What is Anything?

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You had left his house. You made your way to Beachfront. There you saw Guzma standing still slouched though. You walked to him.
"Battle me." He said.
"Uhh sure." You say.
The two of you prepare for the battle.

*Battle Time Lapse*

"Again?" Guzma gives you a confused look. "How come I can't crush you?"
You were about to say something until he started yelling.
"Guzma!" He started pulling his hair. "What is wrong with you?!"
He startled you. You were never going to get used to that.
"This outcome hasn't changed at all!" Guzma stomped his foot.
You had won the battle, again. You felt a bit bad. The two of you were silent for a while until someone stood beside you. It was Hala.
"Well played, (Your Name)." Said Hala.
"You came all this way to see me lose huh?" Guzma turned to Hala. "Must be nice to be a lazy old island kahuna with nothin' better ta' do?!"
"What a high opinion you have of yourself. Ha!" Hala teased him.
"I just happened to see (your name) here so I thought I would come over."
"You wanna get beat down old man?!" Guzma growled.
"Oh Guzma, when will you understand?." Hala sighed. "Only when you respect your opponent's skill will it bring out the best in you."
Guzma doesn't respond.
"You miss the true meaning of battling." Hala continues. "The goal is not to beat your opponent down, but for both trainers to grow stronger."
"I don't care what ya say ta' me yo." Guzma spat. "Beatin' people down is all I know!"
"But the battle I just saw seemed a bit different." Hala said. "While you may say you want to crush your opponent, but I sense a desire to beat (your name) deep in your heart."
"W-what do ya know, old man?!" Guzma hessitated a bit.
"If you continue this path you'll never beat (your name)." Hala explains. "Guzma, admit the worthiness of your opponents. Only then will you become stronger than you already are."
Guzma turns around avoiding eye contact with Hala.
"Allow yourself to know the people and pokemon you encounter and look deeply into your heart." Hala finishes.
"You're still trynna front like your my master." Guzma says. "I gave up on ya a long time ago."
"I'm sorry (your name)." Hala turns to you. "I have yet to make a fine trainer out of him."
Guzma snickered.
"We have a lot of work to do Guzma." Hala said as he left.
You then turned your attention to Guzma. He had his hands on his hips.
"Master..." He whispered to himself.
You had heard him despite his whispering.
"I am never askin' for ya ta' forgive me so don't get it twisted. This is no appology!" He walked towards you. "But shut up and take this! It's from my first ever victory and it's always been like my lucky charm."
He handed you a Dawn stone. This stone was his lucky charm and he gave it to you? This stone must mean something to him but instead he let you keep it. You grabbed the stone. You looked at it for a while.
"You'll be the one ta' show me if I have gotten stronger or not." He says.
He then starts to walk away.
"Wait!" You shout.
"Hm?" He turns back around.
"Are you doing anything later today?" You ask.
"Not that I know." He says. "Why?"
Good question. You just wanted to spend some time with Guzma. However you didn't want to make it seem weird. So you decided to just make something up.
"I need help." You lie.
"With what?" He raises an eyebrow.
"I want to catch a wimpod." You continue the lie. "Help me catch one?"
"Ya need help catchin' a bug?" He asks confused.
You nodd.
"The Champ of Alola needs help catchin' a bug?" He gives you a 'you have to be kidding me' face.
"No not really." You sigh.
"Then what?" He asks.
"I wanted to hang out." You smile.
Guzma sighs and shakes his head.
"I gotta go." Guzma turns and walks away.
"Hey!" You run and stand in front of him. "You said you were free."
"I also said I would be a trial captain." He glares.
"Guzma." You sigh. "I don't want us to stay as strangers."
"Whaddaya mean?"
"I want us to be something." You say. "I think it would be better."
"What am I to ya?" He asks.
"I am not sure." You answer.
"Well I know we can't eva be friends. " He smirks. "Ya said I had no real friends after all."
Did he really just bring up what you said that day in Royal Avenue?
"I didn't mean what I said that day." You exhale.
"So ya wanna be somethin'?" He asks.
"Yes." You nodd. "I just want us to be anything besides strangers or enemies."
"Anythin'?" He walks closer to you invading your personal space.
"Huh?" You grow embarrassed.
"Ya said anythin' Princess." He caressed your face.
You stomp your foot.
"Stop it!" You blush. "Why do you always do stupid crap like this?! You-"
He then pulled you into a hug. It was quite a rough hug but you enjoyed it nonetheless. Guzma wasn't really one to be soft anyway. This was the first time he hugged you. You usually were the one to hug him first. You felt people's stares. An ex-Gang Leader IS hugging you. It didn't really bother you that people saw you with him. Though Kukui may find out you hadn't listened to him sooner or later. After a while he pulls out of the hug.
"I'll see ya later today then." Guzma says. "Meet me where we first met at sunset."
He then walks off. You wondered why he always ran off like that. So do you meet him in Malie Garden? Wait. No. Where you two first met was by the cliff, right? Well you'll find out later today.

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