{Chapter 1}

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Kirstin and Kevin ran back to Avi's room and busted the door open. Scott and Avi were sprawled out on the floor, their heads snapped to the sudden entry.

"Mitch is gone! His stuff is gone too." Kevin said waving his hands towards the hall.

"What the--" Avi's face pulled into a scowl. His eyes shifted to the ground before widening.

"Avi, we should go back to his room and see for sure." Kevin suggested.

Scott looked up to Kevin. "Mitch couldn't have left right when he needed Kevin. They must have taken him." Something changed in the friends faces as they seemed to realize that maybe the series of mystery disappearances had gotten to them too, but they kept calm. It was too soon to assume.

"Their uniforms shed lots of feathers by the way." Kevin reminded the group.

They all hated having to live in the school because it felt like they were being constantly watched. They never understood why teachers of a higher grade were always gloomy and gave them glares. After class, they always rushed out of the room to go to the main office along with other teachers.

When a neighbor student went missing, it was always those guards with feathered uniforms. Students would return to their assigned rooms two weeks later and wouldn't be the same as they used to be.

A bang was heard at the door. Before anyone can react, the door opened in swift movement. "You guys won't be seeing your brunette friend for a while." A short frame, brown curly mane pulled into a tight ponytail, guard. A face none of the friends had seen. The feathers on her uniform lulled in the thick tension, they bobbed as she spoke.

The four friends turned around and stared at the feathered guard. Everyone was constipated with worry. They didn't know what to think or to expect.

"Ahem. I didn't mean to be rude, sorry. Hi, I'm Liza. Just a new guard who's in control of this hallway." she smirked. Her face was set and she looked like she could kill, but they could sense the amusement in her voice. Her eyes teased them, of course she knew what happened to Mitch, but she wouldn't tell. They knew, no matter how human they all are, the guards and the students are two separate form of species.

Scott stood up from his kneel, not losing eye contact with the guard. He felt a strange, concealed hatred for her. Unfair.

Liza figured no one would talk. "So uh yeah. He will be in the office two weeks from today and you guys can see him." She looked around, at their curiosity ridden faces, but she felt no sympathy for them.

Avi took a few steps towards her. "Wait, hold on. Can you tell us why he had to be taken?" His green eyes knit together in intrigue.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that. But you can take a visit to the office to find out. I hope you guys learn a lesson the easy way unlike your friend." Liza said turning around to walk out the door. Mischief threaded her features.

Kirstin looked at each of their faces. "What did Mitch do wrong?!"

"Do you think it was because they knew I was going to help him with his assignment?" Kevin started to feel guilty. It's a stupid, stupid thing. The school knows nothing of humanity. 'How can they pull things like this? All for wanting help? Plus, I didn't help him, I didn't get a chance to anyways,' He thought.

"Oh m-- Oh no. No. You're right, Kevin. Remember what happened with Colleen and Kory when the school found out that they searched for answers online?" Avi paced around grabbing a cookie from the coffee table.

"Well I was just going to help him, not tell him every single answer." Kevin dragged a hand down his face. His mind was twitching with so much, he didn't know how to focus. He felt like he was to blame for Mitch's disappearance but he also knew they were wrong, the guards, the school. Not him.

The choir friends stood still as they remembered how strict the school is for older students. And it once again dawned on them, how twisted things really are and they forget sometimes. Carried and concentrated by school work and responsibilities, they forget to think of the reality of it. All of them, brainwashed into thinking what the school wanted them to, they didn't care for their classmates, they spent their time studying not concerning themselves with the trouble that moves through the zombies. Zombies that know of nothing but what they are told. Zombies, is what they are, those who don't speak up, that don't resist.

Scott decided to break the silence. "We can't let them do whatever they will do to Mitch. Do you see how miserable those taken students are when they return?!" They were at a stop, a ditch in the road. They didn't know what to do, they could do a lot but where to start? Will they also get taken? One thing was definite, the fear of being taken. It sparked and buzzed within them. They had heard about it multiple times but now they were the context and it terrified them to no end. What now?

The group decided to take a visit to the office and attempt to find where Mitch is. They knew it was risky, but it was worth the try because no one has ever gotten an answer.


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SHOUT OUT to tHeNeIgHbOuRh for helping me write this chapter. Check out her books PLEASE they will make you drown.

In a good way.

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