Chapter 30 1 More Fight

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I could hear everything happening around me but nothing was visible. The sun's fading light fell over my eyelids casting misshapen shadows. I was moving quickly, it felt like I was on a roller coaster going up and down, except my feet weren't moving. I tried opening my eyes, I was greeted my Ben's face, I could still see the faint outlines of bruises and cuts, he was probably in the worst condition, which made me wonder why he was carrying me. I began lifting my head up to see where we were, he was shocked to see me move. All I could see were trees, for miles and miles, it was all just trees. The sun was setting over some large oaks to the left of us and I could see the moon rising from the east, the pale moonlight shone over the mossy ground below. Everything flashed into my head quickly, the house, the stare, the car crash. I try to push the memory out of my head and focus on where we're going.

"Ben," the word barely leaves my lips and I'm surprised he can even hear me, his breathing is so loud.

"We're gonna be fine," he manages to let the words out between his panicked breaths.

"Where are we going," I wait for his response but when I hear none I ask again, "Ben wher-" He quickly cuts me off.

"Just stop talking!" He practically screams and my it makes my heart plummet to the depths of my stomach. After a while, he speaks again, "I don't know." Then where the heck is he bringing us. Where the hell are the boys! Did we leave the behind with Rob? I try to get up and Ben stops running, "What the hell are you doing!" He stops for a moment to take a breath with hands on his needs.

"Where are the boys! Where is the car, where the fu-" I stop myself before I cuss and take a breath, "Where are we."

"I don't know," we both stand there in an open space with more trees surrounding us, for some reason, I'm out of breath even though I haven't even been running. "All I remember is the car flipped over once we got in the forest and when I woke up I saw you laying there surrounded in a pool of blood and Rob was unconscious in the drivers seat still upside down," I looked at myself briefly, there was no cut large enough to create a pool of blood only a large gash on my the side of my face near my ear but it seemed to have stopped bleeding a while ago, all that was left was dry blood. "I realized that it's not yours but that just me that one of the boys is in serious trouble. I dragged you out of the car, grabbed the gun I saw Rob place in he glove compartment earlier and began running with you lying limo in my arms." The way he says it I feel like I have been a burden, while is probably right.

"Wait, so Rob was in he car when you left," he nods briefly, "And you grabbed his gun, or at least one of his guns," he nods again, "Are you sure he wasn't dead?"

"I felt his pulse, he's not dead, or a least wasn't earlier."

"Why didn't you kill him," the words flow or of my mouth with ease, a phrase I never imaged I would say in my entire life, even when it came to Rob. Ben practically leapt from the stump he had recently sat on and swiftly lifted my chin so that our eyes made direct contact, it chilled my bones.

"Don't you ever say anything of those sorts again, do you understand," it wasn't really a question it was more so an order and I quickly nodded my head. "No matter what happens to us we will not stoop down to his level," he let go of my chin and I let my head fall so o had a great view of the dirt.

"You had a gun, you could have got rid of him! We could have never had to deal with him again! He couldn't break out of prison to come make out lives a living hell again!" I was pounding my fists against his chest with all the strength I could muster but it was obviously not enough to do any damage to his figure.

"And what did you expect me to tell the police if I did shot him, or better yet my boss 'oh yeah sorry I had a mental break down when my father broke out of prison to come kidnap me and the rest of my family so I shot him'. Do you really think we could live a normal life if I did something like that? The local news would pick it up and plaster 'psycho boy kills his psycho father in cold blood' on every tv station in the state, heck maybe even the whole U.S. How do you think we would live if I did shoot him, things would not go back to normal and they're not going to go back to normal now." He held my hands tightly in his grip as he spit words at me, there was only one thought going through my head and I was going to scream it at him until my throats was raw.

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