Chapter 16 I'm Fine

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Chad barged through the door and rushed over to me, Zane and Callan close behind him. He picked me up and hugged me tightly, I almost couldn't breath.

"What the hell did he do to you?" His arms were still wrapped around me and I didn't answer him at first,"Laurel!" He pulled back with his arms still on my back and I gasped for air,"Sorry," he looked down at me, sympathetically.

"He-he, he was gonna," I started panicking and sat up on the bed, taking quick but heavy breaths.

"Laurel, it's okay! He can't hurt you now," he was kneeling on the ground and had his arms in my shoulders, for reassurance.

"Were never gonna escape his," I mustered as tears fell in my mouth.

"Who?" He just stared at me, confused.

"You know who, Rob," I burst into tears and he held me again, making sure he wasn't to tight. Rob was our father, I stoped calling him dad around age 8, it wasn't a title he deserved.

"Laurel, he's gone," he pulled back again and was smiling,"He is never going to hurt you or anyone else ever again, I promise," he hugged me again and we stayed there for a couple of minutes.

"We should go home now," he pulled away and got off the floor.

"No!" I screamed,"We-we can't go home yet," I stoped crying and my face was dry now, I looked up and noticed that Bennett and the girls were in here and everyone was giving me a strange look.

"Why not?" Chad questioned.

"Are you kidding me, if Ben and Theo find out what happened they are gonna freak!" I was up on my feet and staring straight into Chad's eyes.

"What are we going to do then huh?" His arms were folded across his chest now, I knew there weren't very many options.

"Just don't tell them, it'll be fine,"

"It's not going to work, but if you don't want to tell them," I nodded and he sighed,"Fine, let's go," he walked out of the room and I followed close behind him.

"Laurel," Zane said quietly while grabbing my hand, I shivered,"If you need anything, call me," he let go.
"I will," I said while jogging through the hallway to catch up to Chad.

We drove home in silence, I was trying to figure out a way to hide the bandage on my hand. Eventually I just grabbed one of the boys football sweatshirts from the backseat of the car and tried to make it look like I was just holding it when we walked in the house.

"How was the party?" Ben questioned while reading a book on the couch.

"Great," Chad said with ease, you couldn't even tell that he was drunk. Him, Peter and Theo had mastered that skill, they were the party animals, Ben probably did too but I've never seen him drunk before, at least I think I haven't.

"Any cute boys there?" Peter said while walking in from the kitchen, he winked at me as he bent over by the front door to put his shoes on.

"I wish," I tried to laugh out the words but my voice was still a little shaky.

"Hey my sweatshirt, thanks," Peter said while grabbing at the hoodie in my hand.

"No!" I jumped back,"I was gonna wash it,"

"That's cool, I was going on a run anyway, I'll just wash it after," he kept pulling it but I didn't let go,"Let go!"

"What's going on over here?" Ben said with his hand on my shoulder.

"Let go!" Peter was yelling at me.

"Laurel just give him his sweatshirt," Ben was still talking but neither of us were listening. Peter had finally managed to rip it out of my hands and I quickly pulled my arm behind my back.

"What's on your arm?" Ben grabbed my hand and examined the bandaid,"What happened to you?" I didn't answer.

"Chad?" Peter looked at him and I thought he was about to answer so I elbowed him in the side.

"Laurel Jane Graham, you better answer me right now," Ben only said our middle names when he was really mad, of course he was mad now.

"Chad what the hell happened to her?" Peter had his hand Chad's shoulder and  I could see Chad in pain.

"Peter!" Ben punched Peter in the arm and Peter let go of Chad,"That is not how we take care of things," It was how Rob took care of things,"Laurel, tell me what happened to you or you're never leaving this house again," I wasn't going to talk anytime soon.

"There was a guy, at the party," Chad spoke up and I lunged towards him, Ben and Peter pulled me off him, restraining my arms,"He tried to-"

"Shut up!" I screamed at him,"You-you can't!" Ben signaled Chad to continue.

"He, was going to rape her," Peter and Ben lost their grip on me and I jumped on Chad and began punching whatever was in front of me.

"Enough!"Ben screamed, him and Peter had ahold of me again and I stoped thrashing around,"Laurel, what did he do to you?" He was staring me straight in the eyes.

"Nothing, I'm fine I'm fine I'm-I'm fine," I broke down crying and couldn't contain myself, the boys let go of me and I was bawling on Ben's shoulder.

"Shh it's okay," Ben tried comforting my but I kept sobbing, uncontrollably.

"I want talk to Liam," I manage to stutter through my tears,"Please,"

"We have to talk about this in the morning, alright," I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I walked to the basement and knocked on the door.

Liam opened the door slightly, once he saw my face, he opened the door entirely.

"Can we talk?" I asked while wiping tears off my face.

"Come in," he opened the door and I fell into his arms.

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