{Chapter 14}

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Graduation Day - 5:30pm

Kirstin got her dress and gown ready but thought for a second if she should wear something comfortable.

What is really going on in Scott's mind?

She went to the boys and asked their opinion on how she looks. They all fixed their attire and Kirstin helped them put on a little bit of makeup. She didn't want to do a full face either considering everything will be ruined when hell breaks loose. But it's worth putting on a show for the staff before everything.

Scott burst the door open when they were just about to leave. "I don't have a lot of time, but I'm sure y'all are confused. Let me explain quickly. So your parents aren't actually allowed to meet you until guards evolve you into some... thing. This isn't all fun and games. Your parents won't even recognize you afterwards. You are completely forgotten. We won't let that happen, right? I know all of this because some of the guards have to help out injecting the students. Yes, you guys will be more intelligent but is it worth it when memories are lost? Let's get working." He brushed off his shoulder twice with a smirk and dashed out tiptoeing.

Mitch scrunched his face but busted out laughing with the others because of Scott. Hordes of students gathered together and sang on their way to the ceremony.

They started screaming when they spotted their parents sitting in the rows. Unfortunately, that was the only interaction made until guards shoved them ahead.

Kevin walked behind his classmates as he tried to find Scott but it looks like he was in another room. He tried to picture the moment when everything gets revealed to the families.


Many songs were sung and speeches were given until finally, it was time for them to walk across the stage.

According to their hallway section, they were called up one by one to shake hands with the principals. They headed down the steps on the other side and went behind a large wall before returning to their seats.

The choir friends' section letter was alongside with each other. Avi was the first out of the group to go before Mitch.

"Avriel Kaplan."

People applauded at the bearded teenager. He slowed down his steps when he saw the student ahead of him get pulled to the ground silently. The guards did something to make them quiet and not resist. Of course of the school would pull something off like this. The student risen up with a stern posture and revealed himself behind the wall. Avi wanted to yell something because what he saw was frightening but couldn't bring himself to do so.

His body couldn't speak at the time. It felt like when he had entered the stage, his speech was controlled by something else.

Mr. Yael pushed him forward a little and that was when he saw Scott. Avi cleared his throat hoping to get his attention.

When Scott finally noticed him, he was getting the next tube ready. He immediately set it down and that was when Mitch's name was announced. Scott winked at Avi and nudged Nicole who was giving death stares.

Avi turned around to stop Mitch when he saw Mr. Yael glaring at him with his head tilted. Mitch knew that was the cue and gave an obnoxious smile to the principals.

A punch was thrown behind them when a guard fell to the ground. Scott swiftly tied the guard's wrists and sprinted towards both of the principals for a tackle. Avi decided he had to help too and signaled Nicole to start turning some guards back to normal.

There was a small table with tubes and needles set on top of it behind the wall. Next to those items, were ice buckets in case if their was an error changing the students.

Liza hopped from behind the parents and ran up the stage to help Scott get guards off of him.

The room filled with screams and yells of the parents as they saw the scene. Students who've been injected ran in a perfect line out the door as well as their corresponding families.

When they got to the entrance, the group split up in different directions between students and parents. They left each other without a word. And that, is when they completely forget about each others' existence. No one cared to notice because they were busy watching Liza, Nicole, and Scott fight everyone.


I wasn't going to give up. Although I am not strong as I used to be, I tried my best. Scott and Liza were knocking everyone out while Kevin surprisingly had the strength to resist mutated guards.

This was when we knew we weren't alone. Some of the feathered staff were revealed to be normal. Many people were pretending to be guards as well when the injection didn't work on them. With that information, I just got really excited and motivated.

We thought we were outnumbered but it's nowhere close. The school completely messed up when they didn't have a method to check whether the liquid had gotten through one's system.


Liza was the best at tackling so that's what she did while Scott smacked their heads. The principal and vice principal made a run for it so who knows what they were up to. Scott couldn't hold them both down until he got peeled off.

As Kirstin and Mitch helped Kevin, they were still vulnerable against the guards. Kevin tried his best with all that he had but it wasn't enough against the mutated. He eventually got cornered and knocked out.

Kirstin and Mitch immediately sprinted away holding each other's hand for support. They ran around the seats and out the door to get help from guards who were unaffected.

They were suddenly blindfolded from behind and massive hands slapped over their mouths.


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