Chapter 12 Red Heads

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The rest of class went as usual, I was staring at Zane when he wasn't looking and didn't pay attention to anything Ms.Houchens said. I sat with some of my other friends in choir, Brendan and Caroline, they were twins.

"Hey Laurel!" Brendan was a very upbeat and happy person, so was Caroline but not like Brendan, it got a little annoying sometimes.

"Hey, what's up," I said in response as I sat down next to Caroline.

"You have to read this new book I got yesterday, you can borrow it if you want," She was super into books, me and her would write stories and send them to each other, it was nice.

"Yeah I'll read it when you finish,"

"I already read it," my jaw dropped.

"I thought you got it yesterday," I was shocked but not that surprised.

"I did," she let out a laugh,"Quick reader," she went back to eating her salad. She was a beautiful girl and was also very skinny, the only thing I had in her was being an inch or so taller.

"So, Laurel! How have you been!" Brendan joined in.

"Good," he was very clingy and texted me a lot but I felt sympathetic for
him, he was a band geek and, well let's just say his sister got the good looks.

"Hey! You should come over later I need a good voice for a song I'm working on!" He was into programming electronica music for his games and stuff, I didn't understand it.

"Why don't you use your sisters voice? It's way better than mine," I elbowed Caroline, she smiled and rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't want to, she thinks it's dumb," he said with a frown.

"I'll check my schedule," He didn't have many friends so I thought I'd give him something.

"Does Friday work?"

"Oh gosh no, I have like 100 things that day. Maybe Saturday or something," I still had to figure out how I was going on a date and to the party at the same time.

"Okay cool!"

"Are you coming to Zane's party?" I asked Caroline as she finished her salad and threw it in the garbage can next to her.

"Zane who?"

"Zane Smart! He's only the hottest junior in the whole school!" They we're both giving me strange looks.

"Boys are dumb and I wasn't invited," Caroline was a bit of a introvert and she kept me from blowing up, I think that's why we were such good friends.

"He said I could bring a friend so you're coming with me," I grabbed her arm and she gave me another look like "I hate you" but I knew she didn't,"Plus I'm bringing Bennett with me too," I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I, might be able to come,"

"Now we're talking!"

The bell rang and I left for class, looking forward to talk to Areea about earlier but he was obviously ditching again.

When I got home I fell asleep on my bed as soon as I walked in my room. I didn't eat dinner with the boys and ended up telling them I was on my period so they would leave me alone, it worked.

I planned out how Friday was going to work out. Areea and me watch the movie from 6-8 then I make a fashionably late entrance at the party with everyone around 9. It was perfect. I told Chad he was dropping me off at the movies with Caroline, I still only had my learners permit.

Everything was going to be fine. Hopefully.

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