{Chapter 13}

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We now have another person in the team. If Liza and I can keep this up, more will join us and it would only multiply. It is nearing the end of the school year and it looks like graduation rehearsals are about to start. I'm not so sure if we should continue or let them graduate and everything will be over. I can easily slip out of the school as a guard. But them?


"KOSHY!!!" The vice principal approached Liza's direction with a demanding expression. "Why was the tech room locked? And why was everything shut off? Where were you and that blond kid?"

Liza smirked and fixed her posture. "Don't worry ma'am. It's back and running. We had to deal with some ditching students." She was now so confident about her title since everybody trusts her. She just needed to prove them more of her abilities.

"Well, alright. That better not happen again. We always need those cameras on and running." The lady said and nodded before turning around.

Liza returned to her work and smiled at Nicole who was now beside her.


"Alright, everybody. Before we have rehearsals, we have a guest speaker who's been a student at Ayrton." Mr. Yael told everyone in the auditorium. Their heads turned his direction on the stage and listened closely.

The principal gestured to the side of the stage where there was a man in his twenties walking up to the podium.

One of his eyes were bright purple and the other was yellow. He looked odd.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Ryan. I graduated from Ayrton a few years ago and it's the best thing that has ever happened to me. You will be superior." It felt like he was reading off of something, but had nothing in his hands. His voice was in monotone and exaggerated the words we would want to hear.

The seniors in the room stared closely at Ryan to observe his features. He continued his speech slowly and persuaded us to all relax and life after Ayrton won't be hard. Everything sounded really sketchy but the students nodded listening.

All of the guards were standing on the side watching everything. Scott scanned through the audience and back to Ryan.

After his speech, Ryan followed Mr. Yael to a side door. Scott peeked at the edge of his eyes to the small window of the wall.

Of course.

Ryan threw his head back to swallow pills and snapped his body to the front again swiftly. Mr. Yael quickly stabbed him aggressively in the neck with a needle. Ryan didn't flinch at all. He stood up and bowed to the principal before leaving the room and waving at the audience.

The students were oblivious as to what had occurred since they were busy talking about Ryan's appearance.

Liza saw it as well and tried to piece everything together. The school loves injections and pills, don't they.

Scott stared at the ground as he was concluding what he saw as well. And he figured graduated students all get turned into different humans.

They might not even be humans.

Not only has he noticed this because of the guest speaker but old students would sometimes come back and leave a couple of minutes later. Looks like they are programmed to always return at certain marks of the year to renew their doses.

Scott can not let them get their high school diplomas formally. It has to be done illegally.

Guards watched as the students walked across the stage for practice. Liza saw the four and gave them a smile but it soon faded as she realizes she might not see them again after this.

Scott leaned against the walls with his legs feeling like they're going to collapse after standing for so long.


After two weeks of rehearsals, graduation day was the following week.

Mitch, Kirstin, Avi, and Kevin all hung out in the same room as they dreamed about their life after Ayrton. It would finally be all done. They could see their parents more often again. And they can be so much more free.

"We should all become singers!" Avi grabbed Kevin's knee really quick.

Kevin started to chuckle at him. "You're joking. I'm not a good singer. Am I?"

Kirstin and Mitch glared at him. "Are you kidding, Kurv?"

Kevin pouted and glimpsed over at his cello. It was like his voice.

A quick knock was heard at the door and all of them jumped up. Avi held a hand up to volunteer to open it. He hopped over and turned the knob.

It was Scott.

Avi tilted his head waiting for a sentence.

"I am not going to let y'all graduate like that... Don't expect me to look all nice and feathered next week. Got it? Get ready for battle, kids." With that, he left and shut the door on Avi with a stern expression.

Avi raised his hands up in surrender and steadily rotated around to the group of friends sprawled out on the ground.

"What... Was that?" Mitch asked.

Kirstin shrugged it off and hugged her knees. "I guess maybe they'll turn us into that dude." She was concerned at her own sentence.

Kevin turned to Avi for input but they were all speechless.

"Welp! Prepare for battle, kids!" Avi yelled and quickly cringed at his own volume.

"Swole check."


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