Chapter 11: Meet Cisco and Caitlin, the smartest people in the world!*

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Mays pov
In a blink of an eye, I was somewhere weird. It looked like a lab.

"Where are we?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

"Central City, where I live. This is S.T.A.R Labs, where I work when I'm on superhero duty."

"No! The time traveling machine has to run on electricity! Gas would not work if going through different times! It just... wouldn't! "A mans voice said.

"But, what if it evaporated? It wouldn't harm anything. Plus, we might be able to bring gas to a time where they haven't gotten it yet?" A woman said.

"Have we said it enough already? NEVER MESS WITH TIME!"

I then I saw who was talking. Two people came into the room we were in. The boy looked about 30, with long black hair that went almost to his shoulders. The woman was tall and had a slender dress and high heels on. She had almost orange hair and a bright face.

"Hey Barry, Clark! Oh! And who do we have here? Another metahuman?" The boy said.

"No, Cisco this, is my...daughter."  Clrk said, almost in an unsure voice.

Cisco's face lit up, his mouth open wide.

"No. Way. José! I knew it!!!"

"Hey." I said nervously.

"May, these are my friends, Cisco, and Caitlin." Barry said, gesturing to the two people. "They are the smartest people I know." They both smiled.

"So, what brings you here to Cental City?" Caitlin asked.

"Wait....stop right there...... I think I know!" Cisco said , running into another room.

Barry smiled. He came back two seconds later, carrying a big glass bottle. Inside, was a weird looking mist, floating around in it. It was green, and purple.

"It's time!" Cisco said with a smile on his face.

Right then, another man and a woman walked in. The man was a tall man with black skin, a mustache, and big, friendly eyes.
The girl was very tall too. She had long, black hair with a couple of curles at the end. She had high heels, and a skinny dress.

"Whats up Bare?" The man said to Barry.  He had a low, soft voice.

The girl just smiled to Barry as she walked by.

"Hey Clark! Haven't seen you for a while." The man said looking at Clark.

"Yes, I've been..busy." Clark said looking at me.

"Oh! And who do we have here?" The man said, finnally noticeing me.

"Joe, you will never belive this, but... that's Clark's daughter!"Cisco said in an excited voice.

"Cool." Joe sid in a not-very-suprised voice. "Wait what?" Joe finnaly said. This time, his voice showed he was suprised.

"I never knew you had a daughter!" He exclaimed,  walking toward me. "I'm Joe, this here is Iris, and I are the person who raised Barry." Joe said, shaking my hand. "We adopted him." He added.

After this I felt almost uncomfortable. All the attention being dragged to me, and everyone being suprised and exclaiming of me being Clark's daughter.  It didn't feel right.

Iris came over to me and shook my hand saying, "Yes, I'm Iris."

"Hi." I said in a more confident voice.

"So, what brings you to Central City?" Joe asked.

"May, is going to get her powers back." Clark said, again looking at me. Awkward.

"May come over here. Sit down." Cisco said, gesturing to a bed. I did what I was told, and sat down.

He put the green and purple mist into a syringe.

"Ok, I will tell you the truth, this might pinch. But not as bad as a shot.

"Ok." I said, prepared for anything.

He poked it in. Nothing. He inserted the weird mist, it going in like a goldfish getting slid into a new tank. He took it out.

"Anything?" He asked?

"Nope." I said with a smile.

"Ok" he said. "It should start working in about...mmm... five hours." He said. " And you might get a few side affects, but... nothing too bad."

My happiness floated away. Five hours!

"May, I've told your parents-other parents about this. They know." Clark said.

"So, in that case, you might as well stay at S.T.A.R Labs tonight." Caitlin said to me.


I didn't really want my other parents to know, but it was too late. But staying the night with two superheros, and in a really exciting place sounded fun!

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