Brave Champ

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It was late and it started to rain. You were near by Guzma's house. You were on the front porch. You were hessitant to knock on the door. It was late. Why would you bother him late at night? You sighed and changed your mind as Kukui's words echoed in your mind. "Stay away from him." You turned back only to bump into someone. It was the man himself, Guzma. He was smoking a cigarette.
"The hell are ya doin' here?" Guzma asked confused.
"I-I umm." You were lost for words.
"I'm guessin' ya were lookin' for me." Guzma sat on the steps of the porch.
"Kind of." You say.
"Well whaddaya want?" He asked.
"I'm sorry." You sat next to him.
"For?" Guzma raised an eyebrow.
"Everything that happened." You spoke softly.
"Whatchu mean?" He breaths in the cigarette.
"You've had it rough." You said. "I am sorry that you had to go through everything you did."
"W-what are -" he began.
"Guzma." You put your hand on his shoulder. "I know what happened to you as a kid and I-."
"The fuck are you talkin' 'bout?!" Guzma stood up abruptly.
"Guzma it's okay." You stand up as well. "I won't tell-"
"Look I dunno what ya may have heard," Guzma threw his cigarette and put it out with his foot. "It's prolly bull shit. I am perfectly fine alright?"
"That's bull shit and you know it!" You raise your voice.
"Princess I like ya," he said. "Don't make me start hatin' ya for this shit."
He walked by you about to enter his house.
"Do you always push people aside when they figure something out about you?" You yell.
Guzma turned to you.
"Whaddaya mean?" His expression looked angry yet curious.
"You did it to Kukui!" You stomp your foot. "Why do you always push people away?"
"He told ya things didn't he?" He asked angrily.
"Does it matter how I found out?" You give him attitude. "I just want to help you."
"Listen girl!" He stomps over to you. "I don't need help from anyone especially not from some girl who gets everything she wants with her perfect fuckin' pokemon."
"What's wrong with you Guzma?!" You screamed without knowing about the haunting words. "I'm only trying to-"
That's when Guzma snapped. Guzma raised his arm ready to hit you. You flinch instantly shielding your face. You waited for the impact of his hand but nothing came. You slowly peeked to see what had happened. Guzma was staring at his palm with wide eyes. He was breathing heavily. You lower your arms when you see that Guzma wasn't going to hit you. He takes a step back. You stare at him.
"Get away from me." Guzma said. "Aren'tcha afraid of me?"
"I'm not afraid of you.." You grab the hand he was about to hit you with.
"Ya should be." Guzma snatched his hand away.
He turned to his house and ran up the steps. You followed behind him.
"Guzma wait-"
He slammed the door in your face. You sighed and walked close to the door. You put your right hand on the door and lay your forehead against it. On the otherside of the door Guzma slightly mirrored you. He had his left hand on the door and also had his forehead against the door. After a while you decided to walk away and almost right after Guzma had left the door. He peeked through the window. You were walking away. He watched as your body slowly disappeared in the distance.

*Time Lapse*

It's been weeks since you saw Guzma again. He wasn't around like usual. His grunts weren't around as much either. In fact the grunts had stopped wearing their Team Skull Uniform after a week or two. While everything was happening you became Champion. You were the first ever Champion in Alola. It felt great. You have defended your title several times against friends, kahunas, heck even a Team Skull Admin. Her name was Plumeria. She had told you about her not being in Team Skull anymore because she wanted to start fresh as a trainer. You've heard absolutely nothing about the boss. You were worried for him. You hoped he was okay. But you mostly hoped that you would see him again. One day you decide to go visit his house. It was during the day. You made your way over to his house. You knocked on the door. Then a middle aged man walked out. He was quite big and he looked similar to Guzma. He had similar facial features that Guzma and him shared. Is this his dad? It must be you glared at him a bit but decided to stop so you can perhaps enter the house. The man gives you a confused look.
"Alola sorry but umm," You were shy. "Is Guzma here?"
"Yeah he is actually." He smiles. "Come in."
You hessitantly walk in. You were surprised as to how nice he was. The house was nice and neat. There was a lot of pictures displayed all over the house. You turn your head to the living room. Guzma was slouched on the couch watching T.V.
"What?" Guzma barked eyes still on the screen.
"Someone is here to see you." The man says.
"Who the hell is-" He turns around.
You shyly wave at him.
"What the hell are ya doin' here?" He stands up clearly annoyed.
"Guzma!" A woman walked into the room. "That's no way to treat a friend especially a lady."
The woman was around the same age as the man. You assumed she was his mother. She was shorter than him but a bit taller than you.
"She isn't my friend." Guzma said through gritted teeth. "She is just some-"
"Oh she isn't?!" She walks over to you. "Alola Dear!"
"Alola." You smile at her.
"What's your name?" She asks.
"(Your Name)." You respond.
"What a beautiful name!" She says.
"Didja just ignore-" Guzma was interrupted again.
"Aww you've never brought a girl home, Guzma." The woman continued.
You blushed at what the woman thought.
"What?!" Guzma's voice cracked. "I didn't even bring her she-"
"We'll leave you two alone." She grabs her husbands arm and they walk into another room.
Guzma groans and scratches his face in frustration. You walk a step closer to him still a couple feet away from him though.
"Whaddaya want?" He says quickly.
"Huh? Oh." You shake your head. "I just wanted to know how you were doing."
"Well same as always." He said.
"Umm how's Team Skull?" You ask.
Guzma gives you a nasty look.
"Since when do YOU care?" He asks rather rudely.
"Just answer." You roll your eyes.
"It's over." He walks around the living room.
"What?" You walk around the living room too.
"It's all over." He sighs. "No more Team Skull."
That's when you noticed that Guzma wasn't wearing his Team Skull chain. He also had different sunglasses on his head. These were both circular unlike the other ones that had a crescent shaped side. His jacket was also different. It was the same one but it had red marks on it. It was a red 'x' over the Team Skull logo on the back. Last but not least he didn't have the tattoos on his arms. Were they fake? Hehe you thought that was kind of cute. No wonder Team Skull has been quiet lately. Wait why did he stop Team Skull?
"Why?" You ask.
"Because of Noneya." He says.
"Noneya?" You grew confused.
"Yeah none ya business!" He smirks.
You rolled your eyes at his dumb joke. You walk over to a wall that was filled with photos. There were some on a small dresser. You saw a young boy with a Wimpod and a Trial medal. He was tan and had black messy hair. He also had gray eyes... It was Guzma. Of course it was. You looked at all of the pictures. He seemed very happy in all of them. Except for one. There was a picture of him and his now Golisopod. He had longer hair that covered one of his eyes. He looked around 13 or so. He was holding a bronze trophy. His expression seemed unhappy maybe even depressed. You studied the picture more. He had a few bruises on his legs and arms. Some were covered with bandaids though. You frown. His face must be like that since he had received bronze. Guzma must have known he was going to get a beating afterwards.
"Enjoying the pictures?"
You jump. You turn to see Guzma almost on top of you. You were tense but slowly loosened up as he backed away.
"They're nice pictures." You say.
"Ehh they're whatever." He shrugs.
You fall silent. Then Guzma decided to speak.
"So I heard ya the Champion of Alola." He says. "Congrats."
You were surprised he knew. Heck you were more surprised he congratulated you.
"Thanks." You say.
"Meet me in the Beach Front." He says before leaving the house.

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