Dream or Nightmare

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You opened your eyes as you heard a loud noise. It was thunder. It startled you a bit. You slowly sat up. You had a bit of pain on your lower back but the rest of the pains subsided. You then turn to your left. There lied Guzma. He was laying next to you. You blushed immediately. Was he there the whole time? You stared at him. He was fast asleep. His chest slowly rised up and down. You smile at the sight. He looked so peaceful. You check your phone to see what time it was. It was around 10. It's super late to go outside you thought to yourself. You put your phone on silent and decided to lie back down. There was no point in leaving so late. So you decided to stay there. Guzma tossed and turned in his sleep. He seemed like he was having a nightmare. You frowned. He muttered stuff in his sleep.
"I'm sorry." He murmured.
You wondered what he was dreaming about. You slid closer to him so you could hear what he said easier.
"I'll do better." He muttered.
You watched him as he twitched. You began caressing his head. That seemed to have stop the twitching. After a while you grew sleepy again. You were a fast sleeper. You slowly began to drift off again.

*Time Lapse*

It was the next morning. You woke up as you heard grunts. You opened your eyes. You saw Guzma. He was extremely close to you. He was so close that you could feel his hot breath on your skin. He had his arms wrapped around you. Guzma grunted a bit more. He seems to be waking up. Slowly he began to open his eyes. His gray eyes were on your (color) eyes. You felt your cheeks burn up. It took Guzma a couple of blinks to realize what situation he was in. When he realized he widened his eyes and sat up.
"Heh um." He coughed.
You sat up beside him. He seemed like he was about to say something but ended up just closing his mouth. So you decided to speak.
"Guzma." You said softly. "What did you dream of last night?"
Guzma sighed. Guzma knew he spoke in his sleep. His mother had told him that he was a sleep talker.
"Did I speak in my sleep?" He asked.
"Kind of." You said. "You were twitching too."
"It was just past stuff ya know." He says. "Still get nightmares sometimes."
He always had nightmares but he didn't want to say that. His eyes were baggy due to not sleeping well though he covered it up with eyeliner. Most people just thought it was just his style but it was also to hide his lack of sleep.
"Oh..." You say sadly.
"Have ya thought what ya want us ta' be yet?" Guzma turned to you.
You blushed a bit. You were about to answer but your stomach grumbled. You felt your cheeks turn even redder. You cover your stomach quickly. Guzma giggles.
"Let's get somethin' ta' eat first." He stands up.
You puff your cheeks up and follow him. The two of you make your way out of Po Town. Then you two arrived at Malie City. On the way there the two of you didn't speak. Everyone gave you two the stares again. Guzma hung his head low. You knew he felt uncomfortable. You decided to grab his arm and run.
"Come on Guzma!" You shouted with joy. "Let's get some sushi yo!"
Guzma was surprised by the sudden action but it got a smile out of him. You pulled on his arm while you ran.
"W-wait!" He stumbled behind you.
"Keep up homie!" You giggle.
The two of you enter the sushi place. Guzma was a bit out of breath. He quickly catched his breath.
"The hell was that?" He asks smiling a bit.
"What man?" You made your voice deeper than usual while waving your hands around a lot. "Ya can't keep up with me?"
He cringed at your attempt to act like a thug. You chuckled at his reaction.
"Now ya just embarassin' me." He pushes you.
He walks over to the counter. He orders some food for you two. The two of you then sat at a table. You both talked about silly stuff and made jokes to one another. After the two of you finished your food you both exited the restaurant. Then the two of you began walking around Alola.
"So." You try to make conversation. "You should face the elite four."
"Pfft." Guzma snorts. "No."
"Why?" You say. "You can face me and maybe become champ."
"That's not gonna happen." He says.
"What makes you say that?" You ask.
"I can't even be a Trial Captain." He says. "What makes ya think I'll be able to face off the Elite four. Nonetheless become Champion."
You fall silent.
"Even if I could." He continued. "Nobody will accept me bein' the Champ."
"I would." You smile.
He looks at you. He looked surprised but he hoped you would say that.
"Ya too nice Princess." He messes up your hair.
You chuckle fixing your hair.
"Yeah Princess?" He says.
"Do you have more pictures?" You ask. "Of you and your trials?"
"Uhh yeah I think." He gives you a confused look. "Why?"
"I want to see them."
He doesn't respond.
"Please." You give him a sad look.
"Fine whatever." He says. "Just stop makin' that face."
"Deal!" You run off.
Guzma smiles and follows behind you on the way to his home.

Ooooooo :3

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