining where he was until he saw me and his shoulders dropped in relief.


"What happened out there? Was the dose too strong for your scrawny selves?" The principal asked feeling annoyed.

Scott squinted at the man and looked down at his body with a frown trying to figure out where Mr. Yael was coming from. Liza couldn't resist a giggle and covered her mouth before looking away.

"Sorry, sir. I just didn't feel good. I don't know about her, though." Scott answered pointing at Liza with his chin. They can't act like they know each other's well being.

Liza cleared her throat. "Yeah, me too."

"Well Liza, since you've been so good recently, I won't force you to have another dose. I know you won't disappoint me." Mr. Yael smiled at her and then over to Scott. "You however, we have a rocky relationship. I'll give you a lighter effect. It shouldn't bother you that much. Stay strong."

Scott nodded and waited for the nurses to finish everything. They both walked out of the room a little lost but Mr. Yael led them back to their hallways. On the way, Scott saw where the tech room was with all of the surveillance computers. He took note and continued walking.

Here we go, again.


Short chapter but MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE

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