Number One

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You and Guzma made it to his house. You were excited to see pictures of him when he was small. It was a way of living his life. Guzma unlocks the door and opens it.
"Come on in." He says entering the house.
You walk inside. He turned on the light since it was late by the time you two arrived.
"Where are your parents?" You ask.
"My mom is on a business trip and shit." He said. "My pops ehh who knows? He leaves sometimes for a couple days when my mom leaves."
"Oh.." You say as you walk around. "Did your dad always do that?"
"I wish!" Guzma said. "He would usually beat the shit outta me when mom wasn't around."
"Guzma." You frown.
"It's true." He muttered.
The two of you stayed quiet for a bit. Guzma walked over to a shelf filled with books and albums. He took out a red album. He made his way over to the couch. You followed behind him. He threw himself on the couch.
"Here." He throws the photo album to you.
You barely catch it. You then sat beside him on the sofa. You began flipping through the book. You saw pictures of Guzma when he was a baby.
"Aww!" You point at a picture.
"Shut up." He blushes.
You continued to look through the album. You saw pictures of Guzma with his parents. They all seemed happy. As you continued to turn the pages you saw some where Guzma was with another boy. The boy had glasses and slightly long dark hair. He was a bit tan and about the same height as Guzma. He looked familiar. Oh. It must be Kukui. Of course it was. The boy had a Rockruff with him. You continued to flip pages. There was a picture of Guzma with a silver trophy and Kukui had a gold one. They both looked so happy it made you smile. You were so into the pictures that you hadn't noticed that Guzma was staring at you look at the pictures. As you continued to flip through you saw Guzma with other throphies and medals. However unlike the first one he seemed sad in these. His medals and trophies were all sorts of colors except for gold that is. Then a picture caught your eye. Guzma was golfing. You didn't expect him to golf. He looked serious in the picture. In the background you saw a girl with light bluish hair. Oh my gosh. You know her. She was in the Elite four. It was Kahili. Were Guzma and her friends? Or related? Probably but you decide not to question it, instead you ask him something else on your mind.
"You play golf?" You ask. "You don't seem like a golf player."
"I'm not." Guzma said. "My pops always forced me ta' play it. I hated it! I sucked too."
You just nodded and continued flipping through the album. After you finished flipping through the whole book you closed it. Then you looked at him.
"Do you still have the awards?" You ask.
"Yeah." He sighs. "Follow me."
He stands up and goes towards a door near to where he had gotten the album. You stand up to follow him but something caught your eye. It was a golfing bag. It was filled with different golf clubs. Guzma had entered the other room so you decided to look through the bag just out of curiousity. You pull out a golf club. It was bent. You put it back and grabbed another one. This one was even more bent than the other one. You then pulled out one that was decently straight.
"The trophies and shit are in my-"
His voice startled you so you turned around quickly with the club still in your hand. Guzma was a couple steps behind you. Guzma flinched instantly shielding his face with one hand as he saw you with the golf club. It shocked you. You never seen him act... Afraid. He then lowered his arm. You gave him a confused look.
"Ya wanna see the awards or not?" He spat.
You nodd.
"J-just put that shit away!" He barks.
He turns around and walks into the room he was previously in. You put the golf club back. He really didn't like golf. You walked over to the same room he was in. It was a bedroom. There was a bed, a t.v. with some games, a desk, and drawer. On top of the drawer were a bunch of trophies and medals. You walked over to the trophies. Guzma was beside you.
"Wow." You say.
"Yeah.." He says. "Those are my trophies and shit."
"That's a lot of awards." You say in awe.
Guzma stayed silent. He hated looking at his awards. They were a constant reminder of how he was a failure.
"That's amazing!" You smile at him.
"Too bad my pops didn't think so." He sat on his bed.
"Guzma don't say that." You frown.
"It's true." He says. "I could neva please him."
You watched him.
"He would always beat me." He continued. "No matter how hard I tried. I just failed. I couldn't even please him with golfing. He would torment me every fucking day." Guzma began raising his voice. "He would beat me with his golf clubs over and over and over again!"
You gasp. He had flinched when you had the golf club in your hand. That had reminded him of his past. You felt guilty.
"I-I wanted to be a trial captain!" His voice was shaky. "But I never ever won. I was always close yet so far!"
Guzma was talking differently again. He was no longer his "gangsta" self. He was back to his other side that you've only heard and seen once.
"I tried to prove myself!" He lays his forehead on his hands. "But I never proved anything aside from being a failure!"
You walk over to him. You began to soothe him by rubbing circles on his back.
"What's wrong with you Guzma!?" His voice cracked.
You then saw a tear fall onto the carpet. Your jaw opens slightly. He was crying. You felt your heart break in two. You sat beside him and continued to soothe him. He was now sobbing hard. You continued to calm him down. You felt your eyes grow watery. You didn't like seeing him like this. After a while his sobs had stopped and you only heard a few hiccups come from him. He then looks at you.
"I'm sorry." He wipes his tears. "You didn't need to see that."
He then looks at the floor.
"Those awards just bring me bad memories."
"Guzma it's okay." You say. "Thank you for showing me them."
"It's cool." He said. "As you can see I've always been a loser. I am never first for anything."
"You're the number one for me." You hug him.
Guzma's eyes widen. A tear fell from his right eye. He then returned the hug. His arms were wrapped around your waist while yours were wrapped around his neck. After a while he let go and so did you. Then the two of you made eye contact. His beautiful gray eyes and as always they brought you into a trance. Guzma then inched towards you and you did the same. Your heart felt like it would escape from your chest. Guzma closed his eyes and so did you. You felt his warm breath against your soft skin. Your lips ached for his to meet yours. Finally his lips made contact with yours. Your stomach twisted and turned. After the first kiss the two of you continued to kiss more. Then the two of you were making out. Guzma held your face in his hands as he kissed you. Unlike the first time he kissed you these kisses were soft and gentle unlike the hard rough kiss when he was drunk. Finally the two of you stopped kissing gasping for air. As you two separated a trail of saliva met with both of your mouths. You stare up at him as he stares back at you. His cheeks were a bit red unlike yours which were extremely red. Guzma then smiled.
"I've never felt like this before." He spoke softly.
"Me either." You say.
"(Your name)." He caresses your cheek.
"Yes?" You ask.
"Is this what you want us to be?"

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