{Chapter 9}

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The four jerked their heads over to the door where Scott had just entered. It sucks so much to want to catch up with Scott but with Liza hearing every word, they won't make it out alive. They all just want to throw in him a group hug and ask thousands of questions.

The amount of frustration and concerns they have for each other is indescribable. Scott awkwardly sat down in an empty sofa to the right of his friends with Liza by his side.

The students tried to ease their anxiety and awkwardness by taking out some work to study. Scott watched them from the corner of his eye feeling so guilty and sorry. He sat up straighter realizing that he had to play as a guard. Who knows what Liza thinks of everyone. Why would she replace Nicole?

Scott started to feel his dizziness and numbness again from the injection. He stood up and strided pass his friends to the shiny kitchen. He did the usual and used ice cubes with water hoping Liza doesn't question his strange actions.

The other choir friends pretended to spark a casual conversation with each other but kept their vision on Scott. They were confused of what he was trying to do.

Liza never said a word to anyone as she has planned. Her plan was to throw gasoline to the fire and make the students feel terrible.

To hate Scott.

She shifted uncomfortably when Scott returned to his seat. "Hey, Scott?"

His heart jumped when he heard Liza's voice forgetting that she might bicker. "Yeah?"

"What were you doing with the ice water?"

It was the last thing he wanted to hear come out of the curly haired woman. He hesitated and didn't know how to respond. The school could find out he never really took effect to the injection and get in massive trouble.

"It's okay to tell me," Liza said reassuringly.

Is it really?

"Because I understand." She continued. It hit her immediately when she saw Scott open the freezer because that was when she was about to do the same thing.

Scott turned to her sympathetic faced. They were the same. The rest had listened to the conversation, instantly intrigued when they heard his voice.

"Do you want me to explain?" Liza was determined to be the one to make everything clear.

Scott nodded fascinated while the other four scrunched their eyebrows, still muddled to everything that occurred.

Liza began before giving her hands a quick glance. "When I became a new guard, I was forced to. I didn't want to but they said they will pay me a lot and I wanted to help out my family. I saw you, Scott, experience the exact same thing as I was. I didn't know what was happening. All of a sudden the people next to me had a different aura and I didn't know what it was."

The room was silent when Liza paused with tears in her eyes. "I tried to be them but it hurt so much to see the students being treated like this. I just became evil to get the principal to like me. He thought my injection was extra special because I was so "good". I felt so alone in a place where no one really existed. Or at least that's what it seemed to me. Guards are programmed to never touch cold water. If they were near it, they were really cautious. So that's why I was surprised you did that. And I thought I was going to have a little fun in here since I really don't have anything better to do, you know." She finally finished.

Scott's jaw dropped turning back to his friends. He decided to finish the rest of the explanation, his first words to them ever since the incident. "I don't know if you guys ever took the time to notice, but the guards aren't actually their true selves. Do you ever see them moving and gesturing all the same way? Well, of course because you think they are well disciplined but that's not it. We are given these injections that are suppose to change us into thinking differently. However, it didn't work on Liza and I. If it did, I can't even imagine what would come out of my mouth. And yes, they asked me if I wanted to join them when you guys were taken."

"So... What was the ice water about?" Avi asked his burning question.

"Although the injection doesn't work on us, our bodies feel a side effect. Cold water cancels it. Don't ask me how that works." Liza explained. "And I owe an apology to you all for my actions."

Everyone knew they were a team from now on.


This was really fun to write

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