Chapter 22 Bad Boys Aren't So Bad

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There was a loud beeping sound causing me to wake up. I was lying on my bed covered by a brown blanket that usually sat at the edge of my bed just for show, looks like Zane left. Irritated with the constant buzzing, I slapped my had down on my bedside table to turn off what was definitely my alarm clock. It was only 5 am and I decided to go downstairs and get a drink. Ben and Theo hid a stash of alcohol in the cupboard over the microwave that I usually didn't "borrow" from but I needed something to distract me from everything happening right now.

When I got to the kitchen, Theo was there slumped up against the fridge, chugging a bottle of vodka.

"What are you doing!" I grab the bottle out of his hand and place it on the counter.

"Oh please, like you really came down at 5 in the morning to get food, you don't really eat idiot," I roll my eyes as he wipes his mouth and head over to the already open cabinet above the fridge and grab a clear bottle with brown liquid in it.

"That stufffff's strong," he says while giggling.

"Well at least it's not as strong as whatever you drank," I open it and pour it straight into my mouth. He was right it is strong, I start choking on it, spilling the stuff all over the floor. When I collect myself I go over to the fridge to grab a water bottle.

"Good job Einstein," I take a sip of water and put away the bottles of alcohol on the counter.

"I'm gonna clean the floor up and you're gonna drink the rest of this water bottle, okay," I help him off the floor and sit him down at the dining room table.

After I clean up the floor with some paper towels I stumble up the stairs and take a shower, Theo wasn't lying when he said that stuff was strong.

The shower was where I liked to clear my mind, it was quiet and there wasn't a brother in sight but I couldn't seem to get my mind off anything. All I could think about was Ben, and Areea, and Zane, and a Chem test I have today I'm probably going to fail.

"Hey I gotta pee!" Chad yelled while pounding on the door.

"Hold on!" I scream back, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around my body.

"Holy cow how long does it take you to clean your hair!" He says while rushing past me and slamming the door behind him.

"Some people actually like to stay clean," I retort back and walk into my room.

I wore a long bell sleeve dress with some boots and quickly curled my hair before we left.

"Where's Theo?" I ask as Peter grabs his keys out of a bowl on the table by the front door.

"He went back to the police station to see if they've got anything on Ben yet," Peter replied as we piled into his car and left the house. There was a man in all black walking past our house, he was just staring right at me. I ignored the creep and put my headphones in and closed my eyes, drowning out everyone around me.

When I got to school I went straight to the library, Courtney told everyone to meet upstairs. No one was there yet, I checked my phone, school didn't start for another 30 minutes.

"Laurel," I turned around immediately to see who had called my name, no one was there.

"Laurel," I shouldn't have ignored that guy, Paul found me, he came for me now I should have told the boys. All of a sudden I feel someone grab me from behind a spin me around, then I feel lips on mine, "I missed you," I open my eyes to see Areea and push him him off of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I catch my breath and hold onto one of the many shelves covering the walls.

"What? What'd I do wrong?"

"You scared the crap out of me I thought you were-" I stop there.

"You thought I was who?" He comes up to me and holds my face in his hand wiping away a tear I didn't realize was there.

"No one," I wipe my face and kiss him on the lips. He kisses back and pulls me closer to him, he kisses my neck and I push him off of me again.

"What'd I do now?"

"Nothing I just wanna take things slow, I'm sorry I just," he cuts me off by kissing me slightly.

"I get it, whatever you want okay, that's what I want," I kiss him again and the bell rings. We walk to class together holding hands, causing all of his friends, and mine, to drop jaws along the way. I was blushing slightly but I wasn't embarrassed, he was known as a bad boy but he was sweet, maybe today wouldn't suck as much as I thought it would.

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