Chapter 33 Returned

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Okay I know it's been over a year since I updated this but I also wrote this when I was in middle school so sorry for those who are mad or sad I didn't update till now, it honestly made me cringe but here's my attempt at continuing the story. Enjoy :)

Three Months Later

"Ahh, Areea! Stop it my brothers are still home!" I giggled as he followed a line of kisses down my neck.

"Your brothers are always home. They haven't left you alone since the accident." Those simple words send shivers up my spine and I am almost instantaneously filled with rage.

"Just shut up and kiss me," I turn him around push him back into my bed, straddling him. It's nice being with him, it almost feels like there's nothing else in the world to think about. We talked about not having sex before we graduate but every day it just seems to get harder and harder. I'm not sure how long we stay like this until I utter the words under my breath, "Let's do it."

"Do what?" he sounds genuinely confused for a moment until I see the smile spread across his face.

"You know exactly what I mean," I sit up and pull my shirt off from the bottom up, it's why all the sexy people do in movies. While I fumble around for the hook of the bra he begins to slowly kiss my stomach, it feels hollow all of a sudden and I am yearning to be with him at this very moment. Finally, the bra is off and I feel ready to do this, ready to lose my virginity to someone I truly love. Then there's a knock at the door, quickly followed by it opening at one of the worst moments possible.

"Hey, I thought I told you that Areea could only be in your room if the door was open!" I hear Ben almost scream as he shoved the door open and I try and cover myself with my shirt and end up falling off of my bed instead. "Get out, NOW!" Areea immediately jumps off of the bed and buttons up his shirt while running out the door, not even uttering a goodbye before the front door slams shut.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I scream at Ben while turning to face the wall and begin putting my shirt back on.

"What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you! And just what do you think that the two of you were doing in here!"

"My boyfriend and I were about to have sex! What are you so nieve to think that it's never going to happen? That I'm going to be a virgin forever? FYI I'm almost an adult and I'm going to have to start doing adult things from now on." I attempt to shove his arm and walk past the door when I am quickly shoved back inside and the door is shut.

"Listen, Laurel, I'm going to try and not get mad at you but you need to understand this, you are still a child. It doesn't matter how you think or feel but you are still a child and as long as you are under my roof I am not going to allow you to throw yourself away to boys like that! I understand that you are maturing but you're still my little sister and I'm here to protect you okay? Plus you guys have only been dating for what like 2 months? That's not long enough to know that you love somebody." I sit there frozen and thinking about his words. Life would be so much easier if he were a jerk so I could hate him. I know that he's just trying to protect me and he's done a hell of a job with it so far but I just want to be my own person.

"I understand, I just feel like it's more complex than you're making it sound."

"You're right, it is more complex than that, but you're still not going to be doing things like that is this house, understood?"

"What No! That is so stupid you know that right? What is there a specific date where I'm allowed to bone guys in my room without you getting all mad at me? Cause if so let me mark it in my calendar now. Just because I said I understood what you were saying doesn't mean I'm gonna comply with your stupid rules! Just cause you won't let me bang Areea here doesn't mean I can't do it at his house. Or better yet why don't we do it someone public, like a park. That'll sure be special right!"

"Laurel Jane Graham! I can not believe the words that just came out of your mouth! I don't know what's going on with you but if I need to send you back to that psychiatrist and put you back on that medication I will! You are going to stop seeing Areea this instant and understand what maturity is! Maybe once you show me that you know how to handle yourself like an adult I won't have to keep treating you like a child!" He stands up and walks towards the door and before I can argue back at him he begins speaking again "You are going to stay in your room until dinner and do your homework or whatever is going to get your mind off of having sex with your preteen boyfriend." And with that, he slams the door behind him. I throw myself onto the bed and scream into one of my pillows.

2 Hours Later

I'm still so frustrated at Ben that the redness in my face has barely gone down since our fight. I sit at my desk for a while and write my feelings towards him and basically talk about wanted to murder him for a couple of pages. That doesn't take long however and I figure I might as well preoccupy myself with homework. Ever since what happened with Paul, most of my teachers began shortening my workload. It's nice in a way but its also so damn frustrating. I feel like a beaten puppy that people only care about cause I was hurt. Most of the physical marks have begun fading but the stuff inside my head doesn't seem to be going away. I still have nightmares every other night at the least. Usually, its a depiction of what happened when we got taken, except the men will have eyes that are completely black or one of my brothers ends up getting hurt worse than we all did. The worst, however, is when I don't escape. I just lie there on the floor trying to hold back my tears while someone kicks me in the stomach.

My therapist likes it when I talk about my dreams, I think she's a freak for it. I have to see her twice a week and the original psychiatrist I saw still has me on some anti-anxiety medication but it makes me dizzy a lot of the time so I try to "forget" to take it but somehow one of the boys usually finds a way to remind me. 

I really want things to go back to the way they were. For teachers to stop babying me, for my friends to stop acting like I always need to be defended, and mainly for my brothers to stop being so overprotective. I understand why we were kidnapped for crying out loud by our own fucking father! Do you know how hard of a pill that is to swallow! Ugh but I just want to pretend like it didn't happen and I never want to think about it again.

Ben comes to my room to tell me dinners ready and I simply insist that I'm not hungry. Of course, he insists that I have to eat and I counteract him by pushing my desk up against the door so he can't open it. 

"Laurel open this door right now!" He proceeds to shout through the door for the next half an hour, pretending like he's intimidating me. I just sit up against the drawers of the desk and turn on my music to something loud and obnoxious that will piss him off. I can tell he leaves because the pounding fists against the wall have stopped and for some reason it makes me laugh hysterically. Then I start to cry and realize what a little bitch I am. Some days I don't even understand how or why I'm crying but I just can't make it stop. I find myself crawled up in the fetal position on the ground trying to practice the breathing technique that my therapist taught me.

A few minutes later I am able to stop hyperventilating and can finally hear my own thoughts again. Meditating has been helpful too, I try to imagine myself in a serene forest with nothing around me but the sound of the rushing waterfall a few meters away. This has become my new happy place. I stay there for I'm not even sure how long until there's a knock at my door, it's a polite one so I know it isn't Ben.

"Hey Laurel, can I umm come in and talk for a second?" And of course its Chad. I slowly make my way off of the floor and begin moving the desk out of the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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