{Chapter 12}

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Night falls again in Ayrton without any other problems. Mitch and Avi peeked out of the P hallway to give the two familiar guards a smile as to say 'good night'. Everything had settled in Scott's body and he was fine with the injection that they gave him. Liza thought of how much the principal had trusted her to let her go loose. Although the liquid is said to make them strong, he trusted her enough to let her go without it knowing she will be fine controlling the students.

Scott visited Liza for a few minutes before going back to his room for the night. He sat on the side of her bed and watched her prepare some midnight snacks. "We should come up with a plan to overthrow."

Liza nodded slowly at the suggestion. "We have to knock out that guard controlling the tech/surveillance room first."

Scott thought at her reasoning. "How can we get rid of them without getting caught?"

"YOLO." Liza took a handful of chips and aggressively shoved it in her mouth while looking at Scott raising her eyebrows.

They both giggled and prepared for a battle.


"Scott, don't worry. It's literally Monday morning. No one is going to expect anything." Liza tried to comfort Scott who was having trouble imaging how the process would go.

He nodded at her once and stood up to walk out the door. They marched down the hall and back to the place where he'd found the room. 

On their way, they were paused by the Vice principal. She flicked her hair back before folding her arms. "The young man in control of the surveillance room can't be there right now because of private reasons. Would you two take care of that for me?"

Liza nodded quickly trying not to smile at all. "Yeah, of course."

Everything was in their favor after all.

At this point, Liza was a well-known guard and someone who others really look up to in the school. The lady had handed her the keys and they are of to start.

The room was completely dark except for the light that was coming off of the monitors. Students were seen strolling around the hallways and there were so many hidden cameras they had no idea existed. Scott just wanted to get started so he quickly tried to find a way to turn off all of them.

As he was shutting them off one by one as Liza watched the door. Students were seated in their classrooms already so most of the guards are taking care of those hallways.

After everything was finished, Scott stood up and motioned Liza to follow him out the door. They locked the room up so no one can get in to change anything. Liza then slipped the keys into her back pocket.

They first tried to find familiar guards who were once students. Those are the ones that were most likely forced.


The tall blond and short curly haired woman glanced in each hallway with loud footsteps. When they caught someone, they both froze to try and identify the figure. It was Nicole. She was once a student as well and she almost got assigned to the same room as Scott when the experiment was done.

"Hey Nicole! We need help with something. Care to come?" Liza asked pretending to be really excited. The red haired girl appeared to still be a little angry over her replacement, but she shrugged it off.

They followed to the cafeteria to get something to numb Nicole since their rooms no longer have freezers. The cafeteria was completely silent except for the sounds of air vents and their foot steps. Nicole trailed behind slowly and still oblivious. They got to the section where the milk cartons were stored for lunch. The cartons sunk and blended with the ice shavings.

Scott gave Liza a quick nod and they started their work.

Her hair whipped to her face as she tiptoed to put a hand over Nicole's mouth so she won't scream. Scott grabbed her both of her wrists and shoved it in the ice.

Nicole struggled to kick them both and tried to bite Liza. Scott held down as firm as he can and signaled his ally to temporarily put Nicole in a choke hold so she would stop squirming.

It felt like forever to turn her back to normal. They almost lost faith and thought maybe this won't work and Nicole would just report them and they could get executed for defying.

Just a couple of seconds later, they didn't have to use as much energy and Nicole seemed to release all of the tension in her body. She leaned over to the milk cartons and breathed heavily. She stared right through all of the objects and tears started running down her face. Thoughts and flashbacks were racing through the girl's head of when she was asked to work for Ayrton.

Scott and Liza glanced at each other a little lost but put their attention on Nicole.

As she was sniffling she straighten herself and turned around to look at both if the guards. "Thank you... So much." Nicole squeezed them both in a hug.

Liza looked over her body and smiled at Scott.

"I can't believe I gave in to them. Thank you so much for saving my brainwashed self." Nicole patted their shoulders and wiped the tears off her face. She looked down at her wrists and shrugged at the red marks knowing it was for something good.


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