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You opened your (color) eyes to see the beautiful blue sky. You scanned around and noticed nobody was sitting around you. You turned to your left and your mother was not next to you. 'That's odd you thought to yourself. Then you realized the boat you were on was not moving. You stood up and headed to the back of the ship. You then see a bunch of people in line getting off the boat. You could see your mother already on the shore. She looked concerned. As the line slowly progressed you made your way towards your mother. She then notices you.
"Oh!" She hugs you almost imediately. "There you are!"
"Why did you leave?" You asked confused.
"I was in the bathroom when I heard the announcement of our arrival." She explained. "I thought you left as soon as the announcement ended."
"No mom." You giggle. "I was sleeping."
"Oh my." Your mother gives you a surprised look. "Did I take that long?"
You chuckle.
"Come on (your name)." Your mother grabs your hand. "Let's go to our new home."
Originally you and your mom are from Kanto, but decided to move to Alola. Alola had more job openings that your mother could go for and the houses were cheaper. Ever since your father passed away it was hard for you and your mother to pay the rent and pay for other necessities.
After a while of you and your mother walking. You two arrived at the house you and your mother picked online. It was pretty small but big enough for two people. There were boxes being carried out of a truck. They were you and your mother's belongings. A man walked to the both of you. He was wearing a hat, glasses, shorts, and a lab coat. However he had no shirt just a lab coat.
"Alola." He waved towards you two.
"Alola." Your mother greeted.
"You must definately be the family moving in I've heard about." He said. "You two are from Kanto correct?"
"Yes." My mother responded.
"My name is Kukui." He extended his hand to my mother. "Professor Kukui."
"My name is (your mother's name)." She shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Same to you." Kukui smiled.
"Oh." She turned to me. "And this is my daughter (your name)."
"Alola (your name)." He put his hand out.
"Hi." You say simply shaking his hand.
"You're a trainer?" He asks curiously.
"Yes sir." You respond. "However I only have one pokemon."
"Hmm." He pulls out three pokeballs from his bag. "I have three pokemon here. You can pick one if you'd like."
"Wow." Your jaw drops slightly. "Really?"
"Of course." He smiles.
Professor Kukui then throws all three of the pokeballs. Three pokemon appear. It was Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. (I won't describe them since I am assuming you know how they look.)
"Wow." You kneel in front of them. "You guys are so cute."
The three pokemon stare up at you. You could not make up your mind on which one to choose. You look at each of them carefully. Rowlet turned his head to Kukui. Popplio looked confused. As for Litten he walked up to you slowly. You begin to pet him. He then meows at you and cuddles against your hand.
"Hi little guy." You smile.
"Nyaaa." Litten snuggles on your feet.
"Looks like Litten really likes you." Kukui said.
"Aww," you pick up Litten. "I pick him."
"He is all yours." Kukui said as he returned the other two to their pokeballs.
"Thank you Professor." You hold onto your Litten safely.
"Thank you so much Professor." Your mom says.
"Aww it's nothing." He turns to your mother and back to you. "Just call me Kukui."
You smile at him. Then he began talking to your mother about things that are happening in Alola. You lose interest half way.
You then leave to let them do their talking. You decide to take a walk around the neighborhood. You sit at a bench near a poke center.
"Alola!" You hear a voice to your side.
You turn to your left and see a boy. He had dark brown hair and dark eyes. His skin was slightly dark probably because of the constant sun in Alola. He wore a dark shirt with Alolan looking shorts.
"Hi." You say.
"You're new?" He asks.
"Yeah, I just moved in from the Kanto region." You explain.
"Sweet!" He smiles.
You nodd not knowing what to say.
"My name is Hau." He holds the back of his head with his two hands. "Yours?"
"My name is (your name)." You say.
"I think we will be great friends." Hau chuckles.
"Me too." You smile.
"Hey I'll show you around." He waves his hands for you to go with him.
"That'd be great!" You get up from the bench.
You then follow Hau.

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