Chapter 19 Things Are Changing

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Courtney slept over, both of us too lazy to get up. Theo had to go to class and Ben had to get leave on a business trip in Florida. He was a high class doctor, needed in different states almost all the time, He made good money but sometimes it sucked when he wasn't there.

I woke up drowsily on Peter, I had rolled off the couch in my sleep. It was Sunday and everyone was asleep still. I decided to head to the kitchen and get something to eat, my stomach grumbling loudly.

There was a granola bar on the counter that I shoved in my pocket when I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed into the living room and saw everyone still zombie like on the couch. Through the peephole I could see a man in his 20's with a large cardboard box, it was just the mailman. I opened the door with a smile as he handed me the box. I signed for it and he walked back to his mail truck. I noticed his back slightly bent, he didn't seem to old to have a bad back.

When I got inside, everyone began waking up. Courtney walked over to me groggily and placed herself against the stairs railing.

"What's that?" She said through a yawn, pointing at the box in my hands.

"I don't know let's go upstairs and see,"

"What your not gonna show us?"

"You scared its from your boyfriend," the boys laughed out as they lay sprawled out across the floor.

"No but I bet I could use it to smack some sense into you," I rolled my eyes and jogged upstairs, Courtney following.

Courtney had to leave almost immediately after we got upstairs, her parents were strict but at least she had them.

The box was addressed to a Ms. Laurel Jane Graham, odd, I don't really tell anyone my middle name. I grabbed a pair of scissors sitting on my desk and began slicing through the tape on its side. With 2 swift motions, the box was open, revealing white wrapping paper.

I unraveled the strings bound around the present and began tearing through the thin paper. At first I couldn't tell what the heck it was. A shirt. Some sort of rag. I laid it flat in my bed and noticed the blood stains. In the corner it read laurel elise graham weighing 6.3 pounds daughter of  there was a section that was colored over with a black marker, Paul Graham.

I looked closer and realized my mothers name was colored over Clarissa Graham. I looked inside the box to find a letter with my first name in cursive decorating it.

Dear Laurel,

      I bet you never thought this day would come, the day a daughter is reunited with her father. A bond is reconstructed and love is reestablished. You and your brothers might have been able to hide from me, to call and have me arrested, but rest assure you that I will have my revenge. I will claim what is mine once more. Don't tell your brothers, you would want them getting hurt in this whole mess now would you? You are my prized crown jewel and I will bring you to me if it is the last thing I do.


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