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You were sitting by the cliff still keeping your distance. You figured he would meet up with you here. He hadn't texted since last night. You sat by the cliff for about half an hour if not more. Then you felt someone sit next to you. You turn your head to your right. It was Guzma. He was wearing the hoodie you first met him with. He seemed a bit off. He had a serious look on his face.
"Hey Guzma." You turn your body to him.
"Hey." His voice was raspy.
"You okay?" You ask.
"Yeah." He says. "I'm aight."
"You don't seem like it." You put your hand on his arm.
He quickly snatches his arm away from you. It startles you. He doesn't make eye contact with you.
"Guzma." You get closer to him. "Is something wrong?"
"No Princess." He says. "Everythin's fine."
"Guzma you can trust me." You frown.
He looks at you for a moment but then looks at his feet.
"Is it about what happened yesterday?" You ask. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No not at all Princess." He smiles but it fades away. "Just had an argument with ma pops ya know."
"Yeah." He says.
"About what?" You ask.
"Nothin' serious." He explains. "My pops just really wants me ta' be the best and all. He mentioned 'bout me runnin' away and how much harm I did to Alola..."
You watch him.
"As if I needed to be reminded." He frowns. "I know what I did. I can't take it back. No one will eva forgive me."
You didn't respond.
"It's not so bad." He looks in the distance. "It's nice ta' know that no one will be there for ya. Ya can only count on ya-self. Only you can't hurt ya-self."
"I am here for you Guzma." You say.
He smiles before answering.
"Really?" He turns his face to yours.
"I promise." You grab his face.
"You're really something else." He looks into your eyes. "Where were you all my life?"
"Being a Princess in Kanto." You smile.
He giggles before pulling you into a kiss. You kiss him back. The two of you exchange kisses for a couple of minutes. Guzma was so into the kisses that he hadn't noticed his sleeves slide down. You then caress his forearms as you kiss him. At the touch of your hands on his forearms he instantly pulls away. He quickly pulls his sleeves down and turns his back on you. You grew concern. Was he hiding something from you?
"Guzma." You crawl to him. "What's wrong with your arms?"
"Nothin'!" He barks.
You frown and quickly grab his left arm.
"Hey!" He yells.
You lift the sleeve up. You gasp at what you see. His arms were covered in black and blue marks. He pulls his arm away and stood up.
"Wait!" You stand up.
He walks away quickly, but you ran and hugged him from behind. He begins to struggle.
"Guzma!" You cry. "Stop running away from me!"
He stops resisting.
"I won't tell!" You continue. "But you have to talk to me. I want to help you!"
He doesn't respond.
"Guzma.." You spoke softly. "I care for you so please let me help."
Guzma pulls your arms off. He slouches in front of you, his face reaching your face.
"(Your name)." His voice was gentle. "Thank you."
You look at him. His expression was sad but also happy. You caressed his face with both your hands.
"We'll get through this Guzma." You say. "Together."
His expression changed into a shocked one. He pulls you into a hug. He then kisses the top of your head.
"I think I-.."
Then the two of you were interupted by a cough. The two of you turn around to see Gladion.

Hey Guys! I am sorry for the short and late Chapter... I've been busy with stuff in my life. Don't worry though. I will update as soon as I can. I love you all! Guzma does too ;3
Don't you guys wonder what Guzma was gonna say? :3

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