Stay Away

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Your eyes widened in horror. Guzma was abused as a child? You couldn't believe a father would be so heartless. Is this why Guzma is the way he is?
"So his dad just hit him everytime he didn't win?" You ask.
"Well when he wasn't first." Kukui explained. "I only found out he was being hurt because I saw his bruises. Even then I wasn't too sure until one day..."

*Typical Flashback Time*

Kukui hasn't really been hanging with Guzma too much. Guzma kept saying he was busy or didn't feel like going outside. Kukui waited for him as always though. Guzma exited his house. He was wearing a big hoodie and his hair was covering his right side of his face.
"Alola Guz." Kukui waved.
Guzma ignored him this time and walked away quickly. Kukui grew upset that Guzma ignored him. He ran after him.
"Hey Guz." Kukui stood in front of him. "What's the deal?"
Guzma kept his head low staring at the ground.
"Kukui I just wanna be alone." Guzma walked again.
"Guz!" Kukui stopped him by pulling on his hood. "Why have you been acting so weird?"
"Kukui lemme go." Guzma spoke angrily.
"No you're my friend." Kukui insisted. "Tell me what's wrong!"
"Lemme go!" Guzma tried escaping his grasp.
"Guz come on!" Kukui yelled.
"Leave me alone!" Guzma pulled harder.
Kukui lost his grasp on Guzma's hood. Guzma then fell on his side.
Kukui kneeled beside him.
"Hey Guz are you okay-" Kukui stopped as he got a good look at Guzma.
Guzma looked up to Kukui. Kukui saw Guzma's face and now knew why Guzma was acting so weird. He had a black eye on his right side.
"G-Guzma." Kukui frowned. "What ha-"
Guzma stood up and ran before Kukui could finish.
"Hey Guz wait!" Kukui went in the same direction as he did.
Guzma was too fast though. Kukui couldn't catch up. Kukui ended up losing him.
"Guzma!" Kukui called out. "Guzma!"
Nothing. He disappeared from Kukui's sight. Though Guzma was pretty close to Kukui but he was hiding in a small hole on route 2. Guzma was crying. He didn't want anyone to know that his father had been hitting him. But most importantly he didn't want anyone to see him cry.

*Flashback over*

"Ever since that day," Kukui sighed. "He never walked with me again."
Your heart hurt. This was too much to handle but you had a feeling there was more to hear. You were right.
"He also tried to-" Kukui's expression was sad. "He attempted to commit suicide.."
You felt your body stiffen and your chest tighten.
"H-How do you know?" You stutter.
"I was there." Kukui said.

*Flashback again*

Kukui was around 15 years old now. He hadn't talked to Guzma since the day he saw his black eye. He decided to pay Guzma a visit. He missed him. He was a great friend when they were kids. Meanwhile Guzma was 13. Guzma hated his life. He would always be second best to everything. He never won first place in anything causing his father to make his life an absolute hell. His mother had suspicions that her husband was hurting Guzma but was never sure. Especially since Guzma made an excuse everytime she asked. Guzma was in his room. He was crying. He had recently lost a competition and got second place again. His father had told him how useless and pathetic he was. Guzma really hadn't forgotten those words especially the "what's wrong with you Guzma?"
"What IS wrong with you Guzma?" He sobbed to himself. "Why can't you do anything right?"
Guzma had a container of sleeping pills in his hand. Guzma had been wanting to do this for quite some time. He opened the container and shoved a couple of pills in his mouth. Each time he swallowed more and more. After swallowing about more than half of the container of pills he stood up to lie on his bed. However he didn't make it. His vision went dark and he fell onto the floor. The container with the remaining pills fell as well causing the rest of the pills to spread all over the floor.

Kukui rang on Guzma's house doorbell. After a few seconds his mother opened the door.
"Oh Kukui!" Said Guzma's mother. "Come on in."
"Alola Miss." Kukui waved and entered.
"I haven't seen you in so long!" She smiles and walks to the kitchen. "How have you been?"
"Great thank you." Kukui said. "How is Guzma?"
"You know he is a teenager now so he is a bit rebelious," she said. "He is still trying to be a trial captain though."
"Oh really?" Kukui frowned a bit remembering Guzma always winning second or third place.
She nodded.
"Where is he?" He asked.
"In his room." She said. "He was a bit grumpy today but I am sure he'll be happy to see you."
"I hope so." Kukui said nervously.
"Guzma!" His mother called. "Kukui is here to see you!"
She continued cooking. Kukui sat on a chair by the kitchen counter. 'Maybe Guzma didn't want to see me' Kukui thought.
"Ugh I hope he didn't sneak out again." She sighed. "Guzma come out!"
"Hold on Kukui." She walked over to Guzma's bedroom door.
"Guzma!" She knocked on the door. "Kukui is here to see you.!"
She sighed and decided to just open the door.
"Guzma what are-" she stopped mid sentence.
Then an agonizing scream came out of her. Kukui jumped out of his seat and ran over to the room too. Guzma was unconsious on the floor. Guzma's mother was on her knees next to Guzma. There were pills scattered all over the floor. Kukui's eyes widened and he covered his mouth with his palm.
"Guzma!" She cried. "Guzma!"
She began shaking his body hoping to get a reaction out of him. Nothing happened. Guzma's body was limp.
"Oh my god Guzma!" She shook him more. "Guzma wake up!"
"I'll call an ambulence!" Kukui shouted.
He ran over to the living room. He grabbed the house phone which was in the same spot as he could remember. He marked the three numbers. After a ring or two they answered.
"Help! My friend is unconsious on the floor!" Kukui cried. "He drank a lot of pills!! Please help!"
"Address?!" Spoke a lady.
"House 142 on Route 2 in Melemele Island!" Kukui said.
"We'll be there right away!" Said the woman on the phone.
Kukui ran over to Guzma's room again. He was going to say that he had called the ambulence but stopped. He saw Guzma's mother sobbing as she held onto her son. Kukui felt a tear or two escape from him too. That was his best friend who had tried to kill himself.

*Flashback over*

You felt tears in your eyes but you held them back. Kukui looked very upset remembering all of that.
"I am so sorry." You get up. "I'll leave now."
"No don't." Kukui said. "It's alright."
"I had no right to ask so much." You look at the ground. "I am so-"
"Don't worry about it." Kukui stood beside you. "But I have to ask you a few things now."
"Y-yes?" You look at him.
"Why'd you want to know things about Guzma?" He asked.
"It's a secret though." You say.
"I won't say a word." Kukui pretended to zip his mouth.
You giggle.
"Well he saved my life.." You say softly.
"Oh really?" Kukui gave you a surprised look.
"I was about to slip off a cliff." You slightly lie and continue to explain. "Then he rescued me. He also saved me from a very angry Tauros."
Kukui eyed you for a while before speaking again.
"Do you have feelings for Guzma?" He asked.
"What?!?!" You blush. "N-no! What makes you say that!?"
Kukui giggles.
"Nothing." Kukui pats your back. "I'm just messing with ya."
You give him a stern look for a bit.
"But (your name)" Kukui said. "You should really stay away from Guzma." His face turned serious. "He isn't the sweet guy he once was. He changed."
"Can you blame him?" You defended.
"He chose to be that way." Kukui said. "So don't get near him."
"But he saved my life." You defend again. "He can't be as bad people make him out to be."
"Take it from someone who knows Guzma." Kuki says. "Stay away from him. He is bad news."
"But-" you began.
"Promise me ?" Kukui interrupts. "Promise me you won't approach him."
You sigh.
"I promise." You say sadly.
"Now you may go." He smiles.
You head out of his lab. You then make your way home. It was a bit late. Then you changed your mind half way. You made your way to Route 2.

Happy Holidays!!!

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