Chapter 31 Dream State

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I held the gun in my quivering grasp, I could see the startled expression on everyone's faces although Ben's read a look a disappointment so I mainly focused on Rob's. His hands immediately shot up once the gun was in his direction, I had a clear shot and if he did anything I could shot him right here easily.

"Now now Laurie... Laurie, listen to me... don't, don't do this," He tried to reason with me as if I were the crazy one in this situation which it probably seemed like from afar but I was the same one, if I kept the thought of killing him out of my head then I could stay calm.

"You have no right," I hiss accusingly with my teeth gritted, "You just sit there and pretend like you have nothing on you, there's nothing you did wrong because it's always everyone else's fault no, it'll never be yours because you're perfect. That's what you think in your head don't you, it's that YOU'RE PERFECT!" I spit the last two words at him and Ben shot me a look that was hard to miss, I tried to cool my temper down as I went back t staring at Rob's cold, dead, lifeless eyes.

"You are your father's daughter now aren't you sweetie," his words make my head spin, what the hell does he mean? "The initiative you have is incredible, to stand up to two grown men with a measly hand gun, it's quite impressive." I know what he's doing and it's not going to work, I need to force his words out of my head, everything he says is a lie, come on Laurel focus. "I wish your mother was here now t see what a fine young lady you've become," his grin sickens me and I sit want to scream, to scream at him, to scream until my throat is raw, to scream until all my problems fade away. But I can't do that, not now not ever.

Suddenly, from out of the corner of my eye, I saw his lackey removing rapidly and when I turned to face him he had his gun out pointed towards my head.

"Stop!" The words arose from Rob's mouth with such force that it stunned me, I was staring directly at the man who had his finger already on the trigger ready to pull at any short notice. "Daniel, lower your gun now. If the girl dies I have nothing, this will all be pointless, she is the reason we did this and if she dies so does the plan." His words echo back and forth in my head for a moment. If she dies so dies the plan. What the hell does that mean! I see Daniel lowering his gun and I immediately realized what I need to do.

I bring the gun towards my own forehead in a rapid movement and I see them all fluster and freak out. I never imagined myself in this situation but considering the circumstances it seems like the only valid option. If I kill myself then he'll have to stop, he said I was the point of it all which doesn't really make sense to me right now but nothing makes sense to me right now. This is the only way to save the boys, this is the only way he is going to stop. In the distance, I heard them, the sirens. I knew I had to take action quick but I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

"Now Laurie, think about this for a moment, is this really the smart decision?" Rob asked agonizingly slow.

"You said that the plan was ruined if I die, so there's only one way that I can stop this all, there's only one way that I can make sure that you never hurt any of us again. If I take away your prize then you'll have no want to chase us anymore, your initiative will be gone." I thought back the words in my head, he'll have no want to chase them anymore. If I do this I'll no longer have my brothers, there will no longer be the comfort of the family I love. But I'll see my mom again, it made a positive out of this whole situation.

"Laurel don't you dare do this," it was from Ben this time, I was shocked to hear him speak. "If you do this I will die inside, we all will. You are the light in my life Laurel and there's no point if you're not there anymore." Maybe we could have one big suicide party then, the thought amuses me but I try not to show it on my face "Laurel don't throw your life away, you're a beautiful, smart, talented girl and I know you're going to blow the world away. Don't do this because it'll make him stop, don't do this for me or the boys, do this for yourself." I hated how right he was, he words were so wise and I know that he's right but the benefits of me dying seem too good to pass up on.

"But then he'll stop," And then I heard t, my voice breaking and I felt the tears coming.

"No he won't stop because that's what predators like him do, they hunt. He isn't going to stop until he gets everything he can, it doesn't matter if one plan fails because he's got a hell of a lot more that he could switch to." I was too focused on Ben that I forgot the sirens which were so loud now I could barely hear my own thoughts. The lights shone from behind bushes and groups of men in all black with masks on we're walking towards us, either way, I'm free now, but I can still make it stop.

I turned around to look at them all as they shouted for us to put our hands up, but I didn't, I just looked back at Ben and stared into his dark green eyes and pulled the trigger.

                                •       •       •

The room was white and still, peaceful. I could see a bright light emerging from behind a thin white sheet hanging from the ceiling to my left. Behind it was another body laying on another bed with blue sheets similar to my own. I brought my hand up to my face only to feel a small thin tube hooked up to my nose. I could barely keep my eyes open as I tried to sit up.

"Oh my goodness! Come on now dear, let's lay back in your bed, you need rest." A tall woman in a white outfit came towards me, lowering my head back onto the pillow. My eyes had shut but there was a familiarity in her voice. I opened them to see her there; my mom. She was as beautiful as I remember, her golden hair swept off her shoulders in an easy breeze and her presence was so comforting. She was placing a needling into what looked like a bag of clear fluid through a tube at the bottom, smiling while she did so.

"Mo-" she quickly cut me off by brushing the hair out of my face smiling her gorgeous white teeth at me.

"Now dear I need you to close your eyes and try to go to sleep okay? It should hit you soon." She wasn't lying, a rapid wave of drowsiness fell over me and as I tried to keep my eyes open but the only direction my eyelids would go in was down.

"Mom," I was able to let the words slip out of my lips as she brushed her fingertips across my jaw, "I love you." Then I couldn't fight it anymore, I let the darkness sweep me away with the lasts words I heard from her implanted in my brain.

I love you more.

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