Chapter 2 - Cute Boy In Concert Choir

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After English, I realized that all my classes were going to be boring since it was the first day of school and all. Luckily, everyone had 2nd period together cause we were all in concert choir and all of us, includes Chad. Callan and Bennett think he's cool and Courtney and Marisa think he's kinda hot, but I don't get it! I don't get how anyone likes any of my brothers.

We walked through the door and meet up with Courtney and Bennett, sitting in the 3rd row of risers (choir term for chairs basically).

"Well, would you look at who it is. Couldn't get enough of your big bro I see," There's a familiar voice coming from behind me and when I turn to see who it is.

"Chad!" I hear Marisa and Courtney say almost in unison.

"Hey ladies," he winks and I see them both blush.

"You're disgusting you know that right," I retort.

"Yeah well the chicks seem to dig it so I think I'm doing pretty good," His smile is wide and I roll my eyes, "Hey yo Zane over here!" He yells to the door waving his hand over. I turn to see who he's talking to and my heart stops.

"Who. Is.That?" I say with my mouth wide open.

"Hey do me a favor and stop checking out my friends," Chad says while closing my mouth.

"Who is he?"

"Zane Smart I hung out with him most of the summer,"

"That's Zane!?"

"Yup now shut up about him dweeb," he waves a hand in front of my face and I fall out of my trance.

"Oo someone has a crush," Marisa says raising her eyebrows.

"Oh be quiet," we both laugh as the bell rings and class begins.

We went through the boring parts of getting orientated and were handed papers to pass out. I grabbed the papers from the girl in front of me and handed them back to Zane. I smile a little and he smiles, baring his teeth. They were so white and I couldn't stop staring at him until Chad interrupted us.

"Thank you very much," he said while ripping the papers out of my hand, "Zane this is Laurel, Laurel, Zane,"

"Nice to meet you," he says while smiling, "And how do you two know each other?"

"He's my-"

"She's the annoying sister," Chad cuts me off, I give him a sarcastic smile.

"It was nice meeting you," I say while turning back around, Callan and Bennett both give me the "really?" look and I just continue to smile.

After we left 2nd period and finished 3rd, I left to lunch which I luckily had with everyone else. I stood at our table looking for Zane, just to see if he had our lunch.

"What're you doing, you look like an idiot," Courtney said while laughing.

"Looking for someone," Not paying attention to anything anyone was doing.

"Looking for us," Chad says from behind me. I turn to see him and Zane walking around to sit on the opposite side of the table from me, I begin to blush when I see Zane. I spent most of lunch staring at him when he wasn't looking.

The rest of the day was so boring that I fell asleep in science, but eventually, the day ended and I went home with the boys.

"So, a little birdy told me that someone has a little crush," Peter says while looking at me while he's at a red light. I keep my focus on my phone and roll my eyes.

"Yeah and she's not getting anywhere near him," Chas says nudging my arm harshly.

"And why is that?" I say smirking at him.

"Well, 1. He was my friend first so that's a no for you and 2. He's a junior and you're a sophomore so no," he says while returning the smirk I gave him.

"You dated a junior last year!" I yell back at him and his eyes practically pop out of his head.

"You what?" Peter questions staring straight into Chad's eyes.

"Well, you see I wouldn't really consider it dating so," he says trying to dodge the question.

"Oh yeah well you better wait until Ben and Theo find out about this," he says sternly.

"Please please please don't tell them! I'll do anything!" Chad begs while hanging onto the back of the front seat. Peter rolls his eyes while Chas sighs, I laugh a little about his worrying.

We parked in the driveway and I scoot over to get out of the car, but Chad stays in his place not moving.

"Um hello? Get out!" I say while shoving him, he just stares out the window. Eventually, Peter opens the door and grabs Chad by the arm and drags him out of the car. I get out wondering what Ben and Theo will do to him.

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