It Was You

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It's been a couple weeks after the battle with Guzma. You have encountered a couple of Team Skull Grunts since then but not Guzma. You were busy doing Island Trials. You managed to beat every single one. It was a great accomplishment. You then had a new goal which was to become the first ever Champion in Alola. At this current moment you were in Konikoni City. You were eating some Malasada with Hau. Hau was talking about his crush on some girl named Lillie who left to Kanto. He told you about the problems her mother Lusamine had caused. He also talked about a boy named Gladion who was your age. The two of you were actually waiting for him. Hau wanted to hang out with him so you would meet him. After a while of talking a boy was heading over to where you guys sat.
"That's him." Hau whispered to you.
The boy had blonde hair that covered his right eye. His eyes were green. He had fairly pale skin for someone who lived in Alola. He was wearing black tight clothes with a bit of red. He had two ear piercings on his left ear. His face was serious too serious.
"Alola Gladion!" Hau cheered.
"Hey." The boy said.
"This is the girl I told you about." Hau smiled.
"(Your name) right?" He looked at you.
"Yes." You nodd.
"I heard you completed all the trials." He said.
You nodd again.
"And you beat Guzma?" He raised his left eyebrow.
"Heck yeah she did." Hau danced.
"Impressive." Gladion put his arm out. "Name's Gladion."
You shake his hand.
Then the three of you grab some food for the trip. You guys walked around the Akala Island. You three went to Royal Avenue and battled in the Battle Dome. It was so much fun. You even saw Professor Kukui but he was wearing a mask. The boys didn't know it was him though. They called him the Royal. After leaving the Battle Dome you find a couple of grunts causing a rockus.
"Give us the pokemon bro!" Said a grunt.
There was people who were hiding and who looked scared. You groaned and made your way over to the grunts. Gladion and Hau followed behind you.
"You guys never know when to quit." You sigh.
"Oh look it's girly." Said a grunt.
"It's (your name)." You hiss.
"Whateva girl." Said the grunt.
"Will you guys stop?" You ask. "Or will I have to beat you guys again?"
"Causing my bros trouble?" A voice came from behind you.
You and the guys turned around. There stood the Boss, Guzma. He looked the same as always. Your eyes widen in shock. You have not seen him in a while.
"Why are ya always messin' with ma peeps?" He smirks.
Then his eyes wonder by your right side where Gladion stood. Guzma then rolled his eyes.
"What are ya doin here kid?" He asked Gladion.
"Hanging out with my friends." Gladion said in a rather rude tone.
"You actually have friends?" Guzma grinned.
A bunch of grunts started laugh after Guzma's remark.
"As if you ever had real friends." You spat at him.
The grunts stopped laughing. Guzma's grin faded. Gladion chuckled. Hau grew tense next to you.
"Ya have some balls (your name) for a chick." Guzma walked closer to you. "I like you."
"Sucks cause I don't." You sass.
Grunts then grabbed you.
"Hey!" You struggle.
"Let her go!" Hau cried.
"Guzma tell them to stop." Gladion said.
"Why should I?" Guzma kneeled in front of you. "Maybe I can teach her a few things back at Po Town." He winked at you.
You then spat on his face. Guzma flinched a bit then wiped off your spit from his face. His expression was now angry. He turned around.
"Let her go." Guzma sighed.
The grunts did as they were told. They pushed you away causing you to fall on your knees.
"Ouch." You hiss.
Hau and Gladion help you up.
"Battle me." Guzma pulled out a pokeball.
"Again?" You give him sass.
He nodds and turns to you.

*Battle Time Lapse*

You won again. His Golisopod was acting strange but not as strange as last time. This time it actually attacked your pokemon. Guzma eyed your wrist where your Z ring was. He frowned everytime he looked at it. Did Z moves bother him? Eitherway you had not used one on him. Guzma sent his last pokemon back to it's ball.
"What is wrong with you, Guzma?!?" He stomped on the floor.
The grunts in the area had scattered when you began winning the battle. Hau cheered you on. Gladion just observed the two of you the entire time. Again you wondered why in the hell he was so hard on himself. You stared at him.
"Nice pokemon ya got huh?" Guzma sighed.
You did not know what to say in response. You just stood there. Kukui then appeared. He probably watched everything that had happened.
"(Your name) is just a good trainer." He smiled.
"So ya sayin' I ain't?" Guzma spat.
"Guzma." Kukui looked at him. "Maybe if you'd listen to what Hala said then-"
"Don'tcha talk ta' me 'bout that old man!" Guzma turned away.
"You know it's not his fau-" Kukui was interupted
"Fuck you!" Guzma yelled and stormed off.
Kukui sighed.
"What's his problem?" Hau's eyes were wide.
"A lot." Gladion whispered.
"That's Guzma for ya." Kukui said.
You frowned. You wondered what really was Guzma's issue. Something about Guzma made you worry about him. Yeah he is a bad guy but you cared for him in a way though you barely know him.
"Let's go eat our snacks!" Hau changed the subject.
"You really love food." Gladion commented.
"No." He defended. "Just Malasada!"
"I'll be heading to the lab." Kukui said.
"Bye Professor." You all said.
"See ya!"
"Come on (Your Name)." Hau said.
"Umm nah I have to go." You say.
"Where to?" Gladion interupted.
"Chores to do." You say.
"Awww man." Whined Hau.
"Don't worry, I'll see ya guys soon." You smile.
"That's true!" Hau smiles.
You turn and run off. Gladion eyed you suspiciously as you left. He had a feeling you were going to do something off. You made your way in the same direction Guzma had left to. You were now in the Lush Jungle. You searched and searched but found nothing. You sighed and kicked a couple of small rocks. You then heard a noise. It startled you a bit. It was a Tauros. It looked very angry.
"Hey there." You say in a soothing tone.
It growled at you despite the soft tone in your voice.
"Hey buddy." You raised your arms defensively. "It's okay buddy."
You take another step back. "I am leaving now so no need to-"
He growled and charged at you. You cursed and ran. You ran as fast as you could but there was no way you were going to out-speed a damn Tauros. You couldn't send a pokemon to fight it since all of your pokemon were fainted or low on "health". After a couple feet you grew tired. The Tauros was slowly catching up to you. You ran between trees trying to slow it down. Suddenly you felt something or someone grab your arm. You scream. You fall into a small hole surrounded by bushes.
You fall on what felt like a person. You screamed louder.
"Shut it!" The person covered your mouth. "It'll hear us."
You obey the orders this person gave you. His voice sounded familiar. Wait.
Was it Guzma? You wanted to turn around but you were held tightly against his body. The two of you heard the Tauros. It growled a few times but soon made his way somewhere else.
"I think it's gone." The person said as he let go of you.
You turn around to face him. Gray eyes. Those beautiful gray eyes were the first thing you saw. You were in some trance. Then you saw his hood was slightly off. It kind of reminded you of Mystery guy. His hair was white and.. Wait. This is Guzma but Mystery guy had.. Is Guzma Mystery guy? Your eyes widen.
"Uhh are ya gonna get off me?" Guzma snapped you back to reality.
"You.." You crawled back a bit.
"What?" He asked.
"You saved me." You say.
"Uhh I guess yeah." He pushes you and leaves the hole.
You follow him out.
"No." You say. "Y-you-"
"Listen princess." Guzma raised his shoulders up a bit. "Don't go tellin' people 'bout me savin your ass."
He turned and walked off.
"Wait!" You grabbed his arm.
"Whaddaya want?" He stopped.
"You saved me-" you began.
"I know girl don't take it too-"
"Twice!" You cut him off.
Guzma didn't respond until after a moment or two.
"I dunno what you're talkin' 'bout Princess." He shrugged you off.
You run and stop in front of him.
"Oh no you don't." You stomp your foot. "That night in route 2 by the cliff. You saved my life. It was you."
"You're absolutely nuts." Guzma spat and walked off.

Seeing Guzma walk away made tears form in your eyes. You tried to fight back your tears but couldn't. You were never good at holding back your emotions. This man saved your life but is lying to you. This man just shrugged you off like dirt. Yet he helped you twice. You began sobbing and Guzma heard you. He then hessitantly stops but you didn't notice. You were staring at the floor watching your tears fall.
"So what if I did?" Guzma spoke softly.

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