You don't know me

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You stood there silently. You were shocked but also happy that Guzma said those words. He also stood there silently. You two were there for a minute or so but it felt longer.
"Why?" You break the silence.
"Why what?" Guzma responded.
"Why did you save me?" You ask.
"Ya passed by my house." He says. "You were cryin'. I thought I would keep an eye on ya. Then I realized what you were gonna do.."
You waited to see if he would continue.
"I couldn't just let ya do that." He continued. "How fucked up would I be to let ya hurt ya-self?"
"Guzma." You walked over to him. "You could have just left me. I-"
"Are ya fuckin' serious?" He turned to face you. "What kinda person do ya think I-"
He stopped as if realizing who he actually is and what he does.
"Neva-mind." He sighed.
"I didn't mean it that way." You say. "You're a good person."
"You don't know me." He frowned.
"I want to." You say confidently. "And I will."
"Really?" He faked a giggle.
"I'm serious." You frown.
"You're a sweet girl." He says. "But you really don't wanna be around me."
"What if I did?" You use his past words.
He smiles slightly.
"Guzma." You say. "I've heard bad things about you, but I don't believe half of it."
Guzma studied you as you spoke.
"Yeah you may have done things," you continue. "but who hasn't done bad? Heck I've done bad. There's a reason for everything."
"(Your name)." He says. "Most of the shit people told ya is true so just stay away from me and-"
You hug him. He was very surprised at the random action. It's been years since someone has hugged him knowing he was Guzma. He was stiff and didn't move an inch. He almost forgot how to hug back. You burried your face in his chest.
"Look I saved ya life." Guzma sighed. "But don't expect me ta' change my ways. I am still big bad Guzma who beats people down."
"Right." You slowly get off him.
"Well I gotta get goin'." Guzma walked off.
"Guzma." You say as he walked away. "Thank you."
Guzma stopped. He wanted to say something but just continued to make his way out of the jungle. You then leave as well. You make your way to Melemele Island. Professor Kukui seemed to know about Guzma more than others. So you made your way to his lab. When you arrive you knock on his door. Professor Kukui opens the door.
"Oh (your name)!" He smiles. "What a surprise."
"I'm sorry to bother you," you say, "but I wanted to ask you a few things."
"It's no bother." He gestures for you to come in. "Come on in."
"Thanks." You step inside.
"Take a seat." He points at a sofa.
You then sit on a sofa. Kukui sits on a rolling chair in front of you.
"What did you want to ask?" He asked taking a sip of his tea.
"I wanted to know stuff about Guzma." You say quickly.
Kukui nearly chokes on his tea. He sets it down on a table between the two of you.
"What for?" Kukui's curiosity grew.
"I was just curious." You say awkwardly.
Kukui studied you a bit before answering. "Well what do you want to know?"
"Anything you know." You respond.
"Well I know quite a good amount." He said. "We were best friends as kids."
Your eyes widened.
"R-really?" You say in a shocked voice.
"Yeah." He leaned back on the chair a bit. "We were pretty close. Well that is until things changed. He changed. He ran away and did other crazy things."
"If you don't mind me asking.." Now your curiousity grew. "What happened?"
"It's a long story.." Kukui said. "It all started..."

*Typical Flashback Time*

Kukui was about 9. He was walking with his Rockruff. He was about to go to trainer school but he always met up with his best friend Guzma to walk together. He waited outside Guzma's house. After a while a young boy who was tall for his age with black hair came out of the house. He was about 7 years old. He had a Wimpod on his shoulder.
"Alola Kukui!" He smiled.
"Alola Guz!" Kukui smiled back. "Are you ready for today?"
"Y-Yeah!" Guzma cheers awkwardly.
"You have no idea don't you." Kukui said.
"Nope!" Guzma scratched the back of his head.
Kukui giggled.
"Today we start our Trials!" Kukui said enthusiastically.
"Oh yeah!" Guzma smiled. "How did I forget?"
They then run off to school. Hala was their teacher. He had explained the island trials. Then all the students headed to their first trial. Guzma and Kukui were sweeping through the trial easily. When they finished Kukui earned a first place trophy and Guzma earned second place.
"Wow we both did great!" Guzma cheered.
"Yeah dude!" Kukui jumped for joy.
"Man I can't wait to show papa." Guzma said.
"Hala said class is dismissed early," Kukui said. "So go show him."
"I will!" Guzma ran off.
"Bye Guz!" Kukui waved.
"Bye Kukui!" Guzma yelled back happily.
Guzma made his way home admiring the silver trophy the whole way. His Wimpod on his shoulder was just as happy. Guzma finally made it home and barged in the door.
"Papa!" He called. "Mama!"
His father came out of his parents room.
"Guzma." He said. "You're here early."
Guzma hid the trophy behind him. The wimpod climbed off and headed to Guzma's room. The wimpod never liked Guzma's father.
"Where's mama?" Guzma asked.
"She's working." His father said.
"Oh." Guzma was a bit sad but pushed it aside.
"Papa." Guzma smiled and showed his trophy to him. "Look what me and Wimpod won!"
"Why is it silver?" His father asked.
"Oh I won second place papa." Guzma said happily. "Kukui won first place. We both-"
"Second place huh?" His father seemed disappointed.
Guzma's smile slowly faded.
"Y-yeah but I did good like-"
"Guzma did you even try?" His father spat.
"Papa I did." Guzma's chest felt heavy. "I was close but-"
"But what Guzma!?" His father raised his voice.
"Papa I-"
"Gimme it!" He snatched the trophy away.
Guzma was startled by his father's aggression. His father put the trophy on the kitchen counter. His father made his way to his golfing bag.
"Papa." Guzma began. "Are you mad at me?"
"No son." His father sighed. "I am very mad at you."
He pulled out a golf club.
"But Papa-"
"Stop with the buts!" His father swung the golf club at him.
Guzma fell on the floor when the golf club made contact with his face. Guzma started crying. The man hit him again. Guzma covered his face in protection.
"Papa stop!" He cried. "I'm sorry! I'll do better next time!"
"Next time?!?!" The man yelled. "What is wrong with you Guzma!?!? You have to do better all the time!"
"I'm sorry!" Guzma sobbed. "I'm sorry!"
His father continued hitting him.
"I'm sorry!"
Guzma kept repeating those words over and over and over again. After every hit Guzma said it louder than the last. After his father was done he threw the golf club at his son and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Guzma ran into his room and locked the door. His Wimpod was hiding under the bed. It heard yelling and it had hid away quickly. Guzma's back was against the door and he slid down onto the floor. He pulled his knees to his face and sobbed into them. Wimpod saw his trainer crying and made his way to him. He made the noise he always does to get Guzma's attention. Guzma looked at his Wimpod. The pokemon looked upset. He grabbed his Wimpod in a tight embrace.
"Don't worry Wimpod." A few hiccups came out of him. "We'll do better."
The wimpod did his signature cry.
"We'll make papa proud." His tears fell on his wimpod. "We will be the best."

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