{Chapter 15}

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I was dragged somewhere but I couldn't figure it out from the direction. My eyes were covered shut and I tried to scream but it was impossible. I felt someone waving their hands and their fingers lightly hit my arm a couple of times. I could recognize that it was Kirstie.

We were thrown on a soft surface but the blindfolds were still on.

A familiar voice spoke. "How long have you known this?"

"I..Not that long ago." Kirstie's voice rang in my ears.

"Well you should've told us because now, it's too late." I figured this was Mr. Yael's voice. So he was planning this when Scott had lost control of him.

The door swung open and I heard the knob hit a hard surface. Mr. Yael started yelling and fighting. Kirstie and I were sitting there vulnerable but we could still speculate what was happening. A woman's voice was heard and it got closer and closer to me until I felt a warm spine hit my legs. Someone had fallen on top of me.



I knew Mitch was with me even though he didn't make a sound the entire time. I felt a tiny bit of wind slashing my face as I heard someone groaning. My blindfold was pulled down along with the thin rope on my wrists.

Scott stared at me in the eyes with a smile. I looked over to my left side and saw Mitch opening his eyes and hugging Liza. The ground was filled with people. The two principals, and a few guards.

I noticed Nicole standing behind everything with a sweaty red face.

"We did it." Scott said with a smile.


"Did you see Kevin... or Avi?" Mitch immediately asked worriedly.

Liza started glancing back and forth for answers. Everyone just had wide eyes and ran out the room to go back to the auditorium.

It was completely empty. People have evacuated already and surrounded the building with their phones. Their voices echoed through the opened front door.

Avi was seen crouched over Kevin who was leaning against a corner. They quickly ran over to find that Kevin was unconscious. Scott scooped his arms to carry him to a comfortable spot. They leave the empty auditorium but Scott fell to the ground before finding the vice principal's bruised face in front of his and Mr. Yael near his foot. Liza and Nicole instantly leaped over to hold them both to the ground.

They lost their strength just in time for the police to arrive. They quickly brushed off and watched the police do their job. "It's disgusting how this place was unheard of until now. Two girls had called last week about Ayrton. We thought it was just a prank call but turns out, everything is true. My apologies," One officer said.

Scott closed his eyes and grinned at the memory of him releasing Lilly and Hannah still having Kevin on his back. His knees and chest hurts from falling flat with weight on him.


Kevin had been taken to the hospital where Scott, Avi, and Kirstin had stayed. The rest went home to catch up with their families. Kirstin accidentally fell asleep on the side of the bed when Kevin woke up. He held his head in pain but his face brighten when he saw his best friends.

"What happened? Are we still in the school?"

"You knocked out for a while but we got you to the hospital. And don't worry, the school is done for good. You did a great job," Avi answered.

Kirstin groaned a little shaking her head to wake herself up. "Kevin!!!" She hugged him lightly to make sure he won't get hurt.

Mitch slightly opened the door to peek in before giving a small wave to Kevin. He stepped in a little bit more to reveal his parents behind him. Everyone's attention was then towards Mitch. His parents had went home after the disaster but decided to return because the group was all Mitch really had.

Mike and Nel looked over the bed to Kevin. "We're so sorry. The school had really changed ever since Mr. Yael took office. But I'm glad it's destroyed now."


*1 month later*

Kevin was completely healed along with the others. Liza and Nicole had moved in together far away.

The friends continued their education at the same time focusing on becoming artists. Ayrton remained silent and no one talked about it. At least not for now.

The group besides Scott occasionally experience nightmares of being in the confinement room.

No news was heard of the remaining functional guards in the school but the building had been renovated and is now used for a different purpose.

This was just the beginning of an end.


One more then we're done 😊

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