Blurry Mistake

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It was finally time to meet up with Guzma. It was around 7:30. You were slightly nervous but you weren't so sure why. You were at home in the meantime. You prepared yourself to leave. Your mother was out shopping. You grabbed your bag and headed to Route 2. You made your way to the cliff. He wasn't there yet. You sighed. He would be late you thought to yourself. However to your surprise you heard a voice.
"Hey Princess."
You jumped and put your hand on your chest. Guzma was leaning on the same tree that you had met him that day. You roll your eyes at him.
"You're gonna give me a heart attack one of these days." You breathe out.
"Sorry." He made his way to you.
He sat down. He was quite near the cliff. It made you nervous so you sat a couple of feet away from where he sat.
"Scared?" He grinned.
"No." You defend. "I just want to sit here."
"Right." He giggled.
You puff your cheeks up. He rolls his eyes and sits next to you. You began to look at the sunset. It was gorgeous. You never saw a sunset like that back at Kanto. Kanto never really had great views at least compared to these. You were so busy staring at the sky you hadn't noticed that Guzma had been staring at you the entire time.
"Where ya from?" Guzma asks.
"Kanto." You say.
Guzma nodds. Then the two of you were silent again. You wanted to bring up stuff about him but you weren't so sure how.
"So how does it feel?" He asks.
You give him a confused look.
"Ya know bein' Champ and all that." He adds.
"Oh that." You lay your head on your knees as you hug your legs. "It feels great and all but it's not as great as I thought. I don't have much time for myself since I have to defend my title and all."
"It sure is betta than bein' a loser." He fakes a small giggle.
You give him a sad look.
"So." Guzma changes the subject. "Have ya thought 'bout what ya want us ta' be?"
"I don't know." You say. "Have no idea yet."
"What time ya gotta be home by?" Guzma asks.
That shocks you. Since when did Guzma care about curfew especially yours?
"Umm before 9." You answer. "I have plans tomorrow."
"Like what?"
"I am going to travel tomorrow." You explain. "I'm going to Akala Island and continue to complete my pokedex."
"Sounds cool..."
"Guzma." You say.
"What?" He looks at you.
"I'm sorry." You look at your feet.
He waits for you to continue.
"I am sorry I said mean things to you in the past."
"It's whateva." He lies. "It's not like I cared."
You check your phone. It was 8:30 already. Time really flew. You get up.
"Time already?" Guzma stood up too.
"Yeah." You put your phone away.
"Where ya live?" He asks.
"Route 1." You say.
"Can ya make it on ya own?"
"Of course I can." You say. "Umm I'll see you some other time."
"Whateva." He playfully pushes you.
"Ow." You rub your shoulder.
"Later." He says.
"Bye." You wave.
You then walk away. On your way home you began thinking about what you and Guzma really were. You two weren't enemies but you guys weren't friends either. While you walked home Guzma was following you behind trees. He had done this before. Guzma already knew where you lived but never told you since he knew it would make him look like a stalker. He just wanted to make sure you arrived home safe. You never noticed he did this though. You finally arrive home. You enter your home. You then get ready for bed.

*Time Lapse*

It was around 7 pm the next day. You had finished doing your pokemon dex hunt. You had seen a lot of new pokemon you hadn't seen before and some you have heard about. It was late. You called your mother to tell her that you were going to stay at a roadside motel. She was hessitant at first but decided to let you stay. You made your way to the motel and registered to stay the night. You got a room. It was small but cozy. You lied on the bed to relax for a bit.
"What a day." You sigh.
As you lied on the bed your eyelids began to feel heavy. You blinked a couple of times to stay awake. Then you quickly sat up the bed when you heard a knock on your door. 'What the heck?' You went to the door and opened it. It was Guzma.
"Guzma?" You said in surprise.
"Hey.~" He smiled and walked inside.
First off, how the hell did he get here? You thought. Second, how did he know where you were? However something was off. Guzma was acting strange. He stumbled when he walked. He sat down on a chair by a table. You closed the door and walked to the table.
"How'd you know I was here?" You ask.
He looked up at you. His eyes were blood shot. He smiled lazily.
"Ya said ya'd be here in Akala Island, right?" He spoke slurred. "I saw ya and followed ya."
You sat next to him. You then smelled Alcohol. It was intense. Guzma was most definitely drunk.
"Guzma you're drunk." You frown.
"Nah nah." He giggles. "I'm not Princess."
"Guzma." You say sternly. "I smell the booze off of you."
"Nah." He slouches back on the chair.
"How much did you drink?"
"Damn lighten up sugar cube." His voice cracks. "I'm just fine.~"
You fold your arms angrily.
"Don't be a meanie like Lusamine." Guzma rolls his eyes.
Lusamine? Where had you heard that before? Wait. Gladion's mom right? Guzma knows her?
"You know Lusamine?" You ask.
"Yeah I know her." He said. "She's a bitch."
"How so?" You raise an eyebrow.
"She used me!" He begins yelling. "She lied ta' me and-"
"Guzma!" You hush him with your index finger. "You're loud."
"Sorry." He chuckles to himself.
You sigh.
"Hey (your name)." He gets near you.
"What?" You back up a bit.
"So do ya know what we can be?" He asked.
"N-no." You push him but he gets even closer.
"I think I know what I want us ta' be." He whispers.
You looked into his eyes. His eyes looked wanting. You were lost in his beautiful gray eyes. His eyes always left you in a trance.
He grabbed your face and kissed you. His kiss was rough. Your eyes widened in shock. Your heart was beating fast and hard. You thought your heart would pop out of your chest. His hands began to trace your every curve. His kisses began traveling to your neck. A small moan escaped your lips. That had caused his kisses to become more desperate.
"G-Guzma?!" You try pushing him away.
He ignored you and continued kissing you. You fell off the chair. Guzma immediately threw himself on you again. You tried pushing him off of you.
"Stop!" You cried.
His lips met yours. He then sucked on your lower lip. He made his hand go up your shirt and the other one grabbed the back of your thighs. You were now scared. You did have to admit that you had feelings for Guzma but this was too fast. You hadn't even heard what he had to say about the two of you being together.
"Guzma please!" You cried to no avail.
Out of pure instincts you kicked his face in means to stop this. He groaned and got off of you. You crawl on your back away from him. He rubbed his jaw. Then he had a confused expression on his face. His eyes soon met yours. You felt tears stream down your face.
"(Your name)?" He said.
He then studied you. His vision was a bit blurry but he was able to make out what he saw. Your shirt was slightly lifted up and your skirt higher than it should be revealing your panties. He then looks down at his form. His belt was undone. His eyes widened. He didn't mean to do that did he? You then realized he hadn't mean to do you any harm. His expression said it all.
"Guzma?" You spoke softly.
"S-sorry!" He quickly got up.
He dashed to the door.
"Guzma wait!" You said.
He left and slammed the door. You heard his footsteps quickly fade away. You sat there unable to move as you tried to comprehend everything that had just happened.

Guzma ran until he reached the Lush Jungle where no one was around. The weather was rainy and gloomy to go with his emotions. He then leaned on a tree and slid down.
"What's wrong with you!?" He pulled his hair and banged his head against the tree. "Why do you always ruin everything?!"

Hi! It's me the author! I would like to thank everyone for the support! It means a lot. Thank you for reading! I updated sooner than I was going to because you guys seemed to really enjoy this! .///. Thank You again! Love you guys! ❤

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