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Hau has been showing you around. He mentioned that there are other islands but you were currently on Melemele Island. Hau was a very nice guy. It was your first day in Alola and you already have a great friend and a pokemon. Your Litten was in a pokeball in your bag with your other pokemon which was Greninja. You and Hau were in Route 2. You were tired after walking for so long. You bend over holding onto your knees.
"It's a lot of walking, huh?" Hau giggled shyly.
"Kind of." You stand up straight. "I am just tired from the cruise I was on."
"That's true." Hau said. "Let's go to your house."
"Sure." You follow him.
The two of you begin walking for a while. Until Hau suddenly stopped. You stop confused.
"What's wrong?" You ask.
"Let's go another way." He turns around.
"Why?" You ask raising your arms in confusion. "This seems quicker."
"It is," Hau sighs. "But it's not safe here."
"How so?" You fold your arms.
"See that house?" He points at the house ahead of them.
You nodd.
"A gang leader lives there." He explains. "He runs this gang that steal pokemon from people."
"Really?" You gasp.
"Yeah let's just go." Hau begins walking.
"How does he look like?" You walk beside him.
"Does that even matter?" Hau scratches the back of his head.
"I just wanted to know." You look at the ground.
"Well if you ever see these gang members you'll know who they are immediately." He explains.
You just nodd. You were really curious as to who these gang members are. They reminded you of Team Rocket back in Kanto. They would also rob pokemon. Knowing that a gang leader lived near your home gave you a bit of chills. On your way home you noticed there was a cliff with no boarding or anything. You were shocked that it was left like that. It was extremely dangerous. Anyone could just fall off. After a lot of walking you arrived at your house. It was already late. The sun was setting.
"This is my home." You tell Hau.
"I know." He smiles. "Everyone knows."
You giggle.
Your mom steps out of the house. She walks over to the two of you.
"Made a new friend?" Your mother asks.
"Yes mom." You smile. "This is Hau."
"Alola Ms...?" He extends his hand awkwardly.
"(Your moms sir name)." She shakes his hand.
"Nice to meet you (mother's sir name)." Hau smiles.
"Nice to meet you too Hau." Your mother smiles at him.
"He showed me around the Island." You tell your mother.
"That's fantastic." Your mother says.
You nodd.
"Well I should be going home." Hau says. "My mom made some Malasada."
"Alright Hau." You smile. "See you...?"
"Tomorrow?" He says shyly.
"Sure." You say.
"Great." Hau says as he prepares to leave. "Bye (your name)."
"Bye." You wave.
"Bye Ms. (Mother's sir name)." He says.
"Bye Hau." She waves back.
Hau makes his way home. You turn to make your way into the house. Your mother follows you inside. The house was covered in boxes but a couple of things were out of their boxes. You noticed that the couch was there and so was the refrigerator. You make your way to the fridge and grab a snack.
"Where were you?" Your mother breaks the silence.
You look at her confused.
"I was exploring with Hau." You respond.
"(Your name) do you realise what time it is?" She folds her arms.
"It's only 8." You say.
"We just moved here." She raises her voice. "And you already run off without permission."
"Mom." You frown. "Hau was showing me around."
"Do you not know about what goes on in Alola at night?" She asks sternly.
"What are you talking about?" You put your snack on the counter.
"There are dangerous people around here." She yells.
"Are you talking about that gang?" You raise your voice slightly.
"So you know." She frowns. "Yet you still came home late."
"Mom." You stomp your foot. "I can take care of myself."
"Who said that?" She continues to yell.
"I did!" You yell back.
"Your dad would be very ashamed of you." She spat.
"Don't bring dad into this." You grow furious.
"You've always been nothing but trouble." She says harshly. "Sometimes I wish I didn't need to deal with all this alone."
"Well you don't!" You spat. "I can take care of myself."
"Oh really?" Your mom begins to yell once more. "Then why did your father die in the first place?"
You stood there silent. The memories came flooding back. You were three years younger than you are now. You were out battling people late at night. Then a group of Team Rocket grunts kidnapped you. Your father had saved you but risking his life to do so. You were able to escape but he wasn't so lucky. You always felt guilty about it but your mother always told you it wasn't your fault. Until now that is. You feel tears run down your face. Your mother's expression changed into one of regret.
"(Your name)." Her voice softens. "I didn't mean to."
You ignore her and run out of the house.
"(Your name)!" She calls for you.
You continue to run. Tears kept running down your face. You were sobbing. You were surprised no one had heard you at least what you thought. You were so upset you hadn't realized you had just passed the house Hau had warned you about. After a few more steps of running you made it to that cliff you saw earlier. Horrible ideas began to wonder inside your head. You made your way to the cliff. You were still sobbing. You realized your bag wasn't with you. Did you drop it? You really didn't care at the moment. Your pokemon were safer the farther away they were from you. You slowly stepped closer to the edge of the cliff. All you saw was a bunch of rocks and you realized how high up you were. You gulped and closed your eyes. You were about to step further to nothing, until you heard someone.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
You gasped and turned around. You didn't see anyone. All you saw were a couple of trees to where the voice came from. The voice was deep. A voice from a male.
"Who's there?" You call out nervously.
"Your conscious." The voice joked. "Don't do it."
"Har har!" You tease aggressively. "Who are you?"
"Does it matter?" The voice said. "I am savin' your damn life!"
"No you're not." You sobbed.
"Honestly if ya really wanted to do it," The voice continued. "Ya would of done it already."
You realized he was right. Then a man came out from behind a tree. You couldn't make out how he looked like. He had a big black hoodie. The hood covered almost his entire face. He had black baggy pants and white sneakers. You turned away almost immediately.
"Leave me alone!" You cry. "This is none of your business!"
"It kinda is." He said. "When I see a girl running and crying for dear life by my house. I kinda need'a know what's up."
You sigh.
"Look don't jump." He continued. "Think about the people who care for ya. I am sure they'll be sad if you're gone."
You thought about your mom and your pokemon. Also Hau and other friends from Kanto popped into your mind. Then your father. Your father would not want this for you. He saved you not so you could just kill yourself in the end. You realized what you were doing was stupid and selfish. You turn away from the cliff.
"I guess you're right." You take a step forward. "I-"
Suddenly the ground you stepped on began cracking. You gasped. Then the ground you were stepping on crumbled. You fell. You screamed at the top of your lungs. However you managed to grab on some rocky edges that were left on the cliff. You dangled and looked down. You saw the pieces that were once part of the cliff fall to the ground. You began crying. Your heart began to beat quickly. You haven't felt this afraid since Team Rocket had kidnapped you. The young man who was talking to you ran over to you.
"Grab my hand!" He extended his arm to you.
You try to reach his hand with your right hand causing you to slip a bit more.
"Ahhh!" You cried holding on to the rocky edges tightly with both hands now. "Help!"
The man cursed under his breath. He pulled out a pokeball from his pocket. He threw it quickly and a Golisopod appeared.
"Golisopod hold onto me." He ordered. "I am going to try to grab her okay?"
Golisopod roared in agreement. The Golisopod held onto his trainer. He was now dangling and stretched out his arms to you.
"Grab on." He demanded.
You quickly grabbed onto his hands with both of your hands. You were now dangling from his hands. You were still crying obviously afraid for your life. You look up to face the mystery man. He had gray eyes but that's all you could make out other than his slightly tanned skin. He turned back to his Golisopod.
"Alright buddy." He spoke loudly. "Pull us up!"
You closed your eyes afraid of the results. Golisopod then pulled you both back up. You fell on your back. You then slowly opened your eyes. That's when you see the guy who just saved your life on top of you. You stared into his beautiful gray eyes. He stared into your (color) eyes. You then saw that the outer part of his eyes were a dark grayish. It reminded you of smudged makeup. His hood was somehow still on so you could not see above his eyebrows. After a while of him staring into your eyes he quickly stood up and fixed his hood to cover more of his face. You continued to stare at him.
"Good job buddy." He pet his pokemon.
His pokemon cried joyfully. He then returned his pokemon to its ball. He then just stood there staring at the floor for a moment or two. 
"Ya dropped this." He then grabs a bag a couple feet away from where he stood.
That bag was yours. It was the bag you had your pokedex and your pokemon in. He then threw the bag next to you.
"You should get home." He says softly. "It's late."
He begins to walk away. You quickly grab your bag and stand up. You run over to him.
"Wait!" You grabbed his arm.
He stopped in his tracks and turned his head slightly.
"Thank you." You say.
"It's no big deal." He whispers.
"No big deal?!" You raise your voice. "You saved my life."
"Heh I guess so." He chuckles slightly.
"What's your name?" You ask.
He doesn't respond.
"Umm I'm (your name)." You introduce yourself.
"(Your name)." He shrugs your hands off him. "It's better if ya dunno my name."
He walks away.
"Why?" You follow him. "You saved me."
"Don't let it get into your lil head." He spits. "We dunno each other and it'll stay that way."
You don't respond. You then just decided to hug him from behind. He stops walking.
"I am still thankful." You say. "You're a great person."
He stands there quietly. You then run off to your home not noticing that he was watching you leave. You make it to your house. Your mom was on the couch. She had fallen asleep probably waiting for you. You notice there were a couple of empty bottles. She was probably drinking again. You walked over to her and gave her kiss on the cheek. You then went to your room and lied on your bed. After a while you fell asleep. You began to dream about this mystery guy.

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