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Taylor Pov


" Taylor,, go on and tell your father what you did today."

Today my mama found out that I tried out for my cheerleading team at my school B.M Southern Arts Magnet. My mama never wanted me or my 7 year old brother,, Deion,, to do any extra after school activities.. for the simple fact she thought we wasn't good enough.

" Uhm,, daddy I tried out for... my schools cheerleading team."

" Why? You ain't gon' make it. "

My dad said that, with a snicker and smirk. How corny.

" I might,, It's worth a shot "

" Go to your room.. and pray for forgiveness. "

My mother said quietly.

" What? Why?! "

" So,, God can forgive you, for setting yourself up for failure. "

" But,, mama the coach said I was good.. and.. "


My daddy shouted loudly.

With that said I ran upstairs crying my eyes out to my small room.

My room is like a box literally. I have a twin bed since I was 7,, I only have approximately about 5ft of walking space and a small dresser and closet. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful .. but come on now I'm 15 years old I feel like I'm being held hostage literally !

Ok so it's about 2am and I'm was sleeping peacefully. When my mother came in and it happened . *sigh* this was not good I hate this .

"Yes , mama"

" Get up , NOW!"

I do as she said and walked over towards her.

"Did you ever pray for forgiveness?"

"No ,mama .. I didn't! I feel like I can really do this!"

"You know I care about you , right."

I was silent i know good and well she doesn't care about me or Deion.

"Come here, and let me hug you !"

"No, mama !"

My mother walked towards me. But she was chocking me when she hugged me.


She squeezed me tighter and tighter . my vision became very blurry. Then a bright white light blinded me. What seemed to be forever , but was only 30mins. Deion shook me .


"Deion, I'm fine ok!"

"No your not! Look Mama and daddy are coming upstairs ok.. you need to get up! hurry before they start hitting me again."


I was highly upset. I stood feeling like a boss. I opened the door.. And I shrunk down like a dog. My Mama and daddy hovered over me, Deion was hiding behind my back. God I was so scared it's like I didn't know what to say or do.

"What are you doing", my daddy said poking his chest out like a lion.

"I was--"

"Not you Taylor.. Deion",my daddy is so rude. Why would he interrupt me like that.

"Ugh. I was.. Uhm.--", Deion stuttered like crazy. But I wasn't any better I suppose.

"He was just making sure I was ok",I interrupted him, while pushing him behind me.

"Taylor you need to leave", my mother calmly said leaving a space for me to walk out of my room.

"No,mama I'm not leaving you two in here with Deion."

Ok I think I just messed things up. My father tilted his head, and approached me. He grabbed me by my neck, I could smell the alcohol in his breathe.. Smelled like Vodka and Kentucky Whiskey.. bad combination if you ask me.

"What did you say Taylor?!"

I stumbled backwards from his toxic alcoholic beverage.. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I know I'm afraid on the outside but on the inside I feel unstoppable.

He got closer in my face and I think he was about to whisper.. sending goosebumps on my arms.


He screamed in my face, spitting on my face, he ran to my bathroom and threw up.

"See Taylor I told you to leave, you deliberately disobeyed me! Now Deion leave the room." Ugh my mother is such a d!ck . Deion left and I hope he doesn't cry

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