{Chapter 5}

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Scott was confused, shocked and disoriented. How could they ask him that question after they took all of the friends he's ever had? It's not that easy.

"This might be too sudden, but your coach has reported to us many times that you are fit to be a guard because of your manners, loyalty, and strength. You won't have to attend any classes as a guard... And we took your friends away because you'd have a bigger chance of rejecting if they were with you."

Scott stood speechless. His heart started to tingle not knowing how to perceive.

"You are alone, Hoying." The guard said in monotone.

"Oh. So I actually didn't have a choice. That's great!" He blurted out glancing up at the ceiling.

Silence filled the hallway outside of the empty room. The room where they were all sleeping in tranquility until the needles that injected them to fall. Scott thought to himself each passing second and hesitated. These guards are like robots. Trust probably doesn't even exist. They just believe whatever you say as long as you demonstrated their longings.

"Yes, sir. I will join as an Ayrton guard." Scott finally said looking straight in their emotionless eyes.


The sun had risen at six in the morning when Scott was woken up by the sound of marching guards. This was his first day officially working for them.

How crazy a single accident can lead to radical decisions like this.

Liza marched with the guards into a hallway when her eyes caught his. She followed him from the corner of her eye when she saw him put on his feathered clothing.

All of the guards entered into a large room that looked like a replica of the students' cafeteria.

"Hey buddy, it's info time." Someone nudged on Scott's arm to get his attention.

Scott followed after him trying to look over his broad shoulder. Since he didn't have any friends around, might as well become one of them to make the best use out of his time. He could learn so much from working for the school. They didn't care about trust.

They only treasured power. All of the guards were muscular and defined. Their personalities were fierce and always showed indifference.

Scott sat beside the guard he was following. He looked around trying to fathom the place he was at. He looked around trying to fathom the place he was at. The walls were rough and reflected a champagne color. Everything felt so tidied and well-ordered. He questioned his existence in the room after he noticed how everyone were in sync and sat in a perfect posture all facing the same direction.

"We've been having a lot of new Takens coming in." A guard in front of him chuckled. His eyes were looking in one direction and although he laughed, his face still showed no emotion.

"Pfft, well that means less work for us in the hallwa--"

An impeccable positioned guard was interrupted when a man spoke over the intercom. It was Mr. Yael, the principal. "There are a few new guards who've joined us today. Please welcome them. Rachel Ballinger, Todrick Hall, and Scott Hoying." Mr. Yael smiled after reading down the alphabetical list.

The room filled with applauses when Scott recognized the names. He had physical education with them and they were the best in the class. Rachel was always the fastest runner and she could do the most push ups out of all the girls. They never stood a chance to her. Todrick had lots of endurance and always showed respect towards his coach. 'Maybe that's why they became a guard,' he thought.

Mr. Yael motioned the three of them from their seats to follow him.

They were lead into a smaller room with three chairs. Each of them shared a look of confusion while sitting down and waited for further instructions. Mr. Yael held the door open again and looked at the entrance. Liza and two other guards entered in unison.

"Ayrton guards are not weak. These injections will make you stronger immediately. Please let us." The principal nodded at them with his hands folded.

None of the students made any noise. Todrick and Rachel were afraid but excited. They've always wanted to have a title in Ayrton. Today was their day. Scott on the other hand, was worried sick. Thoughts running through his head while he stared at the liquid in the object. 'There is no running now.' But who knows what would've happened to him if he had rejected their offer.

The needles penetrated their forearms, the liquid spreading through their bodies. Todrick and Rachel positioned their heads straight ahead and emotions changed in their eyes. They were no longer fiddling with their hands or shaking their legs. Scott was still confused but did what his classmates had done assuming that the injection was suppose to have the same effect on him. He started to develop a conclusion that his body somehow rejects everything the schools puts into him.

Being a "controlled" guard had never appeared to be more interesting.


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