Team Skull

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You wake up to the sound of a pokemon. You open your eyes to see meowth on your bed. He gave you a cookie and left. You ate the cookie as you got up from bed. You walked to the living room to see your mother reading a magazine. She turned to you and walked over to you.
"I am sorry (your name)." She hugs you.
"No mom." You hug her back. "I'm sorry."
"No sweetheart." She pulls you away slightly looking into your eyes. "You're 17 now. I have to let you roam free but please be careful."
"Don't worry mom." You say confidently. "I'll be safe."
She smiles and hugs you. You hug her back. Then you hear the door bell.
"I'll get it." You head to the door.
You open the door. Hau stood there with a malasada in his hands.
"Alola (your name)." Hau smiles.
"Alola Hau." You smile back. "Come in."
You step aside for him to enter.
"Thanks." Hau steps inside. "Alola Ms. (Mother's sir name)."
"Alola Hau." Your mother smiles. "Can me and (your name) go explore?" Asks Hau.
You turn to your mother.
"Of course." She giggles. "Just be careful."
"Yay!" Hau jumps up and down.
You two head to the door.
"(Your name) wait!" Your mother says.
"Yes mom?" You ask.
"You haven't eaten breakfast." She frowns.
"Oh that reminds me!" Hau opens up his bag.
He then pulls out a wrapped malasada.
"Here!" He hands it to you. "I saved you one."
"Thanks." You receive it. "That's so kind of you."
"You're a gentleman Hau." Said your mother.
"Nah." He blushes.
"Let's go!" You say.
"Sure!" Hau and you walk out.
You both make your way to Hau'Oli City. There you see Professor Kukui speaking to a couple of young men. They looked similar to eachother. They had blue hair and matching outfits. Their outfits were pretty edgey. They had skull hats, black baggy clothes, and skull bandanas. You also noticed they had an 'S' on a chain wrapped around their necks. You continued your way until Hau stopped you.
"What?" You look at him.
"That's them." Hau whispered.
"The gang?" You whisper back.
"Mhmm." He nodds.
You walk over to Kukui and the three thugs.
"(Your name)!" He whisper yells. "What are you doing?"
You ignore him and stand next to Kukui.
"Is everything okay Professor?" You ask.
"Oh (Your name)." He turned to you. "Yes I am just dealing with some silly kids."
"Aye whatchu mean silly kids?" Said one of the thugs.
"You betta watch out man." Said the other. "We're Team Skull and we don't play around."
You cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing.
"What-so funny Shorty?" Asked the third thug.
"You guys are the ones terrorizing Alola?" You laugh. "This is too funny."
You hadn't noticed that Hau was behind you until he grabbed your arm.
"(Your name) let's leave." He recommended.
"Hold up homie." Said the middle grunt. "I'm still talkin to shorty."
You bite your lip so you wouldn't laugh.
"Battle me !" He insists.
"Sure thing." You agree.

*Battle Time Lapse*

You had beaten him in the pokemon battle. The three of them were shocked at the fact that they had lost so easily.
"Nice work (your name)." Kukui said.
"Thanks." You blush.
"What the hell man?" Said the grunt that lost.
"Let's get outta here man." Suggested the other one.
"We gonna tell the Boss about this." Said the third grunt.
They ran off.
"Oh I am so scared." You teased.
"You should be." Hau whispered.
"What do you mean?" You slowly stopped laughing.
"(Your name)." Kukui had a concerned look. "They may not look like it but they are not pushovers."
You tilt your head in confusion.
"Well they aren't the issue really." Kukui explains. "It's their boss."
"What's so bad about him?" You ask. "He lives near me doesn't he?" You continue. "I haven't heard or seen anything bad."
"He does and does not live there." He explains.
"Huh?" You frown a bit.
"That was his house," Kukui said. "but then decided to run away and live in Po Town."
"Oh.." You say.
"Just stay away from trouble okay?" Kukui suggested.
"Will do." You nodd.
"Alright well I must be going."
"Bye sir." You wave.
"Bye Professor." Says Hau.
You two begin to walk together. You both were silent for a while until Hau decided to break the silence.
"You know their boss is no joke." He says.
"Have you seen him?" You ask.
"Twice." Hau says. "He stole pokemon from my neighbors."
"That's terrible." You pout.
"He also threatened a lot of people." Hau continues. "His name is Guzma. He is just a bit older than us (19 y/o). He doesn't care much about anyone but himself. He doesn't even care for his grunts."
"How are you so sure?" You ask curiously.
"It's pretty obvious by his actions." Hau says sternly.
After that you two were quiet once again. The two of you arrive at the ferry station. You had the urge to go to another Island.
"Hau." You turn to him.
"Yeah?" He faces you.
"Let's go to another Island!" You smile.
"Sure." Hau nodds.
You both get on a ferry. The ferry driver walks over to you two.
"Where would you two like to go?" He asks.
You look at a map that was on the ferry. All the Islands looked interesting but one stood out to you.
"We'll go to Ula'ula Island." You say.
Hau gave you a shocked expression.
"Alright." Said the man. "Let's head off.

*Time Lapse*

You and Hau arrived. Hau and you get off the ferry.
"Wow." You say. "It's pretty."
"Yeah it's nice here." He agrees. "But only around here."
Your stomach begins to rumble. You cover your stomach embarassed.
"Are you hungry?" Hau giggles.
"A little." You blush.
"I can get you something to eat." He says.
"That'd be great." You say. "I will go heal my pokemon."
"Sure." He nodds. "Just don't run off without me."
You nodd. Hau runs off. You make your way to a pokemon center.
"Stop!" You heard a high pitched voice.
You make your way to the scream. There was a bunch of grass and bushes around. Then you find a little girl crying while two of those gang grunts are there.
"Come on lil kid." Said one of them. "Give us your pokemon."
She continued to cry.
"Just give us the damn pokemon!" The other one yelled.
"Hey!" You yell. "Leave her alone!"
The grunts turned to your direction. The little girl then ran off.
"No get back here!" Yelled one of the grunts as she disappeared.
"See whatchu did?" Groaned the other one.
"Wait this must be the chick the other dudes were talkin bout." Said the grunt.
"Yeh yeh." Agreed the other one. "It must be her."
"You guys really gotta stop with this stupidity." You roll your eyes. "Taking things from a little girl is weak."
"Battle us!" Yelled one of the grunts.
"I should have seen that coming." You stated unamused.
"(Your name!" Hau finds you. "Are you nuts? I told you to stay put."
"Sorry Hau.." You appologize.
"Well I'll help you battle them." He sighs.
"We'll show you who's the best." Said the grunts.

*Battle Time Lapse*

You and Hau won the battle. The grunts stood there for a while in shock.
"Damn man." Said the first grunt. "Let's tell the boss." They ran off.
"(Your name)." Hau hands over a paper bag. "Here."
You grab it and open it. It contained a sandwich. You grabbed it and took a bite out of it.
"Someone was hungry." He teases.
"Yeth." You say with your mouth full.
"Let's go." Hau walks away and you follow.
The two of you go to the pokecenter and heal your pokemon. Hau had an Alolan Raichu, a Rowlet, and an eevee.
You only had your Litten and Greninja.
"We only have a few pokemon huh?" You pout.
"Yeah.." He agrees. "Want to go catch some?"
"Sure!" You smile.

After a long time of encountering pokemon. You caught a Mimikyu, Ribombee, Mudsdale, and an Alolan Vulpix. Hau caught a Komala and a Crabominable. The sun was setting and you two decided to go home. As you arrived home you and Hau saw a bunch of people upset and complaining. You bump into Professor Kukui and your mother in the city by your house.
"Alola you two." Said Kukui.
"Alola." You and Hau said in unison.
"Uhh what's been going on?" Asked Hau.
"Team skull robbed a bunch of pokemon." Kukui explained.
"That's not good.." Hau frowned.
"Mom are you okay?" You turn to your mother.
"Yes honey." Your mom sighs. "I just don't understand why they would do this."
"That's Team Skull for ya." Kukui exhaled.
You and your mother then headed home. You ate dinner and went to bed. You lied awake for about an hour thinking. You thought about many things. You thought about Team Skull and who their leader might be. Then your thoughts went on to the mystery guy that saved your life. You wondered who he was as well. Heck you wondered if he even lived around here. After thinking for so long you finally fell asleep.

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