Chapter 14 The Date

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"I'll be here around 8:30 okay?" Chad yelled out the window as I jumped out of the car.

"Yeah okay, you can leave now!" He rolled his eyes and rolled up the window. I walked inside and looked around, he wasn't here yet. I sat down on a bench and texted Areea to see if he was still coming. I was not in the mood to get stood up.

Me - where are you

Areea - almost there calm down

Me - thought you weren't gonna show

Areea - id never do that to you ;)

There were the butterflies in my stomach, I went through my twitter feed to pass the time.

"Hey," I looked up to see Areea's wide smile, I was going to say something but then his lips met mine. It was like a shot of electricity went through my body, boys were powerful. He fell back and I smiled,"So we ready to go see, uh what movies are we watching?"

"I don't know?" I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Let's go see what they have," I stood up and he put my arm around me while we walked to the ticket booth. There were girls at the concessions stand who kept winking at Areea and I just rolled my eyes.

"You jealous?" He obviously noticed the eye rolled and was laughing to himself.

"Shouldn't you be the ones who jealous, I mean look at all these hotties," I was pointing at the two elderly men at the ticket booth and a both laughed our heads off.

We got tickets to the new Star Wars movie and got a large popcorn to share. When we got in the theatre it was surprisingly empty and we got perfect seats dead center.

2 hours later

The movies finished and the lights came on. The bucket was still more that halfway filled with popcorn.

"What're we gonna do with all this leftover popcorn?" I asked him.

"I just we could do this," he grabbed a piece and threw it at me.

"Oh it's on," I said while grabbing a handful and throwing it at him. We kept fighting until tit was almost empty and I dumped the bucket on his head, covering his hair in kernels.

One of the workers told us we had to leave and was super mad about the mess we made. We just laughed it off and tried to get all of the kernels out of his hair.

"Anymore up there?" He said as I plucked the tiny seeds out of his hair.

"I think we're good," I smiled and we walked outside.

"I had a great time," his smile was so great I could just stare at his face for hours, which is what I usually do in science.

"So did I," he leaned his and placed his lips on mine. It was an awkward kiss, longer than both of our other kisses. Then he kissed me over and over again, they were smaller though. I thought to myself, is this making out? It was confusing.

"Areea we can't," I pulled back and looked at his brown eyes.

"What do you mean," he looked confused.

"I have 5 brothers,"


"They would kill you if they knew what we were doing," he let go of me and just looked shocked.

"What are we doing? I mean we're just kissing," he laughed,"What I mean have you never kissed before?" He kept laughing, until he looked at my face and realized it wasn't a joke,"Oh so you haven't," I shook my head,"So I'm like your first?" I laughed.

"Yeah, my first kiss. I bet you've kissed hundreds of girls," I laughed and he rubbed his neck, he's probably done more than just kiss girls,"Look all that I'm saying is that we take this a little slower than you normally would, if you do want to continue this," I hope he did.

"Of course I do, and yeah we can take this thing slow if you want," he kissed me one more time and left for to his car after saying goodbye.

No less than a second after, Chad pulled up in the jeep and I rolled my eyes.

"Why'd you get this get its to small to fit everyone," I announced as I jumped in the passengers seat. He had already grabbed Callan, Mar, Court and Bennett so we left for the party.

"Where's Caroline?" Marisa asked.

"Oh she had to go home and change, we spilled popcorn," I laughed to myself.

"Okay," Mar replied, I looked back to see she was sitting on Bennett's lap. We left for the party and I kept thinking in my head about how Areea must hate me, he doesn't take things slow, he's not that kind of guy. But he said he would, for me. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the window.

Areea's P.O.V

"I can't do this anymore!" I yelled into my phone.

"Areea what are you talking about?" It was my friend John, he was probably the closest of my friends.

"I can't do this to her!"

"To who?"

"The girl we made a bet on you idiot!"

5 days ago

"And then I was like who dis? And she was like oh no you didn't," Jermey said while telling a story about some girl, we all started dying laughing for some reason,"So Areea, you thinking of settling down with some chick this year?"

"You know it," I told him.

"Oh please, Areea couldn't get a girl to date him in a million years," John said, then the guys were shouting a bunch of hiss noises and "burns".

"Oh really? Pick a girl, I'll get her to date me in less than a month," I was very confident about my looks.

"Alright player," I rolled my eyes,"But, you dump her after a month,"

What makes you think I'd date her longer than a month?" I heard the guys with a bunch of "oh"s" and laughed as he started searching the campus for girls.

"That one," he pointed at a brunette rushing to the library.

"Cool, and what do I get when I win,"

"If you win, I will give you 100 bucks,"

"Deal," we shook hands and went back to whatever stupid conversation we were having before.

Present day

"I'm not doing it, I actually like this girl!" I hung up the phone and drove home. Laurel is gonna hate me if she finds out, I can't let her know.

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