Lost and Found

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You hadn't left the house for two days now. You weren't in the mood to do anything. You were still upset about the whole Guzma incident. Professor Kukui had called you these past two days. You didn't answer knowing what it may be about. Your mother was worried why you didn't leave the house. You rarely left your room too. Only for food and to use the bathroom. You heard the door bell from your room. You hoped it wasn't Hau and/or Gladion. You didn't want to hang out. After a few moments you heard a knock on your bedroom door.
"What?" You say irritation in your voice.
"May I come in?"
It was Professor Kukui. Oh no. He was going to talk to you about Guzma. You sat up on your bed quickly.
"S-sure." You say.
Kukui entered the room. He closed the door behind him.
"May I sit?" He points at a chair.
You nodd.
He sits down. The both of you sat quietly for a while. Then Kukui pulled out a newspaper from his bag. He hands it to you. The articles read "Ex Gang Leader with Champion of Alola" and "Can we trust our Champion?" You see yourself and Guzma together. But it was two pictures. There was a picture where the two of you were walking together. Finally the last picture was the one where the guy just ran up to you two and took the picture. You frown. Why did people have to butt in?
"Care to explain?" He says.
You sigh and put the newspaper to the side.
"I broke the promise." You say.
"I can see that." Kukui said. "But why?"
"I uhh." You look at your knees. "I don't know. I just wanted me and Guzma to be something other than strangers or enemies."
Kukui watched you carefully.
"He saved my life and all." You continued. "I needed to know more about him.. I-"
"You needed to or you wanted to?" Kukui asked.
"Both I guess." You grew tense.
"(Your name)." He says. "Just because he saved you doesn't mean you owe him anything. It was a kind gesture from his part but-"
"Don't worry." You interrupt. "I won't be seeing him again anyway."
"And why is that?" Kukui scratches his temple.
"He is angry with me." You explain. "I freaked out when someone took one of those pictures. I was scared you would see it or my mom or my friends. He thought I didn't care about anyone seeing me with him. I guess I did."
Kukui frowned. Kukui had a suspicion that Guzma may have feelings for you. He's seen him when he had a tiny crush on a girl when they were young. He was acting similar to when he had the crush only this time it did not seem like just a crush, atleast in Kukui's eyes.
"Well I am sorry about that." He stands up. "I'll be heading off."
You watch him leave but before he closes the door.
"Please be careful." He says and closes it.
Your mother came in after a few minutes. She looked angry. She had a newspaper in her hand. You assumed it was the same one Kukui gave you. Your mother was about to yell at you until she takes a good look at you. You seemed depressed which you were. She sat on the bed beside you. She caressed your hair.
"Sweetie." Her voice was gentle. "I don't know much about that boy but if you're willing to hang out with him. I am sure he is a good person."
You stay silent.
"I heard he helped you." She said.
Your eyes widen. How did she know?
"Kukui told me when you first spoke to him about the boy." She explains. "That's a very brave and kind action."
You didn't respond.
"I can see why you hang out with this boy." She continues. "But I still worry. He was a gang leader. Kukui told me he was also very aggressive and rude."
"Mom." You say. "I don't know what to do.."
"And I am not so sure what to tell you my dear." She responded.

*Time Lapse*

It's been another two days. You finally decided to leave the house. You wanted to see Guzma but you knew he wasn't going to be around anywhere. You decided not look for him. Instead you made your way to Po Town in Ula'ula Island. You wanted to explore around there to see if you can find anything else about Guzma. No one was really around there since Team Skull broke up. You walked inside with ease. It was raining hard. You saw that there was houses. The houses looked destroyed and abandoned. There was graffitti everywhere. Everything was runned down even a pokemon center. You then made your way to the end of the town. There was a huge mansion. Of course it was run down as well but not as much as the rest. You made your way inside. It was messy and dirty but not as bad as you expected it to be. You explored rooms in the mansion. You hadn't really found much other than some dumb passwords and a lot of team skull uniforms. After searching every room you could you found a balcony. You walked outside on it. You were afraid of heights so you were a bit nervous. You gulped and tried to carefully make your way to the other broken window. You were close. You tried to reach out to the window. You carefully entered to see a tall figure. It was Guzma. It made since for him to be here. It was really the only escape he had left. No one dared to enter Po Town except for you that is. He pulled you inside. You were soaking wet compared to him. He walked a couple steps away from you. He had his back to you and he was slouched as always.
"So ya found me."

I updated! Finally right?! Hehe. I am so sorry. I have been super duper busy with life >.> life is ehh sometimes but no worries I hadn't forgotten about you all. Hope you enjoy! I love you all! ❤
Btw who's happy about Pokebank? I am !!!

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