Chapter 7 Family Meeting

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The rest of the school day was pretty boring, as usual. The ride home was more awkward than the one this morning until Peter broke the silence.

"So, what the hell is going on between the two of you?" He looked back at me from his rear view mirror,"Get off the phones," he then reached back and grabbed Chad and mines phones.

"Hey!" Chad yelled.

"Oh shut up. Now, what the hell is going on!"

"Nothing!" Chad said back while staring out the window. Luckily, we were turning into the drive way and almost immediately Chad and I rushed out of the car doors. I ran to the front door while Chad tried to open the garage but Peter had him by the shirt collar and was practically dragging h towards me.

"You two better start talking right now or else we're going to have some problems!" Just as those words came out of Peter's mouth, the door was slammed open with Theo and Ben standing with frowns on their faces.

"What, the hell, is going on?" Theo said in a calm but harsh voice.

"These two are-" Peter began but was quickly cut off.

"No, family meeting, dining room, 10 mins," Ben said, then he left to his room and Peter let go of Chad and we all left our separate ways to our rooms.

Chad's P.O.V

I hate everyone. I hate myself. I was a jerk to Laurel last night, I know that, but I can't just say I was wrong and take back everything I said that easy, I mean I said some horrible stuff last night. It had been about 10 minutes so I strolled downstairs and into the dinning room. When I got there I saw everyone in their seats but Laurel. I sat in my seat and kept my head down low, I didn't have my phone so I had nothing else to do.

Laurel walked through the door and all eyes were on her, it looked like she had been crying. I'm a horrible brother. As soon as she sat down, Benjamin spoke.

"Okay so, we need to have a family talk about what has been going on lately between Laurel and Chad," Laurel and I looked up at each other from opposite sides of the table but quickly looked down,"If someone would enlighten me on this whole thing, that would be great," Peter then began to talk.

"These two," he said while pointing at Laurel and I,"Have a serious problem going on because neither of them have been talking or even looking at each other! And I don't think they realize that they're not fooling anyone cause we can all tell that something's not right between them!" Peter was standing and yelling now, until Ben signaled him to take a seat.

"Okay how about they tell us what happened exactly," Ben then looked back and forth from Laurel and I. There was silence for a while until I spoke up.

"Well you see," I began fidgeting with my hands under the table,"Yesterday when we were a," everyone was looking at me and my hands were getting clammy.

"Yesterday," Laurel quickly cut in,"I went to ask him how he was feeling after the whole, you know, thing with-"

"Yes we know what you mean, now continue," Ben interrupted, but soon after Laurel continued speaking.

"I asked how he was and just said he was fine and stuff and I was worried about him and then he," he eyes started to fill with tears and a pit fell in my stomach.

Laurel's P.O.V

My vision was beginning to cloud and I knew I was about to cry, I wasn't going to let myself cry in front of them, especially not Chad.

"Please continue Laurel," Theo said as I rubbed my eyes hopping no one saw my tears.

"I was a complete an utter douchebag," Chad said out of the blue,"I was a jerk to her and I said some awful things, but I didn't mean anything I said Laurel, I promise," he looked like he was about to cry.

"It's okay Chad I just, I thought you hated me," the tears filled my eyes again.

"Laurel, I could never hate you. Not in a million years," he grabbed my hand from under the table and was gripping it tightly.

"Alright hug it out you two," we both got up almost immediately, and hugged for a solid 5 minutes.

"Who's up for a movie,?" I couldn't tell who it was but everyone agreed and we went to the living room while Ben started on dinner.

"So what did he say to you anyway? Like the exact words," Theo put his a around me and I cuddled in his chest.

"Just stuff about how I was fragile and like a baby and-," and with that, Theo was tackling Chad with help from Peter, until he was pinned to the floor.

"If you ever day something stupid like that to her again I will lock you in the basement, are we clear," Chad nodded viciously

We watched the movie which was stupid, some car chase movie. Then we ate dinner and laughed around the table until it was time for bed.

Peter gave me back my phone and I went up to my room to get ready for bed when I saw a snapchat message from no other than, Areea.

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