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You were nervous. You didn't think he would ask about what happened that day. You were afraid he might laugh or think you're stupid. However you decided to tell him since he told you a lot about himself.
"I had a fight with my mom." You say. "She was worried why I came home late and she brought up stuff from the past. It hurt me and all..."
Guzma looks at you patiently waiting for you to continue.
"Back at Kanto I was kidnapped by a gang called Team Rocket."
Guzma had heard about Team Rocket. His father would always watch the news and Team Rocket would always be on the television.
You then continue to speak.
"I was wondering around late and my father went to save me. I managed to escape but he didn't."
Guzma frowned a bit knowing where this was going.
"They killed him." You say looking at your hands. "It was my fault and I know it. My mom reminded me of it since I came late that night. She didn't mean to but she had said that it was my fault. I have felt guilty about that for years."
Guzma watched you as you spoke and played with your hands.
"I felt like I caused my mom so much harm." You sigh. "We decided to move to Alola because we couldn't continue to pay for the house since my dad was gone. Umm after the fight with mom I decided it would be best to be gone. That's why I was going to jump."
Guzma stares at you and you look up at him.
"See I told you it was stupid." You look away. "It really wasn't-"
Guzma pulled you into a hug. This hug was different though. It wasn't rough like the other hug. This one was soft and securing. It made you feel safe as if nothing could hurt you.
"It isn't stupid." He says. "I'm sorry ya went through that."
He still had you in his arms.
"I am too." You look up at him. "You've been through worse and I am really sorry."
Guzma stares down at you. You were wrapped around his arms. His back against the rock. The two of you stare into eachothers eyes. Again you were lost in his gray majestic eyes. He then inches closer to you. You stay completely still. He then places a finger on your cheek and rubs it. What the heck is he doing?
"You had somethin' on your cheek." He threw the thing off.
"Oh." You blushed.
Guzma chuckles at your awkwardness. You pull away from his embrace. You touched your cheeks hoping nothing else was there.
"Well I should get goin'." He stands up.
"Right." You stand up too. "Me too."
"Where ya gonna go huh?" He asks you.
"Home." You say. "Mom might be worried."
"Ah." He says. "I can walk with ya for a bit. If ya want that is."
"Sure that'd be nice." You smile.

You and Guzma walked a lot. The two of you made jokes and talked non sense the whole way. Then the two of you made it to Melemele Island. As you two walked you saw people give Guzma nasty looks. Others gave you a worried look as if you were in danger. This made your stomach twist and turn. You were upset because they gave Guzma such dirty looks. Guzma kept his eyes glued to the floor. Did he know? Oh, of course he knew. Suddenly some guy with a camera took a picture of you guys. Guzma and you were stunned by the sudden action.
"Hey!" You yell at him.
"Sorry this is a gonna be a great headline." The man said. "Champ of Alola with Ex Gang Leader of Team Skull."
Guzma frowned.
"Gimme the camera!" You try to grab it.
"Sorry girl." He said and ran off.
"Get back here!"
You were going to run off but Guzma stopped you.
"Let go of me!" You yank your arm away. "I have to get that camera!"
"Hold on." His voice was rough. "So does it bother ya ta' be seen with me?"
"Huh?" You turn to him.
"Bein' seen with me bothers ya?" He frowns.
"N-no I am just not supposed to be seen with you." You hessitate. "Kukui will find out and-"
"So it does bother ya?" He interrupts.
"N-no." You defend. "I never said that!"
"But what people say bothers ya?" He spat.
"Kukui told me to stay away from you." You say. "So I-"
"Figures." He scowls. "I guess this is our last encounter then."
"What?" You frown.
"Bein' somethin' huh?" His voice was rough. "More like we can only be strangers or enemies."
With that Guzma walked away.
"Guzma!" You shouted. "Wait!"
He ignored you and continued his path. You sighed. You didn't chase after him. People were already staring at you. You didn't want to make a bigger scene than it already was. You then decided you were done for today. You didn't want to defend your title or do anything. You walked home and locked yourself in your room. You lied on your bed. You then pulled out the stone Guzma gave you. You looked at it as your thoughts consisted of Guzma.
"I ruined it," you spoke to yourself. "Didn't I?"
Guzma meant something to you. You had feelings for him but you atleast wanted to be something more than strangers. It was too late. You ruined it all. You wanted to fix it but you knew Guzma was angry with you and probably won't ever forgive you. You just hope you could see him whether it's a bad encounter or good.
"Boy I am so stupid." You whispered to yourself holding the stone to your chest.

Wasn't going to update so soon but umm here! 😀
Hope ya'll like it 😊❤

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