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"Oh my gosh! You guys look amazing." Kirstin brightly smiled at Kevin and Avi.

"Thank you," Kevin nodded.

They were sitting and waiting for their Sing-Off performance. Each of them matched their clothing by style and color. Kirstin had a special dress on while the boys wore similar jackets. Tips and advice from their arranger, Ben Bram, echoed through their ears as their hands started to sweat. The choreography was a bit nerve wrecking and they aren't entire comfortable.

Mitch pulled out his phone to skim through the news page when he saw something that caught his eye. It was an article on a familiar school. He nudged Scott's arm to get his attention and silently gave him the phone. Scott scrolled through for a while until he looked back at Mitch.

"That's interesting. Guys look." He faced towards the three others.

The article covered how a group of thirty-five people stood at the front door of the brick building. The new staff of the place asked them what they needed and the only response was, "Noah." They stood at the front doors and waited patiently until dusk.

The Sing-Off contestants eyed each other and all thought the same thing.

"That's why Ryan came back. To renew his dose or something," Avi suggested.

It was then obvious that the thirty-five people had come for Noah Yael.


The group went to their hotel rooms after the long night and had a little snack session. Each of them had occupied a side of the beds with their phones.

Kevin put everything down and rubbed his eyes. "How did you think those mutated students dealt with everything."

Avi sat up straighter, intrigued in the conversation. "They probably just stayed there day and night. I don't think they will even get tired," He chuckled.

Scott hummed in thought and tried to reason. "If nothing happens then why would they have to come back for another dose?"

"Well whatever it is, I hope it all goes well for them... As for us, I hope we do good tomorrow." Kirstin smiled at the group referring to the Sing-Off.

Scott's phone started vibrating on the bed table and the large letters showed, 'Liza'. He quickly answered it and put it on speakers.


"Scott! How's it going? Have you seen the news article about Ayrton?"

"Of course. Funny right."

"Very. Well, we did a great job then. I'm a little busy right now but I thought I'd give you a call. Tell the others I said 'Hi'." Liza finally said smiling although she knows he can't see it.

"HEY, LIZA!" The rest shouted.

"Oh my gosh! Haha. I should've known you guys were together. Do great on your Sing-Off performances. I'll be watching." She hung up and the choir friends laughed it off with red faces. Everything was going well for them. Their parents are more supportive than ever and they are at the best years of their life. Ayrton dragged everything down and stopped them from doing everything they loved.

A couple hours later, Kevin and Avi split up to another room and Kirstin left Scott and Mitch to go to a separate room herself. They snuggled in their twin sized beds thinking about the others as they fall asleep one by one.

They thought Ayrton was over with but it still haunts them every night asking them questions about the past. The group will adjust their negative memories in there and only bring the happy ones, which won't be that hard because the happy memories will go on with them many more years.



Yaaayyy!!!! A little short epilogue to end everything off.

If anything was confusing please ask because I know I don't include every single detail I have in my head.

ASK HERE!! 🐩🐩🐩


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