{Chapter 10}

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Maybe they aren't alone. Just maybe. There could be more people who aren't affected by the injection.


A guard slid through the door without a knock. "Get to work, kiddos."

They are always watching aren't they.

The constant feeling of being watched every second was sickening. The constant fear of being taken again still runs through their minds.

"Hey, you guys. What do they do to you in the confinement room?" Scott wondered.

The four Taken gave each other a glance debating whether they should say or not. Since guards are running through the hallways hearing conversations and Mr. Yael watches the tech room, it was beyond risky.

"I'll explain." Liza beamed. "They basically give them tons of work to do and a pill they must swallow. It's suppose to make them go a little crazy and overwork their brains."

Kirstin started to tear up being reminded of the suffering and misery. The pill made her have a constant headache but there were no breaks.

"Don't worry. We will  get out of here, without going through any of that again." Kevin tried to comfort them. The reality is horrible enough but there is a way. The day continued as they do their school work and the guards do their best to pretend.


"Food delivery!" A muffled yell came behind the door. "Hurry up, I don't have all day!"

Scott stood up grumpily and came over to open the door. "Geez, I'm not a ninja," He mumbled.

The guard gave him a concerned look. "Yes, you are. We all are. What are you talking about?"

Liza stared at the back of Scott's head wishing she had telepathy.

"Oh... Hmm, oops." Scott responded not wanting to spill the fact that he "forgot" because it was impossible. The guard slowly walked backwards as Scott closed the door steadily.

"I had no idea I was a ninja. How interesting." He carried the food to the coffee table in the living room. The guards don't really eat often because they are organized to have good stamina. So Scott and Liza had to sit in silence as the rest ate their dinner knowing the cameras were watching the scene.

The sun sets in purple and blue as they decided to sleep early after the long day. It was better being watched doing that than any other activity that will appear odd to Mr. Yael. Mitch adjusted to lay near Avi and Kevin as thoughts of how their future will turn out ran through his mind.

The room was quiet for a couple of minutes as they lay and cherish the moment of being together again.

"You guys want to hear a song I just made up in my head?" Avi asked nervously.

"Sure, would love to." Kirstin folded her hands and rested them.

He then began his newly wrote lullaby.

"Close your eyes lay your head down

Now it's time to sleep

May we find great adventure

As we lie and dream

If you're scared of the darkness

We will calm your fear

There's a light in the hallway

So you know we're here.

So count your blessings everyday

It makes the monsters go away

And everything will be okay

You are not alone

We are right at home

Good night."

Kirstin and Mitch started joining in and harmonizing when Kevin and Scott decided to contribute as well.

Avi paused after a few 'good night's and smiled at the people laying next to him. He decided to improvise a song.

"I counted the stars tonight

Oh how they shine so bright

I gather them all, so we perfectly align

While we gaze from far away

And separately watched the day

Come rising across the horizon in our minds.

But now I know

My heart is strong,

Where you belong

Is by my side."

Liza quietly listened to the angelic five voices, grinning, and regretting that she had ever treated them so poorly. Their friendship is beautiful. They were lulled to sleep in a position where it wouldn't appear to be student-guard love.


It was a few more hours until the experiment would be over. They cleaned the room and moved everything back to where it was. They hadn't had a great sleep in forever. Before that, it was always crying themselves to sleep in the confinement room or Scott worrying every second about his friends. Liza was finally happy again knowing she wasn't alone.

The only problem now is how will they work together when one has to do their job as a guard, and one has to attend class. Or is this an advantage?

They ate their breakfast which was ramen noodles before packing up to leave the room to go back into the auditorium. Scott zoned out as he thought of how he helped Lilly and Hannah escape. 'Did they ever noticed?' He thought. It can't be that easy. With Liza and Scott, they can literally walk out the front door with the students and leave the school. 'Nevermind. That's stupid. The school will have tricks up their sleeves assuming we won't expect anything to happen if we do so.' Maybe they know about Lilly and Hannah.

It was 11:00am when they left the room to head to the auditorium. Mr. Yael is probably more frightening than he seems.

"Good morning, everybody! You guys all did great. I'm quite surprised at how many students behaved considering that guards have been pretty busy with you all lately. Hopefully it stays that way." The principal finishes glancing left and right.


I changed up the lyrics to LITH because it was a little more fitting. Hope y'all don't mind xD

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