{Chapter 8}

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*Two weeks later*

Mitch, Kirstin, Avi, and Kevin were all out of confinement and back to their rooms, paranoid. They weren't allowed to tell anyone about anything that happened to them or else the punishment would be worse if someone overhears.


It has been two weeks since I helped Lilly and Hannah escaped but students seemed to be more behaving than I expected. There was no more chaos so I never had a reason to be in the confinement room. People would question by presence.

Either way, this means my friends are out. I have to somehow tell them the reason of me being a guard and how everything is controlled without any of them freaking out. I'm praying they don't hate me for being one of them.


Mr. Yael

Students aren't being watched as much when they are in their rooms than the classrooms. Cameras cannot record audio so who knows what these kids say to each other. We need to send guards to stay over for a night. I don't know if this will make them uncomfortable, or crazy. But both is great.

Might as well put close 'friends' together with a guard that they're familiar with. These manipulated guards will show them that friendships don't exist.


Mr. Yael had called for an assembly for both guards and students in the auditorium. Hordes of people piled the hallways and entered the big assembly room sitting down separately.

The principal clears his throat and began "Good morning everyone. Today will be special. Instead of having school, I want to run a little experiment. A group of about three to four students will be put together in one room along with two guards. You guys will be watched throughout the day and during the night as well. You must complete all of your work and behave normally. Trust me when I say I will notice if anything is off."

Mr. Yael then pulled up a slide show on the large screen. Names of guards and the students they are responsible for appeared. Everyone took note of their people and the room they will be in.

Todrick Hall and Rachel Ballinger - 245
Brendan J., Kory D., Colleen B., Trevor M.

Scott Hoying and Nicole Faulkner - 247
Kirstin M., Kevin O., Avi K., Mitch G.

The list continued and students' voices started to fill the room in surprise. They were matched up with guards they never knew became one.

Liza suddenly stood from the crowd after Scott's name appeared. "Mr. Yael! Replace Nicole with me, please. You know I'll do well." She announced clearly with a smirk.

The principal recognized Liza from her seat. "Of course, anything for my favorite guard."

Kirstin snapped her head towards the guys with concerned eyebrows. "Scott became a guard? Is that why we couldn't find him in his room?"

Mitch stood up to look over the students' heads. He tried to find Scott but it seemed impossible with all of them dressed the same. Thoughts ran through their minds trying to comprehend how such a bizarre thing can happen. Scott would never work for them for any reason. Was he forced to do so after they got taken away? And it's even worse when Liza is around. What does she want?

"Alright that's the end of the slide. Everyone can go find their rooms now. Good luck." Mr. Yael announced over the speakers.


Students were the first to leave the auditorium. All of them still startled to the fact that their close friends will be watching over them like they were never once the same level of classification.

Kevin walked in front with the rest behind him looking for their room number slowly. When they arrived, the room was lit with sunlight and every furniture looked neat and clean. They put their belongings next to the wooden tables that were set out with chairs.

"We can't really communicate with Scott. Liza will be here." Avi reasoned with his hands over his face.

All they want to do is leave this school. Escape. The school had their plan all along when they decided parents can only speak with their child if they visited. They barely did anyway since it was so difficult to enter the front door. The choir friends were at another ditch once again. How can they all escape with peace in mind when the only thing that crosses is the thought of one of them being left behind.


Before we left the auditorium, they went around to give us another injection to make sure all of us are revitalized. Once again, I'll have to use ice cubes and water, as stupid as it sounds. Liza will be such a nuisance. I'm not sure if I will be more or less uncomfortable than anyone in that room.

For the most part, I will get to see them again and that thought will help me get through the day and night.


The door swiftly opened and Scott entered with Liza behind him. He finally got to see their faces again. He couldn't get them out of confinement while they were still in there. He never felt so sorry and afraid for what their impression on him would be.  


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